2014 - New TDF Suggestions

Should we switch the way posts are displayed for mobile users?

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@Admins of this forum
Ok, I've had enough of this glam and glitz...lets come to Usability.

<there were some harsh comments here>

1. Forum log-in : From digit.in I need to
1.1. click on “Forum” link which opens a new page.
1.2. Here I need to click on 'login' link
1.3. Login page opens, enter my credentials and press enter
1.4. Rather being taken to Forum page I'm taken to a page which tells me the search query isn't found!!! What search query.
a) At this moment the URL is showing my emailid and userid in cleartext. No need of encryption, eh?
1.5. Here I've to click on “Forum” again and now it takes me to forum in a new window (?)
1.6. Why do I have to go through all these troubles to access forum? Do you personally find this flow very useful and easy for the end users?

2. Logout link :
2.1. Do a “today's posts” from forum home page
2.2. No more logout link from on the search result page. To logout either I've to go to forum home page or the page opened in 1.4
2.3. WHY?

At this moment these two things are bothering me very much. I'll post more if I find more.

+1 this post basically sums up my problems. If we login through site it shows as our email id etc and gives us query not found and TDF is often on hackers list
Just so it is clear, the times you don't see your login data on the URL, it is still sent as plain text. The difference is in POST/GET and it is just data abstraction; not encryption.


Sith Lord
Staff member
1.1 from digit.in click on login
1.2 click on fourth option after fb, twitter and g+ its a chat icon
1.3 enter forum id and forum password
1.4 click on forum button from site

was how I was doing it

now at second step itself,



Sith Lord
Staff member
oh yes peace out is good :)
would have ignored your post but you only asked in post, mods to tell... so told my opinion. anyway, do post any improvements the forum can have
sorry if posts sounded strongly worded, it escalated from rhitwicks post I think... let's just focus on the issues at hand

which is an easier and more familiar way to login


Training To Beat Goku
i haven't have had any login issues, but none(at least the old ones, haven't found any new) of the attachments are accessible.


Aspiring Novelist
why am i not able to login to digit using firefox? anybody else facing the problem? now using chrome to browse.


The Power of x480
Staff member
I am using Firefox. And didn't face any disconnections whatsoever while browsing whole evening today.
But many people at IRC and even forum now says they are facing "forum down". Something maybe wrong.


Lost in speed
Had problem with Chrome, few minutes back. Restarted the system, and now it's working fine.


I cannot access the site from mobile for some reason recently. It just throw a blank white page. Digit: Technology Advice, Product Reviews, Latest News, Free Downloads works fine though it is just the forum.


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Works fine on Firefox for me...

As for the login, we're working on it.

I'll admit everything was a tad rushed to meet the 13th anniversary (1st June) deadline, so there are a few bugs between forum and site SSO to be fixed, but they will all get addressed eventually.

Yes we're bridging vbulletin (which I manage) with a custom-built CMS (that another team built and manages), with a third party mod (open source and not well supported)... problems will arise and take a little time to solve.

As for the rants, we're writers who explain things, not PHP coders who build sites and CMSes. If everyone could code, write, and yes, even rant, the world would be a boring place indeed...
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