Anime/Cartoon/Mangas Thread ~Giga Drill Breaker version~


Not quite. In a DN/DBZ crossover, a human killed by the Death Note would go into mu. So too would a Saiyan. Because the effects of the Death Note are from the Shinigami's realm, not Yemma.

But since characters from DB-verse follow a different approach of death, it won't matter how Goku (or anybody else from DB verse) dies, he'll still end up in King Yemma's realm, while Light will go into nothingness if he dies.

a saiyan is not a human, so DN won't effect him. In the same way, it won't have any effect on Saiyan-human hybrids, Nameks, Frieza, Cell, Buu, Ginyu Force, other races, etc

Case closed, Goku wins.
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Wise Old Owl
But since characters from DB-verse follow a different approach of death, it won't matter how Goku (or anybody else from DB verse) dies, he'll still end up in King Yemma's realm, while Light will go into nothingness if he dies.

a saiyan is not a human, so DN won't effect him. In the same way, it won't have any effect on Saiyan-human hybrids, Nameks, Frieza, Cell, Buu, Ginyu Force, other races, etc

Case closed, Goku wins.

lol man both of u are saying case closed but i have a feeling this will continue btw who started this ridiculous crossover thingy............


Super Moderator
Staff member
i don't care about crossover & goku vs light.all i am interested is in how come death note anime never mentioned anything about victims souls but according to @Extreme Gamer it is there in the rule book.

Extreme Gamer

i don't care about crossover & goku vs light.all i am interested is in how come death note anime never mentioned anything about victims souls but according to @Extreme Gamer it is there in the rule book.

The full rulebook was compiled for the boxset release so...

@Luffy: In a crossover, both universes meld. They don't have a "my god, your god strategy" just like secular theists would have you believe that god is one, but with different names in different faiths. So either concepts from either universe would apply to both franchises, but not both at the same time. If that happened the situation would be paradoxical. Also, see my post explaining how Saiyans are a human subspecies...

And don't forget that the death note universe does have alien species in it. You're selectively applying concepts from either universe to make Goku win :|

Street Fighter X Tekken (or vice versa for that matter) could not have happened if your approach was followed.


For all I know, Saiyans, Shinigamis, Aliens, [add more here] are anime characters for me whom I watch to pass my time after coming from office :lol:
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they are humanoids, just like Superman is. thats why DN won't have any effect on them.

Even if they aren't, they obviously are close enough to interbreed and produce fertile offspring meaning that their genetic makeup is close enough to make it likely that the DN will affect them. Neanderthals may not be Homo Sapiens Sapiens but they are still considered humans. The same reasoning can be applied to Saiyans.


Super Moderator
Staff member
coalgirls is not a sub group.they merely mix/modify a little the subtitles from other subbing groups to their blu-ray encodes.for this series coalgirls used modified gg subs.also by modifying means adding japanese honorifics like -chan,-kun etc & changing name order to japanese(last name then first name) & removal of some american slang words which gg typically uses.


Or you can use Kawai Codec Pack too

coalgirls is not a sub group.they merely mix/modify a little the subtitles from other subbing groups to their blu-ray encodes.for this series coalgirls used modified gg subs.also by modifying means adding japanese honorifics like -chan,-kun etc & changing name order to japanese(last name then first name) & removal of some american slang words which gg typically uses.

Ahh, yeah I know that, sorry for my wrong choice of words.. What I wanted to ask is which release is better, is the Coalgirl's customization worth the extra space they take up (8 GB vs 11.5 GB)


I am the master of my Fate.
VLC is not so good now & that 200% volume is just damage the speakers (laptops)

media player classic was there in win xp by default idk y its not here in win 7 ulti
that one is different MPC is bundled in K-lite Codec pack

potplayer >> MPC >> VLC

Extreme Gamer

VLC is not so good now & that 200% volume is just damage the speakers (laptops)

that one is different MPC is bundled in K-lite Codec pack

potplayer >> MPC >> VLC

I don't watch anime on a laptop, and I don't ever change volume on VLC itself. Either on windows or through a physical knob.

just use k-lite codec pack & forget others :cool:
install k-lite Mega codec pack & use MPC & potplayer

Shark007 ftw.
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