Best Linux Distro

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The Conqueror

Filledvoid : Thanks for ur help.
I have found out that i cant install linux mint neither can i install ubuntu 7.
I will try installing ubuntu 8 in my vmware and see if it works

Ubuntu 8 works fine inside vmware
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Filledvoid : Thanks for ur help.
I have found out that i cant install linux mint neither can i install ubuntu 7.
I will try installing ubuntu 8 in my vmware and see if it works

Ubuntu 8 works fine inside vmware
don't assume vmware to be your PC. its quite different.
post your configuration please:

The Conqueror

ok :

Samsung Sync Master 740N 17" LCD Monitor
Realtek Soundcard
Creative iNSPIRE 5.1 Speakers
Logitech mouse + kb
BSNL wi-fi router
LG Lightscribe 20x dvd writer
Samsung 16x DVD combo

should this be enough?
ok :

Samsung Sync Master 740N 17" LCD Monitor
Realtek Soundcard
Creative iNSPIRE 5.1 Speakers
Logitech mouse + kb
BSNL wi-fi router
LG Lightscribe 20x dvd writer
Samsung 16x DVD combo

should this be enough?
first, find out your monitor's horizontal sync and vertical refresh values.
because vmware may have mixed values up.

and I see that you have an excellent configuration for general needs. If that is the case, Look nowhere ecept OpenSuSE, because it will run flawlessly on your system. It will never show any grudge for eye-candy, and can be used by a guy who has never seen linux before. Besides, you have NucleusKore, who can be your mentor for OpenSuSE, and he can help you do literally anything on OpenSuSE. So either look for the old digit issue near the end of last year when OpenSuSE 10.3 was given out, or get it from a friend, or download the DVD yourself.

you can even run games like Unreal Tournament 2004 comfortably in it at all high settings, and I can help you with that game. It runs natively on linux, and mods like deathball, Tactical Ops: Crossfire, Ballistic, Duffer's golf, Red Orchestra, Jurassic Rage, Jail Break, etc and the Bonus Packs will ensure that you are hooked to the game for atleast half an year, so that your gaming needs will be fullfilled.(all mods above are free)

The Conqueror


and I see that you have an excellent configuration for general needs. If that is the case, Look nowhere ecept OpenSuSE, because it will run flawlessly on your system. It will never show any grudge for eye-candy, and can be used by a guy who has never seen linux before. Besides, you have NucleusKore, who can be your mentor for OpenSuSE, and he can help you do literally anything on OpenSuSE. So either look for the old digit issue near the end of last year when OpenSuSE 10.3 was given out, or get it from a friend, or download the DVD yourself.

you can even run games like Unreal Tournament 2004 comfortably in it at all high settings, and I can help you with that game. It runs natively on linux, and mods like deathball, Tactical Ops: Crossfire, Ballistic, Duffer's golf, Red Orchestra, Jurassic Rage, Jail Break, etc and the Bonus Packs will ensure that you are hooked to the game for atleast half an year, so that your gaming needs will be fullfilled.(all mods above are free)
Actually i wanted to use ubuntu for the cool themes that u can see in earlier posts. I already have opensuse10.3 disc.
Also how is CentOS ? and i am looking for a linux distro which will have a lots of themes and space for customization. Learning linux commands is not a problem coz its vacation here and i can spend plenty of time learning linux


Right off the assembly line
Heya all,
Need a little advice myself. I'm want to setup my comp with a Linux partition also kinda like The Conqueror . I already have my comp set for dual boot with Vista on drive C:, XP on drive d: and the balance is drive E: for programs/data. I've got plenty of space to give up. Curious on the opinions what I should go with as a distro for simplicity & stability being I've never used Linux and need a new hobby. Just kinda want to get my feet wet atm I guess you could say. I do know enough about comps seeing as I build custom rigs on the side and do some in home networking install also. So I guess what I'm saying is I don't need my hand held just some useful tips/info. Here is the comp setup I have currently

Dell XPS M1530
2.0 Ghz Core2Duo
4Gb Ram
256 Mb Nividia 1440x900
200 Gb 7200 rpm drive
Intel Wireless-N


Think Zen.
Themes, are for Gtk or KDE , not for ubuntu for openSUSE.

Use whatever distro you want, and get the 'cool' themes you want.


