Calcutta Hardware Vendor Feedback Forum

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I am the night...I am...
okay got it

but how bout the tagan bz500.its a modular powersupply and is available for 4.6k.
Is it better than the corsair vx450 & can it power a core i5 750 along with a gtx 275 or radeon 4890.

please reply guys need your opinion


Tagan BZ500 is not on stock....dont think its available mate...
VX450 on i5 might seem abit of matter of rethink but dont wrry vx450 can easily take the load..still I will recommend to be on safeer side...
Get the Seasonic 500W
I m selling fr 5200+Taxes
Cooler Master Silent Power Moduar 500W for 6000/-+tax
When are you going to buy?


My site Pricing is under Updation guys.... so dont forget to get back to my site...
And will love to sell you products...
OCZ RAM will be available through me very soon...
More Cooler Master Cabinets will be there...
DFI motherboards will be also there...
Leadtek Quadro Series will be updated too...
Steelseries Gaming Gears will also be there...
Big surprise will be there till october end


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ thunder.02dragon - Yup, their low end models are no so good but I just cannot say it bad as I've not seen a single event that this psu's gone kaput:p

But I would also recommend VX450W anyday over Tagan u37 psu as it's a rebranded PSU made by seasonic and can deliver upto 570W :p

BTW, The member with core i7 and GTx280 is using Tagan BZ1100 PSU :p

@ vickybat - modular psu's have less efficiency than non-modular psu's.
Quality wise that BZ500 is good but you should get vx450W as it can deliver beyond 500W - so you will get additional powerr in your hand for future upgrades:p


Yes..Tagan BZ1100 is good
I was Using 4850CrossFire on my TX750
and now planning to Crossfire HD4870 1GB's
Have MSI one and planning to buy the Sapphire VaporX 1GB..


Super Moderator
Staff member
^ Yup :p

BTW, can you take a look at this thread and post in your OCed rig settings :p


Broken In
Hey guys, bought my new rig:

Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93 GHz Rs. 5400
MSI P45 Neo3 Rs. 5600
XFX 9600GT 512MB GDDR3 Rs. 5500
Corsair XSM2 2 GB DDR2 x 2 Rs. 3400
Corsair VX450 Rs. 3900
Cooler Master CM 690 Rs. 4600
Cooler Master Blue LED Fan Rs. 550

Total with 4% VAT Rs. 31000

Please recommend some good games to test out my rig


What Happened mate ?
You didnt get E8400?? :O :O
And Gigabyte EP45 UD3L?
Which CM 690 is that?
Without T/N or With T/N?

OMG again XFX that brand of Akshay Sucks .... Best of luck fr the card brother.....

Guys I think my prices given before were good and had Home Delivery Free...
Please Comments..

Arnab boss

In the zone
Well guys I think tht phenom 2 975 is going 2 launch in first q of 2010...'

It will b competing with the lynnfield i7 series so lets wait and watch...'

Any news abt i7 860 in kolkata


I am the night...I am...
@ arnab boss

The phenom 2 975 is nothing but a slightly overclocked 965 be.So dont hope that it would come even close to the mighty lynnfields.Architecturally its same as the previous phenom 2's so it wont be a match.There'e no point in waiting,go for the 750 or 860.

Contact thunder.02dragon for availability.

@ topgear

hi buddy

i have decided to go for the corsair vx450.Hope it can power a radeon 4890 along with a quad.
Posted again:
@ arnab boss

The phenom 2 975 is nothing but a slightly overclocked 965 be.So dont hope that it would come even close to the mighty lynnfields.Architecturally its same as the previous phenom 2's so it wont be a match.There'e no point in waiting,go for the 750 or 860.

Contact thunder.02dragon for availability.

@ topgear

hi buddy

i have decided to go for the corsair vx450.Hope it can power a radeon 4890 along with a quad.
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@ Vickybat..
Buddy go for the Seasonic 500W Seasonic 500W here this will be better alternative of VX550... no doubt VX450 can handle but still futureproof you know... when u r buying?

i5 and i7 860 will be available with others from 15th October however if some one has urgency then I can arrange the same...
i5 750 will be costing 10600/-+taxes...
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I am the night...I am...
@ thunder.02dragon

hi bro

actually i have made up my mind for the vx450 & cant spend any further.

Do you ship your products outside kolkata say orissa.
please reply
Posted again:
@ thunder.02dragon

hi bro

actually i have made up my mind for the vx450 & cant spend any further.

Do you ship your products outside kolkata say orissa.
please reply
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Yes Buddy I do ship products all over India.. Please see the terms and conditions...over my site...
Shipping is okk
Place your order - Get Invoice - Clear Payment - Recieve Your product


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ Raptor1989 - Congrats for your new rig. Have some OC fun with P45 and e7500 :p
BTW, whay did you bought apta DVD writer when there is a swarm of sata writers available ?

@ vickybat - Yup, go ahead with corsair vx450W. There's nothing wrong. Actually it's a seasonic 500W series model but can deliver upto 570W. So it's enough to power a HD4890 along with a quad.

But If you are going to get another PSU look for 600-650W models only :p
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