Apple expensive? I don't think so...

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Walking, since 2004.
gxsaurav said:
Dashboard...again, now that is a rip off of Konfabulater, everyone knows that

Sorry for bursting your li'l bubble. Desktop Accessories were first introduced in System 6 in 1988. Wonder why Konfab developers didn't sue Apple?

Ayush, i'd say again. you'd never get a good review of your articles on this forum. Most of the people on this forum have myopic and rigid viewpoints.
gxsaurav said:
Why didn't u said that instant search was a feature of WinFS first shown in Longhorn builds 4053 in 2003, which apple copied & released in Mac first as spotlight

What reason do you have to believe that the technology wasn't being developed by Apple when it was previewed by MS? If you are just guessing, then you're no more than a troll.

Windows Explorer & Finder are alike...yeah u see an address bar in finder
It's designed in such a way that it does not require an address bar. However, the next time you check out finder, click on Go>Go to Folder, and your address bar would be there. Shift+Apple+G works, too.

I predict you will skip all of the points mentioned in my post because you have no points to reply. Infact, I can bet on it. :)

And you mentioned that I said my mac was worth 26k? Well, go checkout TechSpot, kid. If you have already done and realize your folly or ignorance, then do 10 sit-ups or just go back to your sofa. It's already missing you.
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 Macboy
Okay gx:

1) Time machine is (is to be at least) totally transparent. Works behind the scenes. You don't have to remind yourself every week (every day?) to take a backup. I've lost a couple of important files till now, due to my stupidity I admit, and I painfully have to take backups every week (even on my iMac)

2) I've not used flip3D, but gathering from the pictures, I can only see that it shows you one window at a time. Flip flip flip. Expose, much more functional, shows you all the windows, neatly and quickly I might add, to use as much space as efficiently possible. And "Spaces" in leopard is going to better that...

3) I've never used the address bar in Explorer.

4) neh
5) It pains me to run windows on my 24inch monitor.

6) The alt+tab is far more functional in mac. You can quit apps right from alt-tab. You can select the icon from your mouse. Not sure who copied whom though, you may be right.

8) You have not used iPhoto and yet you say Windows Photo gallery is nothing like iPhoto? Talk sense.

9) Whatever. You have to drag the files to the CD drive. It copies all the files to a separate folder before burning which takes as long as the burning process itself....

I can upgrade my RAM.

So I guess it comes down to personal choices. Some prefer to have everything but their work transparent. Some prefer to do some tweaks here and there, clean up the system every week, waste a couple of hours reinstalling every few months.

Some don't mind spending a few extra bucks, so that they don't have to do the dirt job. (though, I must admit, that kind of contradicts the title of this argument).

Why I wrote such a long argument? I can't get sleep...


i better leave now....can't argue all the time to u 2 on your kiddish comments

Andy, was spotlight in developement?, who anyone can say it was when showed on longhorn, no one knows the truth here

It's designed in such a way that it does not require an address bar. However, the next time you check out finder, click on Go>Go to Folder, and your address bar would be there. Shift+Apple+G works, too.

Didn't know that.


1) Have u ever used Windows Backup, u don't even have to do it manually, it will automatically make backups on whatever time period. & by the way, isn't file specific backup something introduced in Windows server 2003 in the year 2003, i think it's called Volume shadow copy...maybe

2) Like i said previously, Apple copied virtual desktop from Linux....& named it Spaces, wonder why andy is not pointing this

Some prefer to do some tweaks here and there, clean up the system every week, waste a couple of hours reinstalling every few months.

So, u don't clean your junk files, cookies, temporary files etc, right...thats quite nice


Ahhh! Please dont leave the fight guys, I was watching the whole nice exciting fight like an observer. It entertained me quite a lot and enlightened me about a lotta things about mac. :)


Walking, since 2004.
gxsaurav said:
i better leave now....can't argue all the time to u 2 on your kiddish comments
Now that you've got your tail between your legs, you're quitting? Tsk Tsk.

