I agree. I too have no complaints whatsoever with Mr.MMS and Shrimati Sonia maino/gandhi/khan/nehru (audience poll/50-50 ??) Begum who termed Orissa incidence as national shame and don't even acknowledge the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, and the Congress party wooing on "Muslim" Vote in the so called secular INDIA and partnering with people like Laloo, and now even coining he term "Hindu terrorism". Lemme guess, what all terms can be there : Brahmin terrorism, Parsi terrorism, Jain terrorism, atheist terrorism??
Not to forget about the uncleared controveries bt the so called "future of INDIA"!
Its funny that people forget history and then act like nothing happened at all. I guess thats why incidences happen & the history repeats itself. I guess its time to boycott both the parties and look towards emerging ones which share the same views as us, people who r frustrated with vote banks based on religion, exploiting the misery of people and flourishing and nourishing on our blood and wealth!
I guess even 26/11 would have gone unnoticed, if it didn't include foreign casualties, just like the rest i.e delhi blast, srinagar etc etc....list goes on with the subsequent communalisation of the issue in many cases!![]()
We should not compare Kashmir with any other state of India, as others are not a disputed one.Atleast, Sonia G and MMS bought India from so called "Super power" to "Actual Superpower" and see the declining rate of Inflation and growing purchase power of indian companies,withour govt support, they cant even think of all this, and I m not talking of Mittal, Paul etc. I m talking of Tata, Premji, Narayan Murthy.