A.R Rahman Wins Oscar ....!!!!

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In the zone
Congrats to ARR.has made us Indians proud!
but he has done way better works than this.
and Slumdog was a very good movie but not Oscar worthy.


Bond, Desi Bond!
Why Indian directors are not gettings Oscars?

Oscars are given to movies produced by Hollywood studios and not to movies done by studios in corners of earth. If Indian director want to make entry to oscars, he/she should collaborate with Hollywood studio and register the movie as Hollywood movie.

If you guys think that Indian movies should win more Oscars, then why can't Bangladeshi, Burmese, Afghan and other country movies win Filmfare or IIFA awards?? Why are Filmfare/IIFA awards given to movies made in Bollywood?

Why ARR got award for SDM when he made better work in the past?

Because earlier work was not under hollywood's umbrellas. For god's sake, they are awards for USA movie industry. And SDM's music is fresh air for Hollywood. We have been listening to ARR's music since we were wearing chaddi's. We have experience lot of his music and melody. This is the beginning for Hollywood for Rahman's magic. Now, listen to Music from other soundtracks and you will know why SDM Soundtrack got the award.


Debian Gnu/Linux User
Yes.. Though the Oscars are not equal to the genius's musical knowledge and his past records, it gave an international recognition to the maestro for expanding our carnatic / hindustani musics to the world. Every Indian should proud of him.


A Nation of a Billion going crazy over a 10 lb gold plated statue of a Nude Man....... Not to mention the obnoxious film that slumdog was and the crass cacophony that rahman came up with !! like it will change the status of India in any way ???

Still congrats


I have Yolks not Brains!
Congo to ARR. He deserved it, even if not for Jai Ho...he is a genius .......
And Oscars for best pic to SD is very sad!!! There has been many better films than this cliche' pile just in '08 alone.....both in hollywood or bollywood or some other woods!!! Maybe they wanted a feelgood movie to win in this depressing recession time !!!(ben button, milk , kate winslet dies and frost was a bad man!


a.k.a VipER
I heard Mr.Boyle is making another movie here in Mumbai and this time its all about our Indian culture and tradition so let's see how that turns out to be..


A LOTR fan
its so sad that we need a westerner to bang an award for us...anyways, congrats to the award winners. lets hope that our industry tries and makes good movies in collaboration with foreigners.

but anyways even if rahman has lost his golden days touch , he deserved one for what he has given to our people so long.


Wire muncher!
^^^ Maybe thats the reason why it won awards in first place??!! I mean, I've seen almost all the movies nominated for various categories in Oscars 2009. While I feel Slumdog Millionaire deserved some awards IMHO it didn't deserve all the 8 awards it won. And A.R.Rahman should've won an award at the Oscars long ago. Its just that this year the gap was filled up by this award tho I feel its the wrong movie for which he won an award.
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