IronMan; Ready to Roll...
I've had this terrible habit of disturbing my sleep cycle every now and then.
Its really really bad for your health. Yep, staying up late at night is bad. You should go early to bed and get up early.
Now I maybe sounding like moms but recently I realized how true it was! Read half-a-dozen eBooks about sleep and its associations. Am finally enlightened, but still the habit isnt wading off.
The other problem is, I get access to web during night (only) so..
Its really really bad for your health. Yep, staying up late at night is bad. You should go early to bed and get up early.
Now I maybe sounding like moms but recently I realized how true it was! Read half-a-dozen eBooks about sleep and its associations. Am finally enlightened, but still the habit isnt wading off.
The other problem is, I get access to web during night (only) so..
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