Calling all Insomniacs..

well m not in love.. m plain simple bored :| .. did try some photography early morn .. abhi waitn for the clock to hit 8..den prep for collg :|


I usually become most productive at night as well. But it is important to get your 7 hours of suggested sleep, especially before exams! It is unhealthy to regularly get less sleep than that, and does not help your brain to function properly. Do you at least get some rest during the day in your "timepass"?


Cyborg Agent
well well look whos here...
how was life pimpom?
You took almost a month to reply to my post. Now I'm taking nearly 6 months :D

Life's been pretty good. Busy, busy, busy - but in an interesting way. I'm my own boss, working at something which is also a hobby. I have a lovely wife and wonderful children. What more could anyone ask for, eh?

This was one of my favourite threads. Glad to see it hasn't completely died during my long absence.


Human Spambot
Never seen this thread. For last one and a half year I just couldn't get 6 hours of sleeping. Some nights I just slept for an hour or two max. Next morning I was getting tired and bizzared brain. Consulted doctor, found I have sinus, prescribed some medicines, now I am getting almost 7 hours of sleep :)


Staff member
Done with the GRE, so officially I will be reporting back to Gamerz thread with a barrage of games soon and a spankin new graphics card to burn the heat.

I have a lovely wife and wonderful children.

I want a lovely wife too, except for the children part :p


I want a lovely wife too, except for the children part :p
Want a GF ( lovely) though...

Not getting sleep these dayss...

---------- Post added at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 AM ----------

looks like no one is awake , :(


i m awake....hehe....insomnia is an overrated thing by geeks....I ask u to try not sleeping for 48hours...I m sure u wont be able to do that.



In the Zone
i tried doing it ...but felt like **** the whole next day...:D
BTW what do u guys do staying awake all night?


Arsenal 2-1 Dortmund (and post-match e-celebration) kept me up till 4.30. Called Vodafone guys at 4.30 am to solve sms problem. They said call after 6. So called and registered complaint. Sleeping now or trying to at least.

This is the first time I am posting here. :lol:
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