nice site u got the Vishal 
congratulation, hope to see d site being regularyl upd8ed with qlty stuff
4 Suggestions: -
1.) Orange text on yellow background does not make for very easy/pleasent viewing. since r main content area has dark fonts on light background (black on white), you might want to consider doing the opposite with the side panel (probably not with the same color combo). This will also help d side panel from stealing focus while the reader is reading stuff
2.)Can you justify the text of thedescriptive parts of your site (tutorials, About me, etc). Looks a lot neater that way.
3.)Can you make the top menu bar follow the page as it is being scrolled down? there is this porn site that i visit
, where they got this menu bar that follows as the page i scrolled down
that way there is no need to go all the way back up to access another section after you have finished reading that page
4.)Can you expand the sections in the menu bar, when 1 clicks on it
Fastr and easier than letting the whole page open to read a given tutorial
You could let the expanded view show the first 7 articles in that section to choose from. If the reader wishes to check out the 8th or 9th article, then he/she opens the whole page to click on the click.
That way the drop-down menu doesnot look very cluttered either
congratulation, hope to see d site being regularyl upd8ed with qlty stuff
4 Suggestions: -
1.) Orange text on yellow background does not make for very easy/pleasent viewing. since r main content area has dark fonts on light background (black on white), you might want to consider doing the opposite with the side panel (probably not with the same color combo). This will also help d side panel from stealing focus while the reader is reading stuff
2.)Can you justify the text of thedescriptive parts of your site (tutorials, About me, etc). Looks a lot neater that way.
3.)Can you make the top menu bar follow the page as it is being scrolled down? there is this porn site that i visit
that way there is no need to go all the way back up to access another section after you have finished reading that page
4.)Can you expand the sections in the menu bar, when 1 clicks on it
Fastr and easier than letting the whole page open to read a given tutorial
You could let the expanded view show the first 7 articles in that section to choose from. If the reader wishes to check out the 8th or 9th article, then he/she opens the whole page to click on the click.
That way the drop-down menu doesnot look very cluttered either