Calling all Linux Experts: I've got a million questions...

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Hi guys,
I really like to start using Linux.. But i'm a noob. Everytime i install linux i will have some problem or the other and ill just format the drive containing Linux. But this time i thought, i could start to learn something from this forum.:)
I'm using Ubuntu that was given in Digit December DVD.

Back to my topic -
First i need to install my graphics driver. It asked me to log in as root.. With great difficulty i logged in as root. When i double click on the file which has a .run extention, it opens a dialog box and there i chose "run in terminal"
I get an error there... It says - " ERROR: You appear to be running an X Server; Please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at"
Well.. What do i do?:confused:


Think Zen.
Since you are running ubuntu, it has the restricted drivers manager,
if i remember correctly,
try installing you driver through it, instead of manually.

I too have decided to start using linux 2day.And i too get many probs when i install linux
I have Dled ubuntu7.10 64 bit alternate cd and ubuntu 8.04 alpha 4 64bit.which one should i install??
i hope nvidia8800 doesnt mind me questioning on his thread.
I asked here coz i didnt want to start a new thread


^^No problem if you question here Sunny.. Even ill get to learn more:)

I tried that Restricted Drivers Manager thing. When i click on enable option, it says
Enable the Driver?

NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)

This driver is required to fully utilise the 3D potential of NVIDIA graphics cards, as well as provide 2D acceleration of newer cards.

If you wish to enable desktop effects, this driver is required.

If this driver is not enabled, you will not be able to enable desktop effects and will not be able to run software that requires 3D acceleration, such as some games.
Cancel / Enable the driver
But when i click on Enable driver, it asks me to insert the cd -
Please insert the disk labeled:
Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071017)
in drive /cdrom/
Which CD to insert?? :confused:
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left this forum longback
@both of u guys-finish ur installation and use "vesa" driver for graphics to boot into Gnome.then configure internet and d/l using restricted driver manager the nvidia driver 169.09 -supporting the nvidia 8xxx series(expect more better driver later)

Dont give up so soon.. the xorg.conf u guys needs to use should be generated later by running below commands after installation and login into Gnome in vesa mode.

install latest nvidia-driver from restricted manager;then run in a terminal "telinit 1" to a root run:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
select "nvidia" as driver and finish.
later in the same vtty,
edit using "nano" editor the "device" section of ur /etc/X11/xorg.conf as:
in a terminal "sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
browse to below section and edit as below
[B]Section "Device"
	Identifier	"nVidia Corporation"
	Driver		"nvidia"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"
	Option          "AddARGBVisuals"        "True"
        Option          "AddARGBGLXVisuals"     "True"
        Option         "RenderAccel" "true"
        Option         "DisableGLXRootClipping" "true"
        Option          "NoLogo"        "True"
        Option          "UseEdidDpi"   "FALSE"
        Option          "DPI"   "96 x 96"
add below lines in a new line after "section device":
Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "Enable"

save by pressing "CTRL+O" and exit as "CTRL+X".

press "ctrl+D" to exit the terminal,now it will boot into ur Gnome desktop.
see,if graphics are smooth.check Direct rendering by opening a terminal(in menu Applications>Accsrs>terminal)

glxinfo |grep direct
^check whether it shows "yes" or "NO"
If "Yes" ur Graphics is configured properly :)

Try this guys!dont leave this in a jiffy :(


Pee into the Wind...
Regarding the CD-ROM thing, Go to System>Administration>Software Sources.Enter your password.Under "Ubuntu Software" tab, uncheck the entry under "Installable From CD-ROM/DVD".


left this forum longback
OK.I checked the gutsy nvidia version which is 100.14.19 which supports 8xxx series partially only.
you should get latest nvidia driver 169.09 for full support which unfortunately missing in default Ubuntu gutsy installation.for that,you have to wait for the new drivers to hit gutsy.although this driver is provided with hardy beta .


It said "NO" after i did all that :(:(:(
I dont understand the things like "boot into your gnome desktop" :confused:
@praka-i have hardy alpha 4 also.Dled it 2day
shudi install it?? does it have the new look with the dock??
or where can i get the new look of hardy??


Can somebody atleast tell me how to make fonts look a little more beautiful in Linux?


BSD init pwns System V
Back to my topic -
First i need to install my graphics driver. It asked me to log in as root.. With great difficulty i logged in as root. When i double click on the file which has a .run extention, it opens a dialog box and there i chose "run in terminal"
I get an error there... It says - " ERROR: You appear to be running an X Server; Please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at"
Well.. What do i do?:confused:

its simple,
1. firstly copy the drivers to your home folder
2. Then make sure you've kernel-source & GCC packages installed.
3. After that hit Ctrl+Alt+F1
3. Login as normal user and issue init 3
4. Then go to your home folder by cd /home/username
5. then type sh N(followed by tab, it'll complete the driver name)
6. Agree to everything , your drivers will be installed
7. Reboot by issuing sudo reboot command

The other way as explained by other forum members is easier than this which is restricted driver manager


in search of myself
Visit here to see step by step procedure to install nvidia graphics driver provided by nvidia.


@cad crazy: I tried your method and everything went fine. I think the graphics driver is now installed :D
Thanks a loot..
How do i check if its working correctly?

Ive got another problem now...
How do i install the mp3 and other format codecs? I cant listen to music on Linux:(:(
But i can hear some system sounds...
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