This lists themes for both kde and gtk(gnome/Xfce)
Actually i wanted to use ubuntu for the cool themes that u can see in earlier posts. I already have opensuse10.3 disc.
Also how is CentOS ? and i am looking for a linux distro which will have a lots of themes and space for customization. Learning linux commands is not a problem coz its vacation here and i can spend plenty of time learning linux
OpenSuSE can use all the ubuntu themes
And more. It has excellent support for both KDE and Gnome, maximum eyecandy with its special slab menu for gnome

CentOS is not for Home Use
Possibilyyour dad may like it. It is only for industrial use where maximum security, maximum reliability, minimum distraction and total control is nessassary. It needs a very skilled administrator to utilise its full potential.

OpenSuSE can be customised more than ubuntu can
Because it has some hacks on gnome to get more features like the slab menu. There are also special themes which work on SuSE but not other distros. Its naturally pretty looking

2.0 Ghz Core2Duo
4Gb Ram
256 Mb Nividia 1440x900
200 Gb 7200 rpm drive
Intel Wireless-N
which core2duo is it ?
and which graphics card ?
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Right off the assembly line
If memory serves me it's the Intel T5750, and the graphics is the 8600M GT, altho come to think of it the 8400 rings a bell which would mean it's the 128Mb card, but I'm almost positive it's the 8600M. Yea I know it sounds bad but I just got it last week and made the plunge the first day setting up dual boot after wiping the drive clean of all Dell's crap software, media direct, and the reinstall Image drive.I'd check but I don't have it with me atm.
If memory serves me it's the Intel T5750, and the graphics is the 8600M GT, altho come to think of it the 8400 rings a bell which would mean it's the 128Mb card, but I'm almost positive it's the 8600M. Yea I know it sounds bad but I just got it last week and made the plunge the first day setting up dual boot after wiping the drive clean of all Dell's crap software, media direct, and the reinstall Image drive.I'd check but I don't have it with me atm.
you are the only guy I have seen who forgot his GPU's name :p

anyway, since you run this config, SuSE is best for you. OpenSuSE 10.3 + Windows Vista Premium SP1 dual boot is what I recomend you.

The Conqueror

Use ubuntu and go to for cool themes:D
All the above posted deskies are from ubuntu.CentOS is not for u and opensuse isnt so good either.Run ubuntu or mepis.Both are debain based and cool OSs.
So can u help me install ubuntu ? Read my earlier posts, i am having trouble installing it.

Themes, are for Gtk or KDE , not for ubuntu for openSUSE.

Use whatever distro you want, and get the 'cool' themes you want.


This lists themes for both kde and gtk(gnome/Xfce)
Cool. Thanks for the link :p

OpenSuSE can use all the ubuntu themes
And more. It has excellent support for both KDE and Gnome, maximum eyecandy with its special slab menu for gnome

CentOS is not for Home Use
Possibilyyour dad may like it. It is only for industrial use where maximum security, maximum reliability, minimum distraction and total control is nessassary. It needs a very skilled administrator to utilise its full potential.

OpenSuSE can be customised more than ubuntu can
Because it has some hacks on gnome to get more features like the slab menu. There are also special themes which work on SuSE but not other distros. Its naturally pretty looking

which core2duo is it ?
and which graphics card ?
Core2Duo E6550 is the processor and graphics card is ASUS EN 8600 GT (nvidia). I dont think ubuntu should have problems while installing on this config.

So should i Go ahead with OpenSuSE 10.3 or do some googling to overcome the error i am facing?


Right off the assembly line
you are the only guy I have seen who forgot his GPU's name :p

anyway, since you run this config, SuSE is best for you. OpenSuSE 10.3 + Windows Vista Premium SP1 dual boot is what I recomend you.

Lol...yea but with 5 comps in the house and building some more recently it's been hard to keep track of them all which is why some are getting reconfiged to be sold. Like I said tho I just got it middle of last week. Can't wait to get these other done so I can concetrate on my own stuff finally.

Anywhoo thanks for the input. I'll have to start to do my research now.

