
  1. B

    ASUS India OC Tour coming to Delhi... soon!!

    Hello everyone! After a great run in Kolkata and Bangalore, ASUS India OC Tour is coming to Delhi... soon. It's a limited seats event; Entry by invite only. Register to gain an invitation*. * ASUS reserves the right to invitation and admittance. ASUS India OC Tou 'ASUS India OC Tour' is a...
  2. sujoyp

    Khajuraho photography tour

    Guys planning to join some group of photographers at Khajuraho as a photography tour. Anyone interested to come. we are 5 photographers comming there a 3 days tour. from 16 march to 18th march ...its a very budget tour...mainly monuments and landscape you can check this for more...
  3. avichandana20000

    PURI Sightseeing

    I will be visitng PURI in Jan. There will be 6 adults including me and two kids. i like to know : How much fare will be taken if i hire a car for the sightseeing like Konarak, udaygiri,khandagiri,nandankanan.lingaraj temple etc instead of a conducted tour by Bus? Also pls provide any such...
  4. S

    Inside a Motherboard Factory

    Have a look at Gigabyte motherboard factory here - :goodjob: Gigabyte Factory Tour 2011 |
  5. abhijit_reddevil

    Pakistan tour called off...

    * * Serves them right after 26/11...what do you think?
  6. dreamsalive

    WWE Baista pics from indian tour currently

    WWE Batista pics from indian tour currently here are some pics. Sorry,name of the wrestler is wrongly stated as "baista" instead of "Batista" in the title. SOURCE
  7. A

    I am planning to make a tour to Egypt or Africa

    Hi everybody, I am planning to make a tour to Egypt or Africa in July with my two friends. We are all teen agers. We have always wanted to see Egypt. Has anyone been there that could share their experience or recommendations on where to go? Actually I want to know that which place will be best...
  8. desh2s

    A query about Nokia 1112

    Guys!!! Can my mobile Nokia 1112 works well in US. As I am going to US for a month for an official Tour and right now, I don't want to spend money on mobile.
  9. Island Dog

    Object Desktop 2008 "Guided Tour"

    Object Desktop 2008 is scheduled for a late March release, and today on WinCustomize, we showed off what Object Desktop 2008 will look like. If you are not familiar with what Object Desktop is, it’s a suite of desktop enhancements to change the look, feel, and function of Windows Vista and XP...
  10. drgrudge

    Tour of Dubai Roads

    Posted From: Take a Stroll in Dubai Roads. Searching for a photo for the comic strip, I saw a folder named "Dubai" in my WD Passport. Casually browsing through brought me nostalgia of my days in Dubai and an idea for a blog post. :) I'm not sure if it's my passion for cars or my photographic...
  11. A

    Iron Maiden and Megadeth-India Tour 2008

    Iron Maiden - 'Somewhere Back In Time' Tour - Live in Mumbai (Bandra Kurla Stadium)- 1st Feb 2008 Source and more info:* Megadeth and Machine Head live in Bangalore (Palace Grounds) - 14th March 2008 Source and more...
  12. ravi_9793

    Team India suspend Australia tour

    source: *
  13. x3060

    tour in Linux , like watch and learn series . . (request)

    hi all , its a suggestion from my side . . am new to Linux and i was wondering , instead of putting articles if some one can actually put a video that i can watch and learn on how to make mp3 work with out net connection . and things like that so that it becomes much easy for a new user to get...
  14. arunks

    tell me how to create video picture cd quickly with background music

    Hey guys plz help me.. recently we had a tour with family. we had many many pictures and videos made... now i want to make a cd or a dvd with these tour photographs and movies.. So plz tell me how can i make this with background music and also without reducing quality of the photographs...
  15. fun2sh

    ?? I won tour package in ??

    hi guys. just now i visited from opera mini on my mobile and there it was written that i m some 100crore customer(dont remember exactly) and i hav won a TOUR PACKAGE . believin it to be a hoax i just filled the details with false information. i only have correct phone n email. but...
  16. ShekharPalash

    Startmenu Popup...

    You may hv also noticed whenever you login to Windows XP for the firsttime Windows Tour appears... then the startmenu popups...automatically... also when you create a new account and login to it for first time.... I know how to run Windows tour everytime I log in... but tht'll be quite...
  17. R

    app to rip music from flash animations

    i wanna extract the music from say...the winXP tour..which app can i use??
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