Andy, was spotlight in developement?, who anyone can say it was when showed on longhorn, no one knows the truth here

Yes, what proof you have that Apple did not have it in development? You have no proof to show that. You, obviously, do not understand how operating systems are developed. I would say that if MS had introduced it in 'Longhorn', WHY ISN'T IT A PART OF A COMMERCIALLY RELEASED OS BY MICROSOFT, YET?

It was introduced in Apple's OS about ONE and HALF years ago.

I predicted it right :d, you did not reply to my other comments. It was, obviously, because you had no knowledge of this topic and were trying to troll by posting anything that came to your mind.

2) Like i said previously, Apple copied virtual desktop from Linux....& named it Spaces, wonder why andy is not pointing this

Yes, I forgot to mention that. It's nice that Apple did copy that :)

I wish Apple do copy Konqueror, too. It's the best file manager out there. It leaves Finder and Windows Explorer far far behind.

Apple have based Safari on Konqueror; it's time to base Finder on it, too.

I'd suggest you go back 20 years to 1985-87, GX. Look at the lawsuits in those years. Maybe your perception of MS will change.
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Aspiring Novelist
And anyway, the point of this article was not to show how MS is copying everything from Apple. Everyone knows it HAS been doing that since time immemorial, except for a few nutters!
All I wanted to point out was that features that are available on a Mac appear on a PC at least after one or more years. The Mac users have been launching applications and recovering lost files with the spotlight since April, 2005. Why is it only appearing in Vista's betas now? And that too, according to you, when it was conceptualised by Microsoft?!
See, you have never used a Mac and are defending yourself and your crappy OS of choice when you don't have much idea about the Mac platform. Run them side by side on one system (a feat you can achieve only if you have a Mac) and you will truly realise what you had been missing all along. I bet you will almost never boot into Windows.
And if you have read my article in its entirety, you will notice that I DID mention that MS scored over Apple when it comes to Flip (not Flip 3D) and Windows Media Center.
As for your argument that Flip 3D has not been copied from Exposé, well, it looks exactly the same thing from my, and of many respected technology experts including David Pogue's, point of view. The only visible difference is that Expose is pseudo-3D and Flip 3D is just that, 3D. The screen dims in both and both of them have a VERY similar animation. The difference that IS there has purposely been created to 'bastardize and diminish (it) in some way by definition' so that MS is shielded from the lawsuits and people like you can claim that it isn't copied. Of course, Exposé is far more useful and is more convenient to invoke. You just slide your mouse to the corner of the screen and it activates in a flash. I constantly find myself sliding my mouse to the screen corner when I am running Vista on Parallels (which, in case you didn't know, is a software that allows you to run any OS on Mac OS X without the need for a reboot).


 Macboy
This has never happened before. gx has, as anand says, put his 'small little' tail between it two ignorant legs and fled the topic! And if he does read 'this' post of mine, that means he didn't actualy leave, but he's watching from one corner of the world (even though the world doesn't have corners).


Aspiring Novelist
gxsaurav said:
Windows Photo gallery is new, & it's nothing like iphoto....I haven't used iphoto so I can't say though
I can surely see how sure you are about what you say! Let me just rephrase that for you a bit:
"Windows Vista is new, & it's nothing like Mac OS X Tiger....I haven't used Tiger so I can't say though"
LOL! :lol:


aryayush said:
Run them side by side on one system (a feat you can achieve only if you have a Mac) and you will truly realise what you had been missing all along. I bet you will almost never boot into Windows.
I like that kinda confidence! So guess mah VMWare list includes MAC too now. Wonder if it can be installed on it!

Neways I agree with @mail2and, he (@gxsaurav) cheated with me too in (* WIndows Vs Linux debate which was getting interesting and fled in between .

Hey guys how much Physical memory Mac uses so that I can set it up in VMWARE??


