Battlefield 3



The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Haha yeah
Great game today. Was 2nd in rankings after u left :D. Rush was a little boring though
Boring? You guys were ripping the US team left and right. But why do you guys don't take cover? Very bad kd .. May be I should make a few infantry only videos. I was very bad at bf3 but learned to tap fire and to take cover. Also watch the minimap.


Conversation Architect

yeah yeah.. i know i wont be able to match up to you.

but desmond ka keh ke liya. :D

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Yes , he was hacking for sure.
those cursing....lmao. :p

we got him votebanned. his own team members [us incl] voted. :lol:

Boring? You guys were ripping the US team left and right. But why do you guys don't take cover? Very bad kd .. May be I should make a few infantry only videos. I was very bad at bf3 but learned to tap fire and to take cover. Also watch the minimap.


i generally maintain atleast 1.5 k/d. although it falls to hellish low ratios at times.

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You guys win today. total LMG domination :wah:

i played with engineer/assault. rpg'd a lot of guys. m4a1/m16a3/aek971 is awesome..

although, later on, with TDM, where i rekted desmond, i tried out the UMP45, and damn its so good. got some unlocks with it.
high accuracy with laser, and deadly in CQ.

only dowside being a 26 round clip. but again, reload is damn fast. [MENTION=140405]Hrishi[/MENTION] try it.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
No one came today except for one match with Rikrock007 allu, and manidhillon .

I came home at 11 PM :( was busy with work :cry:

Tried editing that Metro round.. keeping everything I recorded, its too funny :p .. but its 5 Gigs for 1080p 60Hz :(

[strike]3hrs to upload :/[/strike]
stopped upload, will upload tomorrow.


Conversation Architect
[MENTION=148045]anirbandd[/MENTION] , I remember blowing des so many times last week.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Do it again sometime.

If you know what I mean.

So, you like blowing des heh? Well good thing that you came out of the closet.



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now this is what is called getting real rekt. :lol:
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