Best Free Video Editor and Convertor

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Legend Never Ends
My coverter of choice is Any Video Coverter. Although I too feel Handbrake and Format Factory are the best out there although I donot use them.


I am the master of my Fate.
In Video Conversion...nothing can be as good as Handbrake & Freemake Video Converter
there are other Free Converters Format Factory & SUPER which I had used & they were good but after using Handbrake & Freemake I use only these two

My coverter of choice is Any Video Coverter. Although I too feel Handbrake and Format Factory are the best out there although I donot use them.

y not??


For video editing I recommend Virtual Dub even though it has a sparse interface.. you can also try AVIDEMUX. For video conversion I recommend Handbrake. Here is the guide.


If you are comfortable with serious editing software you can try Lightworks it went opensource not so long ago


What is the Video Quality when edited?
Does it match with different types of background seamlessly?


Even i have this confusion which is the best, but for the fastest, i would say Wondershare Video Converter, it's really fast than any other video converters, but unfortunately lacks the customization... :(


I use Format Factory..*
It's a very good conversion supports a huge format..and a lots of option to customize..
Please test it.

Nothing beats ffmpeg. Thats it.
Only good audio/video processors other than ffmpeg are, Handbrake, Avidemux, Tencoder and MeGUI. But yes, I reiterate, ffmpeg is the father and mother of all multimedia processor softwares out there.
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