
  1. lll_aritra_lll

    Earplug for my mobile...

    Hey guys... I am searching a lot in net, and getting different kind of reviews in different sites.. I hear different genre of musics.. mostly soft rocks, country and pop.. and some hard rocks and of course trance. So i need good mid, and highs as well as bass punches and clarity... it will...
  2. A

    New Phone suggest please

    My friend is coming from Singapore.. i have asked him to bring a phone for me. i am confused a bit here. i have in mind the blackberry 9810, 9860, nokia E7.. please suggest any other good option comparable to these.
  3. L

    Which mouse to buy?

    I have a budget of 3.7k and i want to buy a good gaming mouse please suggest some I have in my mind Logitech G9x CYBORG RAT 7 Please do suggest other mouse.
  4. A

    Graphic Tablet in the range of Rs.4K-5K

    I want to buy a graphics tablet in the range of 4K to 5K... will use it with photoshop n all.. n i am just a hobbyist..... I have heard n seen Wacom ones but they are way to expensive... Can anybody suggest me some good tablets... I have Vistablet n Genius in mind... Can anybody guide me in...
  5. KDroid

    The Cricket Channel

    Does this thread needs an explanation? :) I know that there are not much cricket lovers @ TDF! Many hate it! :) I don't mind at all! Upcoming International Fixtures: (Upto August 31, 2011)
  6. A

    Require a 19 to 20 inch monitor - please assist

    Hello, I want to build a PC for my cousins using some older components - the monitor will mostly be used for gaming and movies at 1440x900 or 1600x900. Ideally, I would like a 1440x900 since I doubt an HD 4670 can handle much more. But given the lack of such monitors, I feel a 1600x900...
  7. deathwish

    Wireless vs Wired Mouse

    I need a new mouse for my laptop as the previous one inexplicably stopped working one fine day. :x So I thought that this time around I would go for a wireless mouse as it provides more flexibility. However, I would like to know whether it is a wise choice or are there issues with wireless...
  8. Piyush

    Want to adopt a dog....need advice.

    So i want to adopt a pet dog.But don't know which to go for.I would like your expert advice. Actually I was rooting for a German Shepherd (I've played with one of my cousin's a lot) But my father is making up his mind on a Rottweiler and my sister for a Labrador/Golden Retriever....and my mom...
  9. aroraanant

    nikon S9100 or any other?

    my bro was planning to buy a cam. I check at many dealers and also on the internet. I like the Nikon S9100 the most though it exceeds the budget a little bit but it seems to be good for that. There were also some other cameras in my mind like sony H55,H70,HX7V and nikon S8100. Looking for a...
  10. Aj12

    Help With MID-Range Gaming Rig !!!

    Hello Everyone, Requesting help with sorting out some doubts. 1. What is the purpose of the computer? (Note: If you are planning to say multimedia, you will have to be more specific as all types of systems are capable of doing that) A: Gaming (Battle field 3 , when it launches)...
  11. Zangetsu

    Which Printer to Buy

    Hi Guys, Dad is asking me to buy a printer.... So,now I need a printer which can scan,print & xerox.I dnt want fax feature.. so which brand & model is best. I have two brands in mind HP & Cannon. It should be color printer. Budget:5~6k
  12. furious_gamer

    Need a decent PSU

    Hi, I decided to get a new PSU for my RIG. E7400 @ 3GHz ASUS P5K PL-CM 4GB DDR2 MSI HD4670 1GB 17" CRT Philips 2.1 Zebby 450W 160GB Seagate + WD 640GB . The updates will be i'll change for 5670 or 6670(if it comes ) and will add a couple more HDD's. So please suggest a GPU...
  13. T

    Altec Lansing VS4121 0r 2621 or 4621?

    Planning to buy a mid range 2.1 from altec lansing...Confused between 2621 or 4121, 4121 is old i know but i kinda liked the sound.Suggestion are welcome, i have quite an open mind ;)
  14. L


    As we all know that Desire HD has been launched in India and some of the geeks have already got their hands on that piece of gadget 8-) and few of them have already got one... :):):). Finally, my long wait is over and I was about to buy the SGS, but suddenly from no where HTC launch the...
  15. A

    Suggest Phenom based configuration

    First, the questionaire: 1. What is the purpose of the computer? (Note: If you are planning to say multimedia, you will have to be more specific as all types of systems are capable of doing that) A: Medium gaming(games of the past 1 year or so), HD videos and little bit of video conversion...
  16. atin

    Help in choosing High End LED TV

    Hi I want to buy a 40-42 inch LED TV, mostly for playing games with my XBox. Budget:80K As of now I have two TVs in mind 1) LG 42LE5300 2) SONY BRAVIA 40" KLV-40EX600 Please advice. If you have any better model please do let me know. Thanks in Advance
  17. M

    Configuring and Securing Multiple Computers

    Hi, I have to maintain a computer lab containing around 20-25 computers. What is the most efficient and fastest way to install the same software set on all of them, without doing it manually on each computer. All the computers are networked together. Also, as these computers will be used...
  18. atin

    Please Help me choose

    Hi I am fed up with my old comp. I need to buy something that allows me to play games like COD4,crysis etc. Also I need to be able to watch TV. My budget is about 40K. After a month of deliberating I still can't decide b/w the following two options.Please help Option 1: Buy a brand...
  19. utkarsh007

    Printer Sugession

    I wanna buy a printer that could print an art on a dvd/cd for a low budget. I don't mind if it doesn't print on paper and prints specifically on a disk.
  20. desiibond

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrinmay (mrintech)

    I just popped up into my mind that today is Mrinmay's (mrintech) birthday :)
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