
  1. BBThumbHealer

    Pc Restarts While Working! .....plz Help

    while i work the pc restarts automatically in between......... i have turned off the automatically restart option too.. but still the prb. persists. specs are :- P IV 3.0 GHz Intel 915G Chipset 1GB DDR RAM Any help would be appreciated Blackberry7100g
  2. N

    Pc restarts

    hi, i hav p4 3GHz,915GAV, 2*256MB DDR 400 MHz, Windows xp sp2, When ever i try to start anythng that uses mic.. pc restarts ... like yahoo messenger, windows recorder... plz hepl The error that comes before restart.. Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL TECNICAL INFORMATION *** stop: 0x00000000D1...
  3. B


    Hi teachers ...! I am unable to run any program using run dialoguebox . when i use it pc restarts and system restore does not work ....................
  4. P

    my windows restarts whenever i turn off the computer!!!

    my pc restarts whenever i turn off the computer. i've checked the power options and even gone through the bios solutions. i've also installed fresh copy of windows xp formatting the primary drive. is this any virus symptoms??? HELP!!!
  5. S

    Problem with RAM?

    my comp restarts by itself when running. after it restarts, it gives the beep sound(the one for RAM malfunctioning) and it doesn't restart. after adjusting the ram, it is able 2 boot. after sometime, the comp produces some noise and restarts again. the above said thing happens again. wat might b...
  6. J

    PC restarts when Ares runs

    I have a laptop with XP home and 512 MB RAM. When I start the program Ares , after 1-2 hrs later a blue screen comes up showing some error msg and restarts immediately. I cant read the msg because the pc restarts as soon as the blue screen comes. I have scanned my PC for viruses using...
  7. izzikio_rage

    computer randomly restarts

    My computer restarts randomly at any time ..sometimes (very rare) I get the blue screen saying that the computer is beign shut to prevent damage to the computer and ends with the message begining physical memory dump. At other times the computer just restarts. I have already run the scandisc in...
  8. V

    Serious Problem

    it is very serious prob. a spy ware name brontok is infecting my PC please help me to remove it.when i starting my PC it get hanged & after some time it starts automatically but when i Downloading something from net PC Automatically restarts.
  9. prankie

    System restarts!!!

    I have a sempron 2500+ OC'ed to 1.53Ghz, with 512 MB RAM and is running on Windows XP pro (Genuine).. Recently my system started giving problem.. it restarts every now and then.. i scanned my pc and found "Trojan house Backdoor.Agent.atu" on c:\windows\svchost.exe i removed it.. but still the...
  10. official

    Can't Install Windows Vista

    My machine specs are as follows: 939 pin Amd Athlon 3200+ MSI K8NGM2-IL 512 MB hyix DDR @ 400 80 GB Seagate Sata Sony DVD Writer. The Problem is this that when i try to Boot from the 32 bit Vista RC1 it restarts after Displaying : "Press any key to boot from a CD or DVD......." I donno...
  11. A

    Pen Driving is shutting down Computer

    Pen Drive is shutting down Computer Recently one of my friend had purchased Transcend Jet Flash pen drive of 1GB capacity. After some time his computer (OS - Windows 2000) has developed a peculiar tenedency. Whenever the pen drive is withdrawn from the computer, the computer restarts. However...
  12. R

    System restarts after loading windows

    i have p-3 1Ghz pc at office, i changed it mobo recently i.s 810e chipset. i formatted c: & d: due to some problems. i installed Winxp, & FOR THE 1ST START but as soon as win starts after 20=30 sec sys restarts or stops responding showing an error message SYSTEM HAS JUST NOW BEEN RECOVERED...
  13. K

    Problem with New Download

    hi, when ever i download some thing new , it disaapears from my system on restart, i dont have any probrem with the programmes, which is already installed, even i am able to download new softwares , but once the pc restarts, it get disappeared , why its happening like this ? vat i have to...
  14. abhi_shake

    System restarts on its own

    My pc restarts on its own from time to time. Sometimes even while booting up it restarts.........when i'm working on a file it just restarts and i lose my work...also some prograzms have gone corrupt........ why is this happening? also plz tell me how to stop it.
  15. M

    System restarts as soon you start any download

    A peculiar problem has started in my system. As soon u commence any download the system restarts. but if you download anything in Opera web browser (in the active transfer window) the restart thing does not happens. My Quickheal version shows I worm. Brontok.a. Is this happening because of this...
  16. M

    PC Automatically restarts ????

    I have Windows XP Professional with service pack 2 installed on my PC. The problem is that, my PC suddenly restarts whenever there is power cut(with back up UPS). There is a Back up UPS connected to my PC. Can any one help me to sort out of this problem?
  17. linardni

    Registry Editor!!!

    Recently a strange problem is occuring in my PC running Win-XP & Office 2003.Whenever I am double clicking some folder top open it, the Folder Options disappears from under Tools Menu. The registry editor is disabled. Moreover the system restarts when I am trying to install any new program. Is...
  18. N

    pc restarts itself

    My PC restarts itself sometimes after that restart a dialog box depicting following message appears: " Windows has recovered from serious error..." my PC's config. : AMD duron 1.2 ghz on MSI KT3-Ultra mobo with 128 mb of ram and g2mx agp card with WIN XP Home (build:2600) without any service...
  19. I

    serious problem, help ASAP

    whenever i start my PC it reaches till the windows xp loading screen but after that it restarts again and same thing happens. can anyone help me with it? thanx in adv.
  20. rajeshgovindan2005

    XP restarts sudddenly......plz help

    Hi guys, I had just bought a audio in audio out cable for recording purposes from FM/Casette to PC. But whenever i start the recording process using audacity or Nero wave editor....PC suddenly restarts and shows a message that windows has recoverd from a serious error......plz help
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