and I see that you have an excellent configuration for general needs. If that is the case, Look nowhere ecept OpenSuSE, because it will run flawlessly on your system. It will never show any grudge for eye-candy, and can be used by a guy who has never seen linux before. Besides, you have NucleusKore, who can be your mentor for OpenSuSE, and he can help you do literally anything on OpenSuSE. So either look for the old digit issue near the end of last year when OpenSuSE 10.3 was given out, or get it from a friend, or download the DVD yourself.
you can even run games like Unreal Tournament 2004 comfortably in it at all high settings, and I can help you with that game. It runs natively on linux, and mods like deathball, Tactical Ops: Crossfire, Ballistic, Duffer's golf, Red Orchestra, Jurassic Rage, Jail Break, etc and the Bonus Packs will ensure that you are hooked to the game for atleast half an year, so that your gaming needs will be fullfilled.(all mods above are free)