Aspiring Novelist
Anything lower than 512 megabytes won't do it justice. I personally have two gigabytes of memory on my system and I allot one gigabyte to each OS when, and if, I boot Vista using Parallels. But I used to do that when Vista RC1 was released to check it out. Don't do it any longer now... for obvious reasons!
Tiger has really got a huge jungle to play in, and boy, it is fast! I selected thirty images, right-clicked and selected 'Open with Photoshop CS2'. The program was already running and the images opened in cascaded windows in two seconds flat. And this when Mail, Safari, iChat, iTunes, iPhoto, QuickTime, System Preferences, Adium, Microsoft Messenger, Opera and Yahoo! Messenger were already running.
I then booted into Windows XPee (using Boot Camp) and launched Adobe Photoshop CS2. Then I selected the same thirty images and hit return. It took twenty two seconds even with no other program running. Let's hope Windows Vista is not blown away so easily by Leopard... or even Tiger! :p


Aspiring Novelist
I think I missed a point or two here. What is this 'VMWARE'?
Is it related to Microsoft's Virtual Machine?


 Macboy
VMWare is not longer used. We use Parallels now on the new Intel Machines. VM is very very slow. Parallels, coupled with enough RAM, gives near native speeds...


The usual thinking is that Microsoft is bad, it copies & it sux, even if they are trying to do something nice

I just read the news that MS will be removing some of the security features in vista, due to pressure from EC, now u tell me, is that viable

The problem is, Microsoft has so much market share out there, that even if they add a new feature or app in their own OS they get sued, saying that they are killing competition, I mean, no one sues Apple or Linux for bundling a lot of features & application, cos no one gives a damn, but if MS adds a new Photo viewer, they will get sued cos it's killing competition like Acdsee or Picasa.

The best thing about Windows is that, it has a lot of 3rd party developers, a lot of options to choose from which all work perfectly, unlike Mac, where there are only a few application, & the monopoly of Apple made apps rule the Mac market. Music player, well....its itunes, which monopolizes the Mac music player market. Video viewer well quicktime, cos apple bundles with the OS. In linux, there are numerous choices...but none as good in features compared to their Windows/Mac counterpart

Now Andy ones told me, that it's cos U can uninstall anything completely in Mac/Linux, unlike Windows where u cannot uninstall it completely. Well, isn't this what happens on Mac/Linux too when u uninstall something, other apps brake. I uninstalled Openoffice in ubuntu, & guess what it uninstalled Gnome desktop, meditator...why did that happened? & andy, u want to check if u can remove something completely, well, go & remove QuickTime, your MacOS will seize to function properly, as whole MacOS uses QuickTime engine, it's deeply integrated, just like WMP is on XP SP2


In leopard, Spotlight will for the first time have functionality to launh applications, something we already got in Vista, now whose copying. & u r talking about recovering files, like we windows users can't use search at all

& who said i have never used a Mac?

The difference that IS there has purposely been created to 'bastardize and diminish (it) in some way by definition' so that MS is shielded from the lawsuits and people like you can claim that it isn't copied

U really are a troll fanboy. Like i said previously, sometimes an idea is so obvious that it comes on it's own, u cannot say it's copying, else Linux is the biggest copy cat out there. & why u started this discussion here in this thread, this thread was for the comparision of Mac & PC prices, u did not had anything to say on that topic so started trolling on this point

About Parallels, I have already used it on Windows, it sux, it's good for Mactel only. VMWare rox for Windows platform, & u cannot install MaOS X in Parallels workstation for Windows or Vmware

kafi kabil ho tum log, great.....keep reading & posting whatever u like...mere ko kya..achchar dalun kya


El mooooo
gxsaurav said:
I uninstalled Openoffice in ubuntu, & guess what it uninstalled Gnome desktop, meditator...why did that happened?
ID 10 T error? :D
It didn't uninstall "Gnome desktop" just uninstalled "ubuntu-desktop" don't need it and it will not mess anything up.
I didn't want to troll but please keep your comments to things you know about, else you just embarrass yourself...
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@gxsaurav....:D:D:D, seriously mahn, u r really amusing. I can't just stop mah laughing at ur posts now. This thread is about MAC, why r u dragging the mighty Linux here? To embarass urself even further??

