BitTorrent: Step by step procedure on how to use it!

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In the zone
after going thru all tat man,isint kaza better.barring the ads and all.well i dont hav to worry abt cutting somebody off etc,cuz hell,in india we dont get speeds of rocket.aneways allwyn and cuttack bhai,wat speeds u generally get in sure sounds bit complicated AFAIK


A Year Closer To Heaven
lol! Kaaza could have been a hell lot better if the ads were not there. Besides, BT may sound complicated but once you start using it, it's a piece of cake. As for download speeds, I get around 30k in BT.

@johnny: I have been using BitComet and have a configuration file for it that made my speeds jump from a mere 10-12k before to 30k now. If you use BC, I can forward you that. As for other clients, if you browse through there forums, you will surely come across users who have posted their settings that allow for maximum download speeds. It's then just a matter of following them.


Aspiring Novelist
krisjr said:
after going thru all tat man,isint kaza better.barring the ads and all.well i dont hav to worry abt cutting somebody off etc,cuz hell,in india we dont get speeds of rocket.aneways allwyn and cuttack bhai,wat speeds u generally get in sure sounds bit complicated AFAIK

Lol Krisjr......Well i am a personal Fan of Kazaa As well but BT is Just a Look at the future of sharing technology.In Kazaa The Games had to be Zipped or Archived to be transferred but in BT no worries mate the Whole folder just needs to be converted into a Torrent and then a Uploaded on a Site for sharing....Bas As simple as that :wink: Also BT Is Lot More Virus free compared to Kazaa i whenever i try and download a a software file over kazaa i always have a fear that a Trojan is hidden in that zip or exe file but have never yet experienced any virus threats for BT downloads.I Like Kazaa for Downloading Music Videos and Single Music Files but BT Gives me one of the Best DVD-Rip Movies,Games,Softwares and Heck All-In-One Music Albums at a click :D
The Procedure is Quite easy once you get the hang of it,Trust Me its dam Easy once u start using it.

@bala.....For The Love of Pete (whoever that is) just try a new client for a change and get rid of the Size Mismatch Problem thingyy :D

ROLFMAO At the Cuttak Bhai thing.....Cody man u sure have diff Name Now.....Cuttak Bhai.....Hey Sounds Great Cody,what do you say shall we make it official :lol:


why need title?
ok m8 i think ill switch over.. really jus take a look below.. ull no how frustrating it is..



A Year Closer To Heaven
@Bala: Yeah man, guess you should try some other client, like say Azureus. It's really popular and I am sure you will get good speeds. It has a lot of features also and you will soon get the hang of it. I am trying to put together a tut on Azureus, to update this thread. Lets see how that turns out to be.

@Allwyn: lol! I guess I will stick with cody...I know krisjr from personal pms, so I guess he just decided to add the local flavor. :)


Aspiring Novelist
ctrl_alt_del said:
@Allwyn: lol! I guess I will stick with cody...I know krisjr from personal pms, so I guess he just decided to add the local flavor. :)

No Sweat Pal....Even i know him via PM and guess what he used to call me.....MI2 :lol: :lol:

This guy sure knows how to provide Dashing Nicks....Ehhhh :lol: :wink:


Wise Old Owl
@bala : there is always data wastage while using torrents because the same data is taken from multiple people, some of it is replicated and therefore wasted. but the case you have reported seems to be an extreme. i use azureus and while downloading 175 MB files, end up downloading atleast 40 MB extra. when my connection is fast, there is less data wastage and when it is slow, there is a lot of extra data downloaded.

could someone post a tutorial on how to configure azureus optimally


I suggest using Azereus or Bit Tornado. Two good clients.
I beleive torrents become slow when a lotsa ppl use a same torrent simultaneously.


Wise Old Owl
h4xbox said:
I beleive torrents become slow when a lotsa ppl use a same torrent simultaneously.
Torrents become faster when lots of people download at the same time because everyone who downloads also uploads simultaneously.


Broken In
first post here!
I've been using BT for about a month now. I have a 256 kbps Hathway connection. My broadband modem is a motorola SB4200. I do not have a router, but is it possible for me to get a remote connection in Azureus without forwarding any port? normally 50% of the seeders are in the swarm for me. Also, even though my download speed is 28 kbps at max, my upload speed is 6-9 kbps even though Azureus says my upload max is 25 kbps. o_O

Also, is an awesome website for Anime torrents. Over 1,600 at the moment. Shazeara is blacklisted by this tracker.


Senior Member

most torrent files are just too big to d/l. most of them are more than 100MB. oh..if i need to d/l them it'll take me the whole day. how do you guys download them. i mean, you have to browse and d/l the same time.


Just Do It
ctrl_alt_del said:
Damn, I goofed up big time. Here are the correct links:

So this is the best isnt it "BITORRENT". I've downloaded it and BTW the health of each album is shown by green, then red, etc.. Does this mean that it has less users for red and green has more ???



Broken In
Red= dead torrent, ie no seeds or leechers.
Green= You are connected not only to 'local' seeds or leechers, but also remote users.
Yellow= no remote users.

Oh yeah, btw, if you are using bitcomet, your speeds are definately going to be slow. It is a really crappy client. The best clients are Azureus, ABC, BitTornado (formerly known as the Shad0ws experimental client). Shazeara is also unadvisable as it does not record your user ratios properly, and hence is blacklisted by many trackers.


Just Do It
mak89gt said:
Red= dead torrent, ie no seeds or leechers.
Green= You are connected not only to 'local' seeds or leechers, but also remote users.
Yellow= no remote users.

Oh yeah, btw, if you are using bitcomet, your speeds are definately going to be slow. It is a really crappy client. The best clients are Azureus, ABC, BitTornado (formerly known as the Shad0ws experimental client). Shazeara is also unadvisable as it does not record your user ratios properly, and hence is blacklisted by many trackers.

Red, green & yellow are more or less the similar, which color suggests that the downloads are really good.

I'm lookin to download entire music albums, guess bitorrent will do the job then.


Broken In
Oh, i thought you were talking about the colours in azureus? the smiley faces? if you are using torrentspy, i think the yellow mean faster downloads. i havent come across green on that site. the problem with torrentspy is that it does not care about the big leecher problem, hence there are lesser seeders in any of their trackers. if you are looking for faster downloads try . i think the website is about to collapse and is in bad financial shape though. nevertheless its got many seeders at the moment. you need to register at that site. yes, it has got FULL albums.


Just Do It
mak89gt said:
Oh, i thought you were talking about the colours in azureus? the smiley faces? if you are using torrentspy, i think the yellow mean faster downloads. i havent come across green on that site. the problem with torrentspy is that it does not care about the big leecher problem, hence there are lesser seeders in any of their trackers. if you are looking for faster downloads try . i think the website is about to collapse and is in bad financial shape though. nevertheless its got many seeders at the moment. you need to register at that site. yes, it has got FULL albums.

I'm looking for metal music albums......



Broken In
They have 66 mp3 albums at
im sure there are many metal albums there. register and enjoy!
I forgot to mention, they have MANNNNNYYYY seeds at ET, but very few leechers. You will get good download speeds, but will have a prob seeding.
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