Assassins Creed 3


I am the night...I am...
mine is not legit :-D

btw i have a gtx 660 and i think TXAA is available only with nvidia 600 series cards

Yup you're right. AC3 and Call of duty Black ops 2 are the only two games to support TXAA.
It only works in kepler (6xx series) cards. :) Crysis 3 will be the third game to support it and will be a beefy one too.


Back to school!!
Yup you're right. AC3 and Call of duty Black ops 2 are the only two games to support TXAA.
It only works in kepler (6xx series) cards. :) Crysis 3 will be the third game to support it and will be a beefy one too.
A shame, its nVidia's doing you know, holding us back, those bastids :pullhair: :stamp: :aaargh:


→|Requiescat| |in| |Pace|
Well I get only 15-20 FPS(sometimes even 10) on Boston(all Lowest settings at 1366*768)....

I have completed the game(New york and Frontier was less laggy)
But can anyone tell me how to increase the FPS to atleast 30. (I have the legit copy with all updates and running on 13.1 Catalyst driver)


Human Spambot
Well I get only 15-20 FPS(sometimes even 10) on Boston(all Lowest settings at 1366*768)....

I have completed the game(New york and Frontier was less laggy)
But can anyone tell me how to increase the FPS to atleast 30. (I have the legit copy with all updates and running on 13.1 Catalyst driver)
10 is beyond tolerance. Buy a Nvidia card, Lol.
Try turning off AA.


Living to Play
Its really sad to see that a game prefers a particular manufacturer this way, same thing happened with Batman AA also and it was criticized a lot for this and now this game. :(
Its really sad to see that a game prefers a particular manufacturer this way, same thing happened with Batman AA also and it was criticized a lot for this and now this game. :(

Damn!! And I was cursing my laptop. Almost fried it by overclocking.:mad: Damn this game. It runs perfectly fine on nvidia's 410m which is equivalent to intel hd 3000.

Rajat Giri

Assassin's creed tyranny of king washington DLC is releasing on 20 feb..DLC also contains new outfit for connor..


Broken In
I had a query. I bought the retail edition, can I somehow bind my key to my UPlay account so that I have a digital version of the game.


Living to Play
Well you have to bind to play but I am not sure if it will enable you to have a digital version of the game.


Back to school!!
I won't say that. Because even on the 560 it gave some, 6 or 7, throughout the game. But today it gave back to back, within an hour.
Maybe its the drivers, since it gave it with the 560ti as well(never gave one when I played AC3, or pretty much any game ever), run furmark, if its stable, then its not the card, next rule out CPU/RAM using Intelburntest, if all passes resintall driver after cleaning with Products - List of all products made by Treexy


Human Spambot
Hmm. I will update the drivers. But I can say that only this game gave me that issue. No other recent games gave me a single issue.
Btw how long should I run FurMark? I ran it just for 6-7 minutes the other day, all was okay.


Back to school!!
Hmm. I will update the drivers. But I can say that only this game gave me that issue. No other recent games gave me a single issue.
Btw how long should I run FurMark? I ran it just for 6-7 minutes the other day, all was okay.
10 mins should be more than enough.


Living to Play
Yeah drivers could be problem. I used to get some BSOD with some games on my previous RIG when drivers used to get quite old. Mainly the new games. :)


Conversation Architect
strange, i never got BSODs due drivers... the only time i got BSOD was due a RAM stick not seated properly..
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