The Conqueror

Unfortunately , I lost my opensuse10.3 CD :(
Now the only option would be a workaround for ubuntu 8.04 installation :|


Beyond Smart
I would recommend Ubuntu Hardy over Opensuse 10.3 any day! Go and have fun with ubuntu!


wait. Once Linux Mint 5.0 comes, install it via wubi[note: NOT by normal install methord]. It is expected to be the perfect all GUI no CLI good looking feature rich multimedia enabled OS around.

otherwise: try OpenSuSE 10.3. I know it is old now, but its always worth a try. NucleusKore can help you in every aspect of that OS. It actually discourages()

nice now that his Mint doesn't work he obviously should try another distro. If it doesn't work on one distro you definitely must try installing others. While your'e at it try Fedora , Slackware , Gentoo , Arch etc. Ok sarcasm aside.

don't assume vmware to be your PC. its quite different.
post your configuration please:

It definitely is different but on the other hand it does confirm that his Media is fine .

and I see that you have an excellent configuration for general needs. If that is the case, Look nowhere ecept OpenSuSE, because it will run flawlessly on your system. It will never show any grudge for eye-candy, and can be used by a guy who has never seen linux before. Besides, you have NucleusKore, who can be your mentor for OpenSuSE, and he can help you do literally anything on OpenSuSE. So either look for the old digit issue near the end of last year when OpenSuSE 10.3 was given out, or get it from a friend, or download the DVD yourself.

Out of curiosity if OpenSuse wouldn't work whats your next recommendation? I'm sure that Nucleusore can solve 99% things but come on at least try to troubleshoot the problem than spam distros. He went through the hassle of downloading it. Anyway if Conqueror likes OpenSuse then please by all means go ahead and try.

As far as customization goes any distro can be customized to an extent . I've learned that from some of Hitboxx's awesome screenshots. If you don't mind learning the commands then any Distro is as good as Ubuntu.

Samsung Sync Master 740N 17" LCD Monitor
Realtek Soundcard
Creative iNSPIRE 5.1 Speakers
Logitech mouse + kb
BSNL wi-fi router
LG Lightscribe 20x dvd writer
Samsung 16x DVD combo

The configuration is more than enough to run any distro. I'm leaning towards the wifi router causing the problem although I'm not sure. can you boot the cd with any of the wifi devices plugged in? Also you might want to check about the switches I mentioned in a PM


I haven't used these for any of my installs cause I have never had to. But you might check with one of the others and see if its worth the shot.

Just kinda want to get my feet wet atm I guess you could say. I do know enough about comps seeing as I build custom rigs on the side and do some in home networking install also. So I guess what I'm saying is I don't need my hand held just some useful tips/info. Here is the comp setup I have currently

Dell XPS M1530
2.0 Ghz Core2Duo
4Gb Ram
256 Mb Nividia 1440x900
200 Gb 7200 rpm drive
Intel Wireless-N

To have some fun with Linux you can run it on vmware or whatever Emulation tools you prefer, rather than actually installing it. Once you feel comfortable you can always install it later.

Core2Duo E6550 is the processor and graphics card is ASUS EN 8600 GT (nvidia). I dont think ubuntu should have problems while installing on this config.

So should i Go ahead with OpenSuSE 10.3 or do some googling to overcome the error i am facing?

I seriously doubt either your processor or Display card the 8600 GT causing problems. I would doubt the wireless equipment but I might be wrong. By any chance do you have a tv tuner? If you feel comfortable with OpenSuse by all means try it.


Web Design Hobbyist
I have used Mandriva, Ubuntu and openSUSE.... all of them are good in their own league.
Mandriva wellknown for its out of the box multimedia don't need to search for any dependency or app to run your favorite movie or mp3 files.all are supported.UBuntu is the community driven distro...has the largest user base, light and pretty good.I personally like opensuse for the feature set it offers and i have been using it for the last one and half years and getting no problem with it.You need to install some apps to enable multimedia. You can find all the apps if you serach through digit forum.


Conqueror : I found this while on the #ubuntu IRC Channel.

<shadowimmage> Hey! Anyone have ideas to fix my wireless card problem? Ubuntu fails to boot when the card is inserted when I boot, and it also won't work when I try to insert it after logging into ubuntu. Also, sleep doesn't work after update from 7.xx to 8.04

Im guessing you might be having the same problem. try booting up without your wireless card ? maybe that will tell us if it is the wireless device thats causing the problem. And if it does Im clueless after that cause I dont have a wireless device and I have no idea on configuring it.
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