MetalheadGautham said:
PS: Have you got enough experience with your rigs to tell about all your boards/processors and rate their performance/cost ?
No I dont consider that

I still have a tons of thing to learn

what ever little I have learnt i do try to share them with all...
And yes, MSI K9MM-V was Via. And 3k. So how can you expect it to be good ?
some thing not right as its Rs. 1600/- + TAX retailing at Kolkata
BTW, how is M2A-VM ? Compared to the other boards ?
better value for money that M2NPV-VM where as poor for linux with poor driver support
And I just noticed, Intel has lots of cheap mobos these days. Will it affect AMD's market share ?
And tell me some Sub 3k AMD Boards.
By far there is only one all most proper board from Intel which is XFX 630i 7150

that too is cripple by the fact of No Dual Chennel support
and as arvind said, MSI K9AMG2 (AMG690G) and ASUS M2N-MX at Rs. 2450/- is there