And the best free antivirus is...

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Commander in Chief
Yeah i know, but see what mr.technovice has written , an ms certified spyware :lol:

My vote for NAV 2005 and AVG 7...


In the zone

just installed AVG Free7 and It rocks baby. The update process is a bit slow than its professional version but that's okay for me.

U know that's the reason why I like Digit forum and their members most (on internet).
moreover a home user will not use a professional version as most of the main features are available in the free version



What? Where? How?
Well, i got my PC in 2000, had norton then, stayed with norton for four years paying them every year(even bought NAV 2003)...i had a modest system of 1 ghz processor speed & 128 mb ram. I had to seperately switch on my computer for the virus used up all the system resources...i wasn't doing much in computers, just programming & web designing...didn't need any more hardware. Recently i had my hardware updated...thinking that due to less processor speed & ram the program was taking time...It was still heavy on between i tried various other antivirus softwares...Mc Affe...PC Cillin...and many more...(trials) but wasn't satisfied...

Presently I'm using AVG 7 free edition. it has a simple interface, Unlike Guarav i am not finding the update slow, so far no infections have been detected & my computer is as fast as it ever was.

PS: With it i'm also using Kerio personal firewall and i think it makes a good combination.


Just Do It
QwertyManiac said:
Be it ny thing u HAV , The Best is NAV

This would have been accepted if it were a few years/months ago. But now it has lost the battle for the best AV....


Wise Old Owl
I thought we were talking about free antiviruses.I like Avast and have been using it for over a year now.I have never been attacked since..


In the zone
No infection since I ve started using Avast. Also it detects some spyware (from some crack sites) as trojans.


Im pretty happy with Avast as it recognised some trojans on one of my systems. Also I like the fact that there updates seem to be small. Well at least for me it seems to download them very fast I think.


Just Do It
exx_2000 said:
Also I like the fact that there updates seem to be small. Well at least for me it seems to download them very fast I think.

The updates are quite big ......

AVAST is a good AV...


Ambassador of Buzz
Regular Updating / Even after a Gap of 5 days Updates 4 Avast 4.6 r small. Takes abt 45-50 secs...

But if u go 4 update once a month.... :(


Regular Updating / Even after a Gap of 5 days Updates 4 Avast 4.6 r small.

Lol no wonder, My friend says the same. I guess that updating every day makes my updates small then.


Ambassador of Buzz
Well, I return from Hostel once a week [after a period of 4.5 Days !] So When I log on to net it automatically updates itself and barely takes 2 minutes...[ That is on my SLOW BSNL Dial-UP] So u need not do it regularly.... [If u do... abt 13-16 secs !! ]
Every Fortnight I backup my "D:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4" Folder with WINrar [to Avast4.6UPDATEDtillddmmyy.exe ] . Ofcourse I hv to stop all background Processes[pertaining to avast].... This way I hv all my Avast Updates [even Engine Updates....] . So in any case when i need to reinstall Avast.. [Like Formatting My C:\ ] I simply Install Avast [the Avastsetupeng4.6.exe ] ..Restart...Kill Background Processes related to Avast! and Extract the Files compressed in my Backup to Avast4 Folder [i.e replace old ;) files ].... I retain all my Updates....:) :)
And Next Update doesn't take long at all....


Ambassador of Buzz
To those who use AntiVir PE.
I'm trying this one out. Whenever I try to update (internet update) Antivir tries to download a file abt 3.x MB .. Why the update is that Big ? I think It is trying to downlaod the whole Setup file. I already hv the latest setup file of Aug 19th. So What I'm asking is that Does AntivirPE provide Incremental Vir.Defs. update like Avast/NAV/... If any one has any Idea kindly enlighten me.


Ambassador of Buzz
Damn.... then it is a VERY big drawback. Hv to revert back to Avast...or try some different AV ...Like may be NOD32 ? NOw I hope NOD32 provides incremental backup. hv to chk it. Tx.
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