U really got no sense, Neither to post in appropriate thread and nor to speak correctly. It excites me wheneva I debate with some genius person. But ur case is totally different and its lowering mah excitement below minimum threshold levels. U know nothing about MAC nor about Linux, but still?? Why r u making a serious mockery of urself here? First u come,make 4-5 absurd posts and then say I dont like to debate now and chicken out, and again reappear when the tone is low! What de heck.

If u wanna speak about linux continue from here, where u chickened out without replying to mah posts or mods/gods gonna kill me for replying in irrelevant thread.

Don't u dare to say, mediator dont have points and thats why he's saying that. I can debate endlessly for windows Vs linux, but u disspaointed meh by chickening outta that thread.

gxsaurav said:
Well, isn't this what happens on Mac/Linux too when u uninstall something, other apps brake
Are u asking or telling?? If ur telling then I can only sympathise with ur ignorance!

About the Gnome-desktop, damn eddie stole my pleasure of replying. I guess u don't even know "abcd" of linux, and wheneva u encounter any difficulty in Linux, u mistake it with a flaw or Linux error and become so excited that u post ur ignorance here absurdly. Seriously, these posts of urs may work in MS forums where people are so victimised that they dont even know they are a victim of windows. I guess someone needs to write a 10 page article there about Linux.

Sorry to be offensive, but dude If I start to reply to this post(#37) of urs quoting every single line, then I can promise I can make u look even more pathetic. DOnt misunderstand, its for ur own sake. U shudn't take parts in debates where u have one sided knowledge. I'm only observing things here to know more about mac! So why dont u fill life into that Windows Vs linux thread again ?? If u wanna get enlightened, then I'll promise u supreme enlightenment!!! I guess this is the first time u got an award and MS-MVP has really blinded u. To be frank I got a lotta certificates for quizes about windows, projects on windows, projects on Linux, Linux programming but those are only essential for mah career. To be frank, they r immaterial to me and I dont boast about em in front of neone/everyone. Only a few people know that I achieved something. Neither they have changed mah attitude to see the light and nor they made me a fanboy either for windows or Linux.

I know both about windows and linux, and thats why i can say confidently that windows is better ONLY in gaming area compared to linux.

So I beg u dont post about things u dont know about.

gxsaurav said:
kafi kabil ho tum log, great.....keep reading & posting whatever u like...mere ko kya..achchar dalun kya
And for god sake, dont make these silly,frustrated remarks for these people. Its really annoying. Its human mentality, that makes him say such things when he has got dry lips and needs a glass of water as he has nothing new or valid to say. I see u aint quoted @Andy yet
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Woops, sorry, I thought ubuntu-desktop & gnome desktop are same. But still a Linux n00b doesn't know that

Meditator, I was pointing out where Mac is better & where it lacks, compared to other Operating systems

Windows users are victimized? How come

I have already said it previously on many such debates on this forum. better read those, isn't these the conclusion...prove me wrong on these poitns plz.....


Works everywhere, any hardware
Works all the time, u have a lot of hardware & software supported
Dirt cheap, PC hardware is available anywhere


User friendly, so less secure, admin right everywhere. Good things it's going to change
Maximum market share, due to which primary target of virus etc
The old saying: Intel inside, idiot outside, just use common sense
Not much in included out of the box, if they provide, they get sued


Pretty User interface
Everything is inbuilt, a music player, a video player, ilife, etc....
Low market share, so less prone to Virus etc, no one gives a damn
Idiot proof, very stable cos the drivers are made by Apple & certified by Apple, like WHQL


Will install only on Apple Hardware, cos if they release for the masses like Windows/Linux, they will go bankrupt soon due to piracy. A good way to prevent that is to tie the Hardware to the OS, which they are doing.

Over expensive, the users act elite, like they are the only ones using a computer, who knows how to use a computer
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