Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

Well Not really, PAE and 3GB Switch will allow x86 platform too access more than 4GB RAMs,

take a look in these links,

Physical Address Extension

Some more detailed Tech Stuff :p *

But personally I would say yeah when running 4GB + 1GB Video Memory, opt for x64 platform !!!!


tech mighty
Choto Cheeta said:
OK... Here we go with 1 Lack Budget... note Its my personal thinking that one can use this bellow as for best use !!! we will have difference in openion for sure... so, please wait for other to reply...

My shot..

Intel Q6600 @ 12900/- + TAX
ASUS P5N32-E Sli (680i) @ Rs. 11500/- + TAX
Kingstone Performance 4 x 1 GB DDR-II @ Rs. 12000/- + TAX
ThermalRight Ultra 120 eXtreme @ Rs. 4500/- + TAX
320 GB SATA-II 16 MB Buffer @ Rs. 3400/- + TAX
WinFast TV Tuner Card with Remote supporting Vista @ Rs. 2500/- + TAX
2 x 8800 GTS 320 MB @ Rs. 27400/- + TAX
DVD RM Liton @ Rs. 1350/- + TAX
Any Large well Ventilated Cabinet I would say @ Rs. 2200/- + TAX
Cooler Master eXtreme 600 watts @ Rs. 3500/- + TAX
Dell 22" LCD E228WFP @ Rs. 19000/- + TAX
Creative 2.1 will do I suppose when you don’t have space @ Rs. 1000/- + TAX
Microsoft Desktop Pro wired can do the job well @ Rs. 750/- + TAX

TAX @ 4% 4080

Total 10,6080 ex Kolkata Price incl TAX

This is what I thought would be good... !!!

1,P35 works better than 650i/680i with u may replace the MB with ASUS P5k deluxe (future proof also-works with 45nm also without any bios update)....
2,As quads can't be overclocked much,we can go for ordinary RAM rather than High performance ones (2~3% performance increase for double the price is not necessary)
3,instead of 320sli u may suggest 8800GTX...
4,E228WFP is available for 17k...
5,Definately a better Speaker for 1L PC...
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

Arun said:
1,P35 works better than 650i/680i with u may replace the MB with ASUS P5k deluxe (future proof also-works with 45nm also without any bios update)....

Tell me which P35 based ASUS board is SLi Supported ??

arun_chennai said:
2,As quads can't be overclocked much,we can go for ordinary RAM rather than High performance ones (2~3% performance increase for double the price is not necessary)

I didnt suggested Kingstone option.. 667 MFz 4GB would have costed Rs. 8k where as the Performace ones is Rs. 12k they are good for Ocing the Quads...

arun_chennai said:
3,instead of 320sli u may suggest 8800GTX...

Author wants SLi :(

arun said:
4,E228WFP is available for 17k...

mention the source... and thnx for the update...

Arun said:
5,Definately a better Speaker for 1L PC...

once again u missed the authors post... He doesnt need better than 2.1 !!! :(


According to tomshardware,
E6750 has a better gaming performance than Q6600 and has a better price/performance ratio also. I am not that into video editing or applications that require a 'Quad' Core.

As for the speakers, I already have a ATP3, I am looking for something with stronger bass and more rms output.

No intrested in 'low latency' RAM modules. Too costly for their performance.

GPU: Buying later after 2-3 months, after the price of 8800 GTX reduces a bit.

Another thing, since I am based in Bangalore, should I get the parts locally or from some other place? Where is it cheaper: Mumbai, Chennai or Delhi (sorry don't have contacts in Kolkata)? Any good online dealers(I am aware of itwares and itdepot)?

Any way thanks for the response.


tech mighty
Choto Cheeta said:
Tell me which P35 based ASUS board is SLi Supported ??

I didnt suggested Kingstone option.. 667 MFz 4GB would have costed Rs. 8k where as the Performace ones is Rs. 12k they are good for Ocing the Quads...

Author wants SLi :(

mention the source... and thnx for the update...

once again u missed the authors post... He doesnt need better than 2.1 !!! :(

hi choto cheeta why r u getting tensed???
i am just advising him only....thats all.....nobody can deny the fact that u are helping others in a big way....just a discussion yar...(anyway i din't reed the authors post ya---thats why...)


shadow hunter
morpheusv6 said:
As for the speakers, I already have a ATP3, I am looking for something with stronger bass and more rms output.

morpheusv6 said:
I am looking for something with stronger bass and more rms output.

look for klipsh promedia 2.1 or altec mx-5021

here is my review


I have a very old desktop PC with the following config.
1. Normal mouse-keyboard
2. CRT 14" monitor (NEC MultiSynch A500+), capable of 1280x1024 60Hz 32-bit
3. 40GB IDE HDD, little slow, but manageable
4. 154MB RAM (24MB Shared for Video, 130MB Usable)
5. HP Vectra VL, Intel P2 based system
+ Onboard phone modem, 10MB LAN, and sound card
+ CD-ROM drive + 3.5" Floppy Drive
+ 2 USB ports + 1 Free PCI slot

I want to upgrade this desktop to a system, with at least the following config.

