Bloggers' Corner


* Teh Flirt King *
This is my first submission here cause I think its the first time I have written something usefull in my blog.

So here it goes...

Topic Title : Public Speaking : Tips and Tricks.
Discription : A little insight on Glossophobia(fear of public speaking). What are the reasons for public speaking and how can we overcome that fear.
Tips are given by psychologists I met and from some online friends.

Topic Url :

Blog URL :

Any suggestion can be made by e-mailing me on hiddenturbo[@] or contacting me on Yahoo Messenger by ID : hiddenturbo.


Aspiring Novelist
I am not a Microsoft hater either

I am not a Microsoft hater either.

Milind, in his usual funny manner, has tried to debunk the myth that he hates Bill Gates/Microsoft just because he does not like Windows.

A choice quote:
I'm not a Microsoft hater. I hate Windows though. That is one big serious mess and I wouldn't want anyone else to go through with suffering that piece of crap. That's what I hate. The two concepts should not be confused.

I agree. And I've been trying to say the same thing for months now. Read more...

[Via Penned Thoughts]


Aspiring Novelist
Blackfriars' Marketing: The gutsy marketing and strategy behind Apple's iPhone...

Blackfriars' Marketing: The gutsy marketing and strategy behind Apple's iPhone price cut

Carl Howe has a nice little write-up on Blackfrairs' Marketing about Apple's strikingly different and gutsy marketing strategy for the iPhone.

Money quote:
What people don't get is that Apple is waging a marketing war to reshape the value chain for the mobile phone industry. Everyone is trying to figure out which trench Apple is occupying, when Jobs is flying in jet fighters for surgical strikes.

He explains, quite efficiently, the one question I've had in my mind ever since I've come to know that AT&T actually agreed to pay Apple a percentage of their revenues from the subscriptions. The question was, "why?" Read more...

[Via Penned Thoughts]


The Devil's Advocate
:lol: nokia has been reducing its prices frequently ... apple ne kiya toh waah waah nokia ne kiya toh ... o! the product is bad ... double standards


* Teh Flirt King *
^^ +1

aryayush's blog said:
Apple's marketing strategy with the iPhone is simply unparalleled. Steve Jobs had bent the minds of the relentless music industry execs before and he has done it again with the honchos of the cellphone industry. These are undoubtedly Apple's best years and what we are witnessing is a mastermind at his prime.

OK iPod is a huge success but saying same about iPhone is a little too early...
I dont see iPhone being a huge success. It doesn't even have 3G. OK Apple announced a 3G version for release in 2008 but there are still some quirks with iPhone. Lack of 3rd party applications is a huge drawback.
Better we watch and see....
Nokia is still a dominant in phone market and I think this will remain to be unchanged.


Aspiring Novelist
1. I did not say that the iPhone is a success. I said that Steve Jobs has "bent the minds" of the "honchos of the cellphone industry". This, in case you don't know, alludes to the fact that Jobs convinced AT&T to improve their EDGE network, allow handling of the activation process exclusively from the comfort of iTunes, make provisions for Visual Voicemail and give Apple a percentage of the subscription revenues. No other cellphone manufacturer has ever held this much clout in front of the network providers.

2. The iPhone is a success. A huge, roaring success, at that. Apple sold one million iPhones in a span of seventy four days after its launch only in one country. They sell in excess of nine thousand individual iPhones per day. Imagine that! I don't know about you, but I sure call that a success. :)

Choto Cheeta

Recentlly I reviewed Acer 4710z at my Blog... *


 Macboy
Hey guys. If you read the first post of this thread, its not about posting links to your blog. Whenever you post something techie+interesting, you mention it on here...


Aspiring Novelist
Google Reader Dashboard Widget

goobimama said:
Hey guys. If you read the first post of this thread, its not about posting links to your blog. Whenever you post something techie+interesting, you mention it on here...
Glad it wasn't me. I hope you guys keep this in mind. It is not about advertising your blog, but pointing us to the interesting technology-related posts you make. Please keep that in mind! :)

Google Reader Dashboard Widget

I follow a lot of blogs around the Internet and use Google Reader for the RSS subscriptions. This allows me to be on top of my reading list wherever I am, on any computer.

However, since Google Reader is a web application, there is one tiny snag. You have to open Safari (or any other web browser) and go to the website every time you want to check up on the new feeds. After using it for a few months in this way, I thought that there must be a better way. Therefore, I searched for some widget related to Google Reader among Apple's list of downloadable Dashboard widgets. Sadly, and quite surprisingly, there wasn't even a single widget related to Google Reader. This spurred me on to create one myself. Read more...

[Via Penned Thoughts]
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* Teh Flirt King *
Here is what going on, on my Blog These days...

New Blogging Schedule :
Monday :- Software / Hardware Review.
Tuesday:- Tech Gyan (Fun Facts obout Tech.)
Wednesday :- World this Week (Tech n Regular news and my Opinion)
Thursday :- Love Talk (A discussion about something I am not good in...)
Friday :- Career Talk.
Saturday:- Personality Development Tricks.
Sunday :- My Life This Week nd Random Content.

PosT TitlE :- uTorrent 1.7.5
Discription :- My Experience of using this world famous bit torrent client.

Post Title :- Career in Programming.
Discription:- My thinking about why Game Programming is a Worthy job option.

So read them..and comment plz....


Knowledge Nomad
Nokia's N95 8GB released with a Spider-Man 3 surprise
Espoo, Finland -Nokia today announced the shipping start of the Nokia N95 8GB multimedia computer. To celebrate its launch, Nokia has teamed up with Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) to offer a Nokia N95 8GB which comes pre-loaded with the full-length feature film in Europe and selected countries in Middle East and Africa region.
Read On...
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