Battlefield 4


Wise Old Owl
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

Yes punkbuster updated & no user file in my Battlefield folder.

If its a software issue I am 80% sure that it is a punkbuster problem . Many people face crashing during map change . Can you try manually updating punkbuster files ?


Long Live Gojira!
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

There is no user.cfg file :(

Create one and paste this:
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 3

RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 1

RenderDevice.VsyncEnable 1

WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0

WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0

WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0

WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0

WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0

WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0

Make sure you set it to read-only.


Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion


MEGALODON FOUND! Battlefield 4 Giant Shark Easter Egg! - YouTube


Long Live Gojira!
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

I hope DICE keep doing these awesome arse Easter eggs. Man that thing is huge, I was really surprised. That Yeti Easter egg is so good, makes you go "WHAAA", who would've guessed. Great job by those guys and DICE too. Hope the next BF has more Easter eggs and less bugs.

Personally, BF4 isn't that bug ridden to me. Maybe I'm lucky or something. This game's worth it and EA knows how to play.


Wise Old Owl
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

Well its not buggy at all now. With dozens patches released , crashing, freezing and other game breaking bug is solven although ruber banding is still there.


Broken In
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

Guys this question goes out to nvidia users! What drivers are you using? I want to find out which one offers best performance in bf4.. Recently released 337.50 isn't really what they say it is.


Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

bugs tend to get buried under the piles of patches applied and reapplied. :lol:


Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

after introducing the old cannon, why they dont introduce these : :D



Ambassador of Buzz
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

just wondering all who play online whats you're internet speeds are


N00B Troller
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

just wondering all who play online whats you're internet speeds are

I play online ... bandwidth 512 kbps up and down . The ping of your internet matters more than bandwidth when playing online , so a 512 kbps connection is more than enough if you get decent pings .


Live to die another day
Re: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Discussion

Lel' I am playing on a 256kbps connection....
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