In the zone
will a combo of q6600(don't know whether G0 or B3)+DG965RY be good?
Choto Cheeta said:@surajramnani2k8
Config is fine except for the motherboard... as you are buying and grfx card, its pretty foolish to go with Intel Onboard video solutions..
try and find your self XFX 650i ultra which is Rs. 4500/- + VAT in Kolkata... of ABit IP35-E which retails at Kolkata for Rs. 5800/- + VAT !!or BIOSTAR P35D2 which is Rs. 4400/- + VAT..
Personally i suggest for XFX solution...
Didnt get the point sir... as far as I know, its not the SMPS which is responsible for system heat related issues....
thanks for ur response but im sorry i didnt get what did u mean by x2 options?Choto Cheeta said:Cost and performance and off course OC (even if you dont use the featurebut still its a option you should keep open)... XFX 650i ultra over all will performe better than DG33BU
otherwise, do try the X2 options.. as one of the main reasons for which Core 2 Duo range is getting all this fuss is the Over Clocking ability![]()
BULLZI said:actually the mobo EVGA 780I SLI is retailing at $290-$300 range.
bt the price at yantraonline.in is double @25K.
bt i doubt if there is any other online shop in India that provides with EVGA stuffs.
also i saw Phenom Quad Core at yantraonline retailing at 14K.
can u plz tell me why p35 chipset based mobo ??pathiks said:^^ rather get a p35 board with a low end gpu..
like xfx 650i ultra/ abit ip35e + 8400gs..
My friend....is planning to buy a 8400 GS ...now the problem is that...his mobo is A8N VM and he has 400 W SMPS ....and he is in doubt whether the Gfx card will work on that SMPS ???