If I'm not wrong your gfx card has 2x DVI and one HDMI port.
I told you to connect that OLD crt coz it will give us confirmation about the working condition of DVI ports. As you told that CRT worked pefectly with DVI toD-Sub converter
then I think your gfx cards DVI ports are OK and ther's not need to re-connect that behemoth
As you are getting probs with your LCD's DVI connection I think the prob lies within your minitor. Get it checked and keep posting
Thanks for the clarification friend. Yes indeed, my grfx card has two DVI ports and one HDMI port, and I have been using the DVI to D-Sub converter whenever using the D-Sub cable (for the old CRT as well as the new LCD monitor, both working fine).
One possibility remains though. I have so far always used
one particular DVI port on my grfx card for the D-Sub cable (through the converter, that is) and
the other for the DVI-to-HDMI cable supplied by LG. To-night I am going to switch those ports and cables just to check the remote possibility if
one DVI port on my grfx card is malfunctioning. However, the fact that HDMI-to-HDMI does not work has no ifs or buts!
The LG service person checked my system to-day but, even after trying every hardware and software manipulation for nearly 2 hrs, was unable to fix the problem. He says a monitor firmware upgrade may solve the problem and he is going to try that within a few days after they get the appropriate patch from their head office. He noted down all the info and left for the day.
BTW one thing that I discovered is that I could
resize the display to a non-standard resolution 1752X1022, by trial and error, that showed the full desktop but the quality, as expected, was awful! Of course, the option for changing the
position of the desktop is still not available.
BTW I am sorry to report one error in one of my earlier posts. I wrote that when using the DVI-to-HDMI cable supplied by LG, the monitor doesn't work and enters the power saving mode. The fact is, it does enter the power saving mode but after more than half a minute it comes back on, albeit with the same problem as with HDMI-to-HDMI cable (desktop shifted to the left). It seems that after waiting for may be 20-25 sec I lost patience and gave up on it! I apologise for the wrong report, but the bottom-line remains the same: HDMI doesn't work on this monitor.