Buying Graphic Card for 10k


Hey All mates. Thanks to Thinkdigt Forum i have almost built myself a new PC for the first time in my life :)
Thanks to the owners of this site, making us guys learn new things everyday :)
So here it goes.

1. Which Power Supply do you have? (Be EXACT while naming the company and model)
Ans: SeaSonic S12II 520W

What is your budget?
Ans: 10,000 (+/-1k)

3. Which resolution will you game at?
Ans: 1920X1080 with High Details.

4. What are your current computer specifications?
Ans: Intel Core i5-2400
Intel DH67CL Full ATX Mobo
Corsair Value Select 2x4GB
LG DVD Writer Combo
WD Caviar Blue 500GB

I Have placed the orders for the above parts (except the Case) but confused b/w which card to choose. I Would like to play games like GTA4, Crysis Series, Max Payne etc at high detail(if can an afford it in this budget)

My Monitor is LG 19" LCD atm, but i will switch to a 21" LED in 2-3 months. My Dad will bring this from Qatar so no sweat on this one.

Please Assist me in selecting the card. The few i singled out are
MSI N560GTX-M2D1GD5 (Non Ti)
Zotac Geforce GTX 460
Other suggestions are welcomed.

Cheers :)


Chosen of the Omnissiah
3. Which resolution will you game at?
Ans: 1920X1080 with High Details.
I'd say, spend pick up HD 7850 2 GB @ 15K. Sort of future proof and worth it for 1080p considering we're going to see more heavy games.

But for the games you mentioned, GTX 560/HD 6870 are fine.

In 11K, it's HD 6870/GTX 560 only.

Around 9K, HD 6850. GTX 460 doesn't make any sense now.


You guys are probably right that the 7850 will be overkill for now but minimum for the upcoming days. But i'm riding pretty low on dough. 10k is what i have, But still i'll try to squeeze something out. I'll let ya know.
But atm as per your suggestion the competition seems to be between the R6850 and GTX 560. I Plan on keeping the card for at least 2 Years.
Which would be your go if you had a 10k budget. Also will these cards support gaming on a 21" Monitor considering that i will be getting that in Oct.
Thanks for responding ^


laborare est orare
Get GTX 560 which will be around 10.5K and it is capable of running games at 1920X1080 resolution, normally the resolution of 21" display, although not in highest setting for the demanding games.


Pro/An---tagonist xD
I recently picked up the 6850 for 9.2k. :D Go with it. It will suffice for the moment if you are low on the moolah/dough.

If you can spend 5k more,then pick up the 7850 |m|


Wise Old Owl
You can get HD 6870 ICEQX TURBO from HIS at TheITwares Ecommerce . Even I am going to get that one.
Priced @ 11.5K


Ambassador of Buzz
The 6870 or the gtx 560 is the card to get for the moment. Wait for one month and save 5k and get the 7850, the best for you as you are getting a new monitor.


So out of the MSI N560GTX and 6870. Which one should i go for?
Does the Ti version of the 560 beat the non-ti version by a huge margin ?

Will the SeaSonic 520W handle them with no problem or should i go for GS600 ?


Ambassador of Buzz
Of course ti version will be faster. But most of the time a gtx560 ti costs ~ 13k-14k. If you can't get the 7850, then the hd 6870 iceQ X is the card to go for.
Both the psus will be fine. The ss 520w is more efficient, whereas the gs600 has higher wattage.


In the zone
if u can't wait go for 6850 or 560. 560 ti is always better than 560. It is almost equal to 6950 in some titles.

and ur psu is fine to feed those gpus, no need to buy/change it.


Guys, after reviewing all aspects i can confirm that the 7850 isn't possible in my budget. :(
So i've decided to go for the MSI N560GTX. I've read that it's easy to Overclock with the Afterburner to a level of the GTX570 and runs cooler due to it's two fans. Is that correct ?
If yes then i'll go ahead and place the order at here
So can i go ahead ?


Ambassador of Buzz
If you can't extend your budget, then go for it. And don't think that it will give you the performance of a gtx 570. If you can extend your budget just by 3.5k, you can get the gtx 560ti. Which much better than a oc'ed gtx560.
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