Best Linux Distro

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This is the problem with linux^^^
Yes too much choice can be a problem, especially for those used to monoliths like Windows. Under the hood the fundamentals are the same more or less. OpenSuSE is nice to look at although a bit heavy on the system, not a problem if you have at least 512 MB RAM. Ubuntu and Xubuntu are light on your system. I find Kubuntu a little heavy too though not as much as OpenSuSE, but OpenSuSE is still my first choice, maybe I've just gotten used to it. Check out these posts for Ubuntu and OpenSuSE

The Conqueror

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
How did the GUI affect vmware :S ?
I didnt liked the GUI and i was having trouble installing VMWare in it. I had kept the download of ubuntu yesterday night , but the foolish FF 3 Beta 5 corrupted the download :x Now i have to install FDM and download again :(


Thinking Different
I didnt liked the GUI and i was having trouble installing VMWare in it. I had kept the download of ubuntu yesterday night , but the foolish FF 3 Beta 5 corrupted the download :x Now i have to install FDM and download again :(

Better download using Torrent. Torrents are good for downloading large files and the in-built checsum ensures no corruption at the time of downloading. Check the below link for Ubuntu Hardy torrent:

* (For 32 Bit)
* (For 64 Bit)
The Conqueror

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
ok guys I have downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy.
Now i will need help regarding the installation part, such as which file system to choose, etc.

EDIT : I am installing Ubuntu from within windows ! Its so easy to install !
Will let u guys know if i face any problem
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Who stole my Alpaca!
Offtopic : I have a document which lists the steps in the Ubuntu install procedure just in case someone needs it.
The steps are quite easy anyway.
The Conqueror

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
I dont know why but when i reboot to continue installation (Install ubuntu within windows install mode) It shows ubuntu progress bar but after a while it hangs :( . Any solutions on this?
Dont't Install via wubi coz it has some problems now.Install the ideal way making swap and ext3 partitions.If u need any help,we are here:D
The Conqueror

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
And it hangs even when i try to boot from CD :(
and can u explain how to install the ideal way ?
I currently have the following partitions :

C : for xp
D: for vista
E: for data
and F: for ubuntu (allocated space : 30 GB)

also what is verbose install ?
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Who stole my Alpaca!
Question 1: Where does the Live CD hang? Does it hang in functioning? Does it give you a startup screen at all? Im not sure if you can see at which process it hangs but you might want to hang out for others opinions to see if you can find that out.

Question 2: I haven't tried the Wubi install method but is it possible to install it through Wubi using switches?

Oh and you might want to confirm the install media is working fine ? Maybe try live mode on another PC? That way we could find out if there is a piece of hardware thats acting strange.
The Conqueror

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
I found out that it doest actually hang after waiting for few min
I get this error after i wait for few minutes .

udevd-event [5750] : run_program '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit
/etc/rcS.d/s10udev : 105 : usplash_write : not found
init : rcS main process (5455) killed by SEGV Signal
init : Unable to execute "/bin/sh/" for rc-default : No such file or directory
init : rc-default main processs (6687) terminated with status 255


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
I want to know which is the Best Linux Distro available.
I had installed ubuntu 7 in vmware , i didnt liked it much.
I want a distro which has maximum Features and applications bundled and with an acceptable Good GUI as i am new to linux world and dont know any commands yet.
So please suggest a good linux distro for me. How is fedora 9 or ubuntu 8 ?
Personally my favorite distro is Ubuntu.
But if you are a newbie try Linux Mint. It's great.
If you want eyeCandy try PCLinuxOS or OpenSUSE or MEPIS.
+1 for Mandriva. I dont like Gnome personally so i dont use Ubuntu and i used Kubuntu for a while but found it to be over-simplistic just like Ubuntu. I mean, for a user like me, i like to have options clearly visible on the interface. In Kubuntu, i tried to configure desktop effects (compiz fusion) and the GUI util gave me just 3 options, very restrictive IMO. And dont know if there is any other GUI to configure it, there is no direct link on the KDE gui, thats for sure.

And as far as package management is concerned, The GUI tool for adding and removing programs in Mandriva gave me a pleasing experience. It never whined on me for any dependency issue etc, just downloaded whatever was required along with what i "ordered" :)

As a matter of fact, Kubuntu's GUI package management system, Adept gave me a lot of grief. I was short on hdd space thats why i opted for Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 3.5 version cd, i have only 3.5 GB for my linux partition. After downloading and installing, knetworkmanager's config dialog for wired network config refused to open, some component was missing. I uninstalled it and enabled online repositories so that a fresh copy can be downloaded from the net if its corrupt on the cd. But after uninstalling, the option became grey and it never let me install knetworkmanager again. i tried aptget -install knetworkmanager from commandline and it told me another package name that replaces knetwork manager. I used that name and it gave some weired error message which i dont remember now. I need my system working quickly for some work, so after all this, i decided to quit using Ubuntu. I know that this could be due to i am a newbie to linux but i think thats the kind of users Ubuntu is targeted at.

Mandriva on the other hand is working very nicely within my little hdd space, has quiet a lot apps and good configuration tools, I didn't liked even OpenSUSE's config tools this much.

The only shortcoming that i see with Mandriva is that they are not giving DVD images and users without internet connection are stuck in the middle if they want more functionality than is provided on the live cd.

No offence Ubuntu users, i am just sharing what i experienced with KUbuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. :)
I want to know which is the Best Linux Distro available.
I had installed ubuntu 7 in vmware , i didnt liked it much.
I want a distro which has maximum Features and applications bundled and with an acceptable Good GUI as i am new to linux world and dont know any commands yet.
So please suggest a good linux distro for me. How is fedora 9 or ubuntu 8 ?
The Conqueror said:
please go through this thread and help me with installation issue of ubuntu
My personal recomendation:

wait. Once Linux Mint 5.0 comes, install it via wubi[note: NOT by normal install methord]. It is expected to be the perfect all GUI no CLI good looking feature rich multimedia enabled OS around.

otherwise: try OpenSuSE 10.3. I know it is old now, but its always worth a try. NucleusKore can help you in every aspect of that OS. It actually discourages:)o) the use of commandline by having no link for the terminal; you need to use a keyboard shortcut to bring up the terminal which still looks ugly compared to the rest of the OS. Anyway, as I was saying, it contains everything for your needs, provided you have a good system.
@conqueror-Go for Ubuntu Hardy because it 'just works'!Fedora 9 has some issues with Nvidia GPUs as they are no drivers for Nvidia cards at present.You can get 'nv' drivers but they wont run any 3D apps like games etc.Ubuntu is more user-friendly,has better community than any other GNU/Linux distribution and suits many GNU/Linux users.
Go to,type anything (any problem) in hte search box and i bet you will get a solution whereas other Distributions lack such support.IMO you should start off with hardy,customize it according to your needs.get some cool themes from and in no time you could make your ubuntu desktop look like this-


So,u cant say Ubuntu is bad at GUI.
Your bluetooth,pendrive,webcam(most probably),almost everything will work with Ubuntu Hardy.
Go Download it (32 bit version as 64 bit may cause some problems) and enjoy the power of GNU/Linux.
If you are a gamer,keep a dual boot with XP/Vista coz there ARE games for ubuntu but cant compete with those available on Windows:D(Truth is bitter).
Welcome to the Linux community:D
sexy **** you got there bro !
I would say get Mandriva ;)

* *

P.S : I saw my old desktop up there :p
is that the default interface of mandriva ?
This is the problem with linux^^^
Yes too much choice can be a problem, especially for those used to monoliths like Windows. Under the hood the fundamentals are the same more or less. OpenSuSE is nice to look at although a bit heavy on the system, not a problem if you have at least 512 MB RAM. Ubuntu and Xubuntu are light on your system. I find Kubuntu a little heavy too though not as much as OpenSuSE, but OpenSuSE is still my first choice, maybe I've just gotten used to it. Check out these posts for Ubuntu and OpenSuSE

yup, OpenSuSE is good, but linux mint beats opensuse gnome any day.
Me too waiting for Linuxmint 5.It is based on Hardy and has more codecs,better GUI and cool apps.Moreover,mint is always a polished version of ubuntu :D,means it will perform better than ubuntu.
Me too waiting for Linuxmint 5.It is based on Hardy and has more codecs,better GUI and cool apps.Moreover,mint is always a polished version of ubuntu :D,means it will perform better than ubuntu.
absolutely wrong. It just is easier to use compared to ubuntu. And looks better. But the performance, behaviour, etc is exactly same compared to Hardy, unless either of them has been hacked or customised.


Who stole my Alpaca!
The Conqueror : it seems no one is helping you with the problem. but rather ercommending other distros. Id wait for Praka123 hes usually got a few tricks up his sleeve which would work Ubuntu. Something tells me that some kind of hardware is scaring Ubuntu or it might be a problem with the Media written. Things I would do.

First check the md5 sum and see if the downlaoded file is good.
Try running the cd on anyone elses pc and see if they can boot
Or Try installing it on Virtualbox (This should verify that you can install Ubuntu from the media)
Install it using the actual installer rather than using wubi ( Only if you feel brave enough to attempt. Your results might vary.)
Check into the IRC channel for ubuntu (#ubuntu) and see if someone can help you with it.

Hope this somehow helps you in some way.
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