Wise Old Owl
How do I kill the shark, I mean they bit me but I am unable to harm them at all.
you can kill a shark the way anirban suggested, its the most sane way of doing so, but again as he said the shark will sink to the bottom and you need to have "swim faster" and "hold breath longer in water" skills to skin them in one go. In my case there is a camp i conqured which is just at the sea-shore with lots of shark around, if i go into