Being an INDIAN, when do you feel HAPPY and HATE?


Sith Lord
Staff member
Fair Use Policy, it is designed to single out and target only those who actually know what to do with Internet and how to use it, the legitimate users if you will, not just those who download all YIFY releases.
it's as good as having no Internet at all, because the supporting services are also not there

registered a grievance at :: Grievance Redress Mechanism in Government :: hope it helps


Human Spambot
Well FUP is there in so called "first world" countries too. I however at first thought only in India FUP is available :lol:


Sith Lord
Staff member
BSNL's high usage scenario is 30GB, for new plans.
checked some broadband plans in US and Sweden just to get an idea. They offer much more speed, the connection comes bundled with video and audio content services, many offer additional wi-fi access points around the country, and the FUP limits are considerably higher. In many areas of US it is pretty bad, so I agree with statement that FUP is there in so called first world countries too. But that is their problem. In India, the FUP limits are ridiculously low, and discouraging to Internet use. Like there are scattered comments all over the forum where people blame FUP for not being able to use internet properly, and understand all those comments only now. This FUP in India seems to only penalize those who actually use internet properly.


Human Spambot
Yeah, I was not talking about FUP limit. Limits put here are unthinkable, that's all. There is a reason we are ranked last in Asia when it's about broadband. Death to BSNL.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yeah, I was not talking about FUP limit. Limits put here are unthinkable, that's all. There is a reason we are ranked last in Asia when it's about broadband. Death to BSNL.
well, death to Oirtel also. They started off with this FUP crap.


Human Spambot
Yeah, then that. Wasn't it them who didn't pay BSNL after using their 3G service by using their towers or something? At least in my state that was the case. AirTel's 3G was unavailable here for pretty long time actually.

BSNL + AirTel = Apple + Beats :lol:

Nah, even I'll say the latter is better :p


Federal Agent Area 51
Staff member
I Hate:
- Too much population we want similar laws from China and make suicide legal and encouraging
- Lack of Development
- Poor Internet speeds and FUP

I Love:
- Cheap Education but I don't like the quality it is crap
- You can pirate the internet as much as you want no one takes action against you (except Indian movies)


Cyborg Agent
I hate too much secularism, and its feel like inferior or guilty for being from majority group

I like. Nationalism over everything

I hate over head and unbearable.Population

I like when Indian s make big name world wide

I hate internet speed here and the way cpanies charge for it

I like no censorship on INTERNET, if there is any its only on paper in India

I like people who think scientifically than religiously or sentimentally


Cyborg Agent
And I hate the chamchagiri and a** licking behaviour of employees in corporate and government sector, also I hate managers here, they think they can do anything, they give best to their chamchas, if you are a hard working guy and know lot of thing about your work it does not matter but if you are in good books of managers you can grow, yes seeing it past 12 years of my work life, now I only go to work to mark my presence the creative and innovative person has died in me now


Sith Lord
Staff member
I hate it when people say doing something is ok because it happens everywhere or anywhere else in the world. That is dodging the problem. Irrespective of where else it happens in the world, it happens in India, and that part is an Indian problem which needs an Indian solution. Like if someone talks about peeing on the streets being a problem, some smartass finds it relevant to point out that they do that in Germany too. How can we sit in India and solve the problem of people peeing on the streets in Germany?

Another thing I hate is absolutely every one knows about Sushratha, Aryabhatta, Panini. If that is truly our continuous living heritage, why are not people excited about contemporary surgeons, mathematicians and grammarians doing good work in the country? It is not like these people are not around and solving important problems, if you only bother to find out.


Lost in speed
And I hate the chamchagiri and a** licking behaviour of employees in corporate and government sector, also I hate managers here, they think they can do anything, they give best to their chamchas, if you are a hard working guy and know lot of thing about your work it does not matter but if you are in good books of managers you can grow, yes seeing it past 12 years of my work life, now I only go to work to mark my presence the creative and innovative person has died in me now


They say god punishes sinners by sending them to hell,but i'm of the opinion that his method of punishing the guilty is to condemn him to be born in a poor/middle class family in a 3rd world country like India,where each moment of his life will be fraught with innumerable miseries and by the time he grows older and starts looking for a job he'll be lonely,depressed and suicidal as the harsh reality of the situation he's in will hit him with full force and he'll realize just how miserable and wretched his life really is as he was unfortunate enough to have been born in a country where the Government is apathetic and rotten to the core and attempting to obtain even the basic necessities like food,healthcare and education is a massive struggle for survival.
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Live to die another day
They say god punishes sinners by sending them to hell,but i'm of the opinion that his method of punishing the guilty is to condemn him to be born in a poor/middle class family in a 3rd world country like India,where each moment of his life will be fraught with innumerable miseries and by the time he grows older and starts looking for a job he'll be lonely,depressed and suicidal as the harsh reality of the situation he's in will hit him with full force and he'll realize just how miserable and wretched his life really is as he was unfortunate enough to have been born in a country where the Government is apathetic and rotten to the core and attempting to obtain even the basic necessities like food,healthcare and education is a massive struggle for survival.
Drama queen much?


I love Indian culture rather than anything.

Hate politicians.
Hate BSNL for charging us 1000% more and giving us ultra low speed Internet.
Hate uncleanliness of even the towns.
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