Call Of Duty 5 World At War (Ready 2 Fire)

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still find time for games
I agree.
Brothers in Arms, MoH & COD2 - all of these are superb WWII shooters.
COD4 was a new fresh wind in the series to bring a modernized war. CoD5 should look forward to incorporate modern warfare. There's plenty of wars happened after WWII which can be bring into the game's story.


still find time for games
Actually... Why not make games on Indo-Pak War...

That will be a bullshit idea. Nobody in the world will play. Americans will play the shooter only if US-Army is involved in it so that they relate themselves with it.

Iraq war, Vietnaam war , fictitous NorthKorean or iran war can be easily implemented ib CoD series. But they didn't do. Hope they will do in CoD6 or 7.:(

Man, after BiA:HH one more WWII shooter within one month ... that sucks. :mad:


Aspiring Novelist
Just completed the first Level. The game is exactly a COD 2 rehash with better graphics. You can call it COD 2 with COD 4 engine. The same amount of action & same gameplay elements. Nothing seems to have changed. Even the weapons are exactly the same. The cut-scenes are done pretty realistically & has a good amount of gore in them. The intro level was to escape & destroy the Japanese fortification at Makin Island. The level started out with me having a standard pistol & then went to to grab M1A1 Thompson, Nambu 14, M1 Garand, Arisaka etc. The graphics are pretty good but nothing different then COD 2. The ground textures seem flat & no signs of bump mapping anywhere.

The sound is a bit disappointing this time as the audio effects seemed a bit dull or may be I didn't turn up the volume too much. The intensity is extremely high. Currently playing with everything high @1280x1024 & retaining 38Fps & goes upto 60Fps. I guess it not that optimised as COD 4 as the frame drop really bad at times when there are high amount of explosions. But not such a big deal as it will always stay above 35Fps which is more than enough for me.

This is just the first level impression but I guess the next levels will add some flavour. This game has nothing new, I repeat, it doesn't have anything new. Except the storyline may have shifted to yet another chapter of WWII but it's practically US against the entire world thingy. :D

Here are some screens:







More updates as and when we completed the game. :D


Juke Box Hero
Kar Kar Kar..please tell him it has the best ever rifle in it, the Kar98. I will buy when it is released and then hop on to the multiplayer action.

And going by things, Treyarch has made a bad habit of just building up on Infinity Ward's innovative work, it looks like it.
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In the zone
Seems a lot of people agree with me :)
Well I have encountered soe error on the second level game keeps crashing.... Will post it as soon as i get it fixed and start gaming again...


I too started playing today and was very disappointed with the game as a whole. Its actually COD2 in a new pack and a little better GFX. COD4 was much better in every term.


Aspiring Novelist
Even though it looks like a COD 2 repacked, the game is still worth a shot. Treyarch has put in a good effort. I didn't expect much with WWII theme back again but this is pretty engaging. Screw the criticisms & try it out for yourself.

The Conqueror

I played the game and i am very impressed.I played till the 2nd mission which is quite similar to cod2.The intensity of the game is very high.For a moment you wont know whats happening as noise fills everywhere!...However MP is the worst i hav ever seen IMHO.CoD4 MP rocks.

damn,I just gor cod4,looks like everyone is moving onto cod5 now.:|
you got CoD4! Excellent join our FT5 clan ( for some serious fun.We have cod4 tournaments every 2-3months and lots of prizes to be won!:D cod5 MP is far worse than cod4
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Juke Box Hero
Aren't we jumping to conclusions early on without going to the full brigade first? I will second allywndlima, I for one will say, none of the COD games can/will (n)ever have a worst multiplayer :p

Then again that must be me or not! I still play regularly on CoD2 UK servers and people are yet to say bad about the multiplayer. Of course, vying the initial criticisms, pretty soon CoD5 will be there on the servers, just wait and watch. It isn't just hogwash that the COD games rate that high on Xfire gameplay stats.


Most wanted
After call of duty 4 cod 5 has really disappointed me . Just shoot whatever you see .wasted three nights for this game .:D
I dont know how many more ww2 titles i can enjoy . I think this is my 100th ww2 based game .


Juke Box Hero
Which speaks for itself... :D , you wasted the second night, couldn't get enough of the "shoot whatever you see" and then moved on to the third.


Aspiring Novelist
Alrighty. I am on the 7th Mission now & boy oh boy you just need to check the graphics on this level. It's freaking amazing. Action is just increasing with each second. You'll have an ambush every now & then & people will have sniping you from the trees. Yeah that's right The trees. You won't even know what hit you before the people below start barging in on your ass. This is turning out to be one hell of a ride. Better get your legit copies in action as I suppose the co-op mode would be a treat with friends. I am planning to get a session on our local LAN. :D


Lets Do It!
Completely agree with HITBOXX.
COD5 Beta generated a good response on servers with most of them being full.

And yes .. None of COD games can have worst multiplayer.


At Hell's Disq
hey any1 of u having probs playing COD5 with a Creative SB Audigy Value card under Vista 32 bit?
whenever i'm starting the game it crashes with the following msg:
Sound System Initialization:
Error during initialization:
Unhandled Exception caught

but when i change the default playback device from spkr to spdif (digital) thru control pannel, the game runs fine.
my spkr config is 2.1


Aspiring Novelist
Awesome game. I never thought I would say this but this is one hell of a game that Treyarch has pulled off. I just completed the Okinawa fighter plane mission & it was mind blowing to say the least. I guess only a few more levels remain before I complete it but I would rank this game one step below COD 4.

Just a small glitch that I noticed while playing the game. People with ATI cards when you play this game try to notice the water fallen on the ground & it will have some whitish lining towards the edges. I guess this only pertains to ATI cards but just wanted to confirm the same.
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