Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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Excessive happiness
Another example: Google, amazon, ebay, hotmail, Apple, Yahoo, Dell, Samsung. These started small but dreamed big. We prefer such brands

^^ Well said....
BTW i had a Dynet 2GB RAM first and it starts giving trouble..So i just replaced that and got a Kingston 2GB DDR2 RAM....Now its working fine...

Moral of the Story : Dont trust some small scale companies like Dynet, who is popular in making such worthless products...


One of my friend had to get dynet from transcend for his Amd rig as it gave poor you cannot say anything


Bond, Desi Bond!
why, do you wan't to change VIEWSONIC VX1932WM?? :)

It should cost around 11k if you buy at 3rd party store and should be around 12k-13k if you purchase at Dell online store.


why, do you wan't to change VIEWSONIC VX1932WM?? :)

It should cost around 11k if you buy at 3rd party store and should be around 12k-13k if you purchase at Dell online store.

i dont know ??? but if u could say that my VIEWSONIC VX1932WM is good or not , then i will not change:D


Gadget Freak
Anyone knows in kolkata which shops sells Zebronics reaper cabinet i wanted for new pc.reaper looks great.............


Violent serenity.
Is there any difference between the Red and Yellow SATA cables ? Apart from the colour.

Red are cooler 8).

i dont know ??? but if u could say that my VIEWSONIC VX1932WM is good or not , then i will not change:D

dude, the ViewSonic is a waste. Look no forth, go out and shell 12k for the Dell. Go out right now.... your ViewSonic will give you lotsa errors and if it dosen't give, torture it or hit it with a hammer and it will show up some errors.... so better you get a Dell now. Come on, go and buy a new monitor... coz your ViewSonic is supposed to give errors and is not giving errors :lol:.
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the dell monitors are great performers and their looks are sleek and look no more and get your hands on there babies


Excessive happiness
^^ lol...
@KPower Mania
ROFL... looking at ur post... :D :D :D

BTW Where did u get such great suggestions and ideas..:D :p
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Red are cooler 8).

dude, the ViewSonic is a waste. Look no forth, go out and shell 12k for the Dell. Go out right now.... your ViewSonic will give you lotsa errors and if it dosen't give, torture it or hit it with a hammer and it will show up some errors.... so better you get a Dell now. Come on, go and buy a new monitor... coz your ViewSonic is supposed to give errors and is not giving errors :lol:.

Wow ,, i ll tell u another idea , take a hammer bash it in your head ,, :D ,, this is because of small brain inside your skull is lacking of jerk ,,,

hey small brother , i would appreciate u cause u r too young and giving such an ideas like this ,, i think u would be the first rank holder in ur class :D:D


Violent serenity.
the dell monitors are great performers and their looks are sleek and look no more and get your hands on there babies

lol u lack sarcasm. And FYI, the ViewSonic model he has is waay faster than Dell's. Dell's monitor has 5ms response time and the ViewSonic model mentioned here has 2ms. :|

^^ lol...
@KPower Mania
ROFL... looking at ur post... :D :D :D

BTW Where did u get such great suggestions and ideas..:D :p

lol I am tired of his posts.... somebody has some problems and he posts here or makes a new thread and I dont have any problem... I try to solve them and so do others but this guy is waay too curious. He posts in every new thread in HQ sections. And do you know whats his problem now.... the ViewSonic model he owns is ought to have some errors but his particular is NOT showing any signs of defact and he is worried... ROFL :lol:... he is worried coz his stuff is working fine. :lol: :razz:. I dunno whats his problem... he just comes here and goes postal on every thread's ass if he has problem. You see the same posts with commas (,) instead of (.) to separate two lines.... he needs some grammer classes (dessibond's idead) and at last he is a fanboy... and that part seems to sought it all :D.

Wow ,, i ll tell u another idea , take a hammer bash it in your head ,, :D ,, this is because of small brain inside your skull is lacking of jerk ,,,

hey small brother , i would appreciate u cause u r too young and giving such an ideas like this ,, i think u would be the first rank holder in ur class :D:D

I R the dumbest entity to dwell on this planet of wastes :(.
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Bond, Desi Bond!
Wow ,, i ll tell u another idea , take a hammer bash it in your head ,, :D ,, this is because of small brain inside your skull is lacking of jerk ,,,

hey small brother , i would appreciate u cause u r too young and giving such an ideas like this ,, i think u would be the first rank holder in ur class :D:D

We will post in peace if you do that to your head :)

Now, stop doing these ridiculous posts.

Kpower said that out of the headache that you are creating in this forum.


Dude. I have decided not to respond to any of his posts however they are. He is just trying to create headache. And that previous post will be my final reply to him.

"I have decided not to respond to any of his posts however they are. He is just trying to create headache. And that previous post will be my final reply to him". :(

I think u r the king of the forum ,, sorry here is my apologies ,, i swear god ill never do this again forgive my lord "desiibond":D
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