buying new graphics card to replace burnt one


Broken In
My graphics card has got three capacitors blown up... though the PC works.. randomly it hangs and I had to press reset in my CPU.

I would like to replace it with a new one, below is my existing configuration:

Graphics Card: XFX GeForce 8600GT 256MB DDR3
Mother Board: Abit IP35E
Processor: Intel E8400
Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 932NW --> it has only RGB input. no DVI port!
PSU: cooler Master Extreme Power 600 Watts
UPS: APC ( Back UPS ES 500)

1) Could you pls suggest a good graphics card suitable for my configuration, within a budget of 4K to 5K.
The card should be suitable for both 3D gaming & wathcing HD movies.

2) If I buy a graphics card with only DVI port can I use some kind of adapter for DVI to RGB ?? How much will it cost ?


Dude 3D gamin at tht price point is a tough call.GPU within 5k for gamin - Sapphire HD5670 512MB!!
n as for ur 2nd question I dun hv much knowledge on tht topic so lets wait for replies frm other members!!


laborare est orare
HD movie playback won't be any problem for even a low end Graphics card. But for 3D movie you have to go for either Nvdia's 4XX or 5XX series or ATI's 6XXX series like HD 6850 and 6870. the cheapest one Nvidia GTS 450 is available @ 8.2K. Plus you will be needing additional hardware like 3D enabled Displays (almost 25 to 30K), Nvidia 3D goggles ($120) etc. So are you planning to pay that much ?
For gaming and HD movie playback get HD 5670 512 MB @ 5.3k as ssb1551 has suggested.


Broken In
Thx for the quick reply.

No, I don't need a setup for watching 3D movie..
Am a occasional gamer and watch movies quite often.

How about a card based on one of the below:
MSI 4670, 9600GT or GT240

Could you pls suggest a good and stable card which will not have any heating issues..


If ur budget is 5k then y go for those above cards?5670 performs better than those 3 u listed.Sapphire HD5670 512MB can b had for 4.4k!!


laborare est orare
Agreed with ssb1551. HD 5670 is far better than all three in feature wise (DX 11 compared to Dx 10, eyefinity multi-display support, HD audio output) and performance wise.


All the graphics cards with dvi or dual dvi port come with a dvi to vga adaptor so you can use any monitor.


Broken In
I have decided to go for 5670, now I am not sure to choose between Sapphire or Asus or XFX ?
Which is the best among this.. I am looking for a card which will not have any heating / capacitor issues like my current burnt card


Human Spambot
That's the toughest thing to say. Here in Calcutta the distributor of both XFX and Asus is Rashi Peripherals and we know that their service absolutely sucks. So if that's not the case with you, I mean if you are outside Calcutta then you should either go for XFX or Asus. They are very reliable brand. I will never ever buy a Sapphire card personally, absolutely not hurting anyone here, just my opinion.


Well I have read quite a few times in the forum that XFX's build quality has degraded so it would be better if you can avoid it.But wait for other members to give their opinions on this topic.You can choose between Sapphire & Asus.


Broken In
may I know why I need to replace my PSU ?

When I bought it I thought it would survive my future upgrades :(!


Chosen of the Omnissiah
may I know why I need to replace my PSU ?

When I bought it I thought it would survive my future upgrades :(!
Your PSU is an overrated and inefficient PSU.

and honestly, I think your PSU is the reason why your 8600GT has died.

CM Extreme Power series sucks.
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