Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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Living to Succeed
i want to get a graphic card from US... main purpose is gaming...

now i was in no plan to buy one but as a freind of mine is coming i want to get one... so the main problem is budget.

i saw 4870X2 with 2gb memory and was impressed... i also saw 4870 which was also looking good to me...

now if someone can guide me as to whcih one to buy and which one is the best value for money... 4870....4870X2.... 4850... or 2 4850 on crossfire

Also do let me know if any gforce card is recommended...

any help


Point Blanc
@spidy I agree with damngoodman, Q6600, power consumption is higher than Q9300 and also hotter than it. Q9300 has better performance than Q6600 too. you need to spend 1K more for this 45nm proccy, my recco is the same. When you are spending think properly and of long term.

@jking, if ou wanna build a downloading rig running 24x7 with proccy like E8200 or E8400 the power consumtion will be too high.


Broken In
For a 35k budget (constant), would buying a moderate gaming, video processing desktop now be wise or buying in feb/mar better? Will corei7, ddr3, and its mobo prices come down to fit in 35k incl monitor by then? Or would deneb be launched by then and fit in 35k?


Broken In
Guide Please - New PC

Any suggestions ??

My Usage

1) Surfing
2) Movies and Music
3) Burning DVDR Movies & Sometimes Ripping DVD
4) Ocassionaly Adobe Photoshop
5) Very Very less gaming

My first choice

Processor - Intel Core2Duo E8200 (Reason for choosing this - 45nm processor)
MOBO - Gigabyte GA-EG45M-DS2H or Asus P5Q-EM (Reason for choosing - with HDMI and Optical Out)

My second choice

Processor - AMD Phenom x4 9550 (Reason for choosing - quad core)
MOBO - Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H or Asus M3A78-EMH HDMI (Reason for choosing - 780G chipset, AM2+ support with HDMI and optical output)

Components common to both

500GB SATA (32 MB buffer)
4GB DDR2 800Mhz
DVD-RW ( I already have)
Monitor ( I already have)

Suggestions I need

1) I dont know anything about overclocking. Is it something to be done by me manually to achieve some result or feature of processor which is auto enabled whenever required :confused: . Some crash course will be really appreciated

2) PC may be on almost 24 x 7 (for surfing and downloading). At the same time I want to use it for watching movie (most probably i will go for a projector shortly to connect with this). I prefer a HTPC kind of cabinet. Is there any such cabinet for around 5K. I did not like the zebronics cube model.

3) When it comes to HTPC, i read at many sites, that the PC should be noiseless and no overheat. Keeping this aspect in mind, whether my choice of MOBO and processor is right.

4) Is there any other MOBO for the intel config cheaper than what I have chosen.

5) What is the difference between Intel 3 series chipet and 4 series chipset ( I mean p35,g35 and p45, g45,g43 etc). Which is better one?


Point Blanc
G35, G45 and G43 are respectively P35, P45 and P43 chipset with IGP, x3100 and X4500HD respectively.
Besides that the IGP counterparts may have lesser ports and their price would be little higher than P series motherboards. P series chipset mobo do not have onboard gfx so you need to buy one external gfx.

As I was saying if you wanna run your system 24x7 for downloading get something which is less in power consumption like E7200/E7300 and power efficient mobo too.

for HDD check 640GB 32MB buffer seagate, the cost difference being very less as compared to 500GB.

mobo you are giving are good but the point of buying is wrong, do not buy them because hey have HDMI port. You need to buy gfx card with them so, get gfx card which has HDMI port. The way you are buying the board you are not into any crossfire and all general specs, just want a good config. no point in spending 8-9K on a board with integrated gfx
So, better get MSI P45 Neo-F and a 3-4K gfx card which has HDMI port. the performace will be much better than what you are optting for.

what do you mean by HTPC kind of cabinet.

There are alot many cabinets, HTPC is a build of components not saying that something is HTPC, get a real spacy cabinet like Coolermaster 690, which has alot of room. You havent even mentioned your other component requirements.

also no mention of budget.
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Broken In
what do you mean by HTPC kind of cabinet.

There are alot many cabinets, HTPC is a build of components not saying that something is HTPC, get a real spacy cabinet like Coolermaster 690, which has alot of room. You havent even mentioned your other component requirements.

also no mention of budget.

Thanks for the info. HTPC cabinet - I mean cabinets that look like AV receivers. Is there something for around 5K

About other components i have mentioned it as "components common to both" - did I miss any??

Can you suggest MOBO +GFX combination(with optical out and multiple display) for intel and AMD for less than 9K.
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j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
hi guys, I hav been not active in this forum for some months now...and so not upto date. guys plz help with the following:

I need a list of AMD mobos under 5k and a list of ATi cards to go with them, so I can choose a combination for hybrid Crossfire.


j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
hii...domi and I hav took a break from all this digital business :D hav been into some other stuffs like bike modding and all ;)....ya v are planning for a comeback to TDF :)


Bond, Desi Bond!
Forget about hybrid crossfire. YOu need a really weak GPU to setup Hybrid crossfire.

For now, get Gigabyte 780G based board. It's avaiable inside 5k. For GPU, what's your budget?


Bond, Desi Bond!
I think HD4650 or 9500GT is your best bet. if you can pay 6k, go for 9600GT.

also, how about getting ASUS M2A MX (not sure if this has phenom support) for 2.3k and HD4850 with the remaining amount (or by adding another 1k).
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EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Best bet, HD4650 512MB DDR2, almost no difference from HD4670 in performance.

Other option is more recommended, a 9600GT 512MB DDR3 @ 6.5k

j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
ASUS M2A MX is AM2+, so I think it hav Phenom support. I want to know the prices of Asus M3A78-EM and Gigabyte GA-MA74GM, hav anyone used them, hwz the performance??

Wats the price of HD4850 now? tell me abt some new HD series cards like HD4670, HD3650 and all
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j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
thanx....I think then Asus M3A78(around 4.5k, I think so) and HD4650 is the gud option. i'm not going for nVidia, need a change for a while ;)
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