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हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Did you try searching of Website like
Ya, one gets many offers there, but most are just so annoying n irritating:
Sir, we are a leading indian firm.
We specialize in <insert names of all programming languages you know>.
Our rates are cheapest in india and our work is best quality.
Then, there's a price war, who can quote the least?

And finally, when the project owner is happy to see that someone has quoted him the lowest and tries to contact him, either they do not respond, or appear clueless!

Many have a not-so-good reputation when it comes to their coding skills, etc. And there are many college students out there who want to make a quick buck without ny commitments. So its always risky to hand it over to an irresponsible person.

Just go and checkout on some Americn forums what people are saying. Many Americans had to have their entire code rewritten by some americal programmer after an Indian freelancer had written it.(Oh, nothing unpatriotic!)

If one wants to hire freelancers via internet, then they should look with premium sites like that charge a fee to join. This ensures that most chancers are weeded out.
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