1. 512 MB RAM
2. Wireless Internet 802.11g (54Mbps)

I want to do the upgrade with minimal possible cost. But, at the same time, I am wondering, is it worth it, to continue with a P2 based system, at today's date? I would be using this mainly for doing some testing of the in-house developed software, so slow machine with minimum bells and whistles may be good!

Please advise.
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

2. Wireless Internet 802.11g (54Mbps)

USB Device sells for around Rs. 900/- in Kolkata... but for that you would need one 2.0 USB Port ...

I guess for u its wise to opt for Wifi PCI Card Rs. 1200/- in Kolkata....

1. 512 MB RAM

That would be really hard to find... I think u wont be able to digg up a 512 MB Stick and may be ur P-II Motherboard may not support 512 stick...

So best would be buying 2 256MB SD RAM modules... No real good idea about the SD RAM price... as really hard to find new ones now days... !!!


Thanks Choto_Cheeta for the advise. I was also thinking, if I could re-use the following from the old system

1. CRT Monitor 14"
2. HDD 40GB
3. Keyboard/Mouse
4. CD-ROM Drive
5. Floppy Drive
6. Cabinet with whatever SMPS it has, must be at least 250W (Though it is HP branded one, but I believe any ATX mobo should fit, right?)

... and build a new system, with some OK processor, and mobo, then? Again cost is the concern.

Please advise.


Google Bot
dude there s no juice left in ur p2.. I wd say that u get a new pc altogether

dude there s no juice left in ur p2.. I wd say that u get a new pc altogether
Last edited:


That's exactly why I made the second post. I was thinking of getting a new procy, a new mobo, and a wireless card, and re-use the rest of the peripherals... Can you please suggest any good cheap combination of Mobo, and procy, and also the prices in Kolkata? Thanks in advance.
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


Tell us ur Budget... what I can see is P-II not up to the mark, but as u would just run Coding job in it.. i would say run it as long as possible.. :p


My budget is around 7k/8k. In that P2 machine, sometimes it feels hopelessly slow, and the software being developed wouldn't probably be used by anyone running less than P4, considering the product would be launched another year later. That's why I was thinking of buying something dual core type, with some OK processor. In fact, if I have to throw out the procy, and mobo, why not get AMD/ASUS, at least better performance/cost ratio...


offtopic : ^^ so its basically for your work ??
when its for business never regret !! buy a new comp !! excel in your business !
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


tough.... Very tough...

See what u can Manage is,

AMD Sempron 3000+ / 2800+ @ Rs. 1200/- + TAX
Cheap VIA Chipset based Motherboard @ Rs. 1500/- + TAX
512 MB DDR-II 667 MHz @ Rs. 1000/- + TAX
Cabi + SMPS (as ur old one will not going to do) Rs. 1200/- + TAX

Total @ Rs. 6500/- incl TAX 4%

But really tell me, is that worth of update to u ??


I completely agree Choto_Cheeta, and add the wireless card on top of that, and it easily becomes 8k+ with tax. Plus as because it's for business, I have to buy Windows XP Home license, which is 6k?

I believe I have to raise my hardware budget to 10k/11k. If that still sounds not descent, please suggest, as because I don't have much idea about different mobos, and their prices, and compatibility with the processors...

And just to quickly reply to aks_win, yes budget hurts, when you know you have to run from your pocket, for another year... :-(
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

I believe I have to raise my hardware budget to 10k/11k. If that still sounds not descent, please suggest, as because I don't have much idea about different mobos, and their prices, and compatibility with the processors...

well in that Budget range you dont need to know much about Better Config, its just asking the Vendor to give u some thing which will allow you to go as low as possible..


what we can do from here is just advicing you to select the type :p thats it... :lol:

Plus as because it's for business, I have to buy Windows XP Home license, which is 6k?

Windows XP SP2 Pro is Rs. 6.5k + TAX



First of all, thanks.

But, you think, even if I have to buy just the mobo, procy, RAM, and the wireless card, it is not possible within 10k/11k? In an earlier post you only mentioned a complete system, for just 16k odd with tax...? I am naive, and just asking... :-|
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


Exclude the Windows XP from that Budget, we can suggest and compile pretty decent config under that then :D

AMD X2 3600+ 1MB L2 Socket AM2 @ Rs. 2700/-
MSI K9AMG2 (AMD 690v Chipset with ATi x1200 onboard) @ Rs. 2400/-
1 GB DDR-II @ Rs. 1900/-
Cabi + SMPS @ Rs. 1200/-

Total Rs. 9932/- incl 4% VAT Kolkata...



Oh, sorry of course, as I mentioned 10k/11k is just the Hardware budget, Win XP I have budgeted for, separately... Sorry I should have mentioned it clearly.

I just want decent mobo, procy, RAM, Wireless card, and a cabbi, if possible under 10k range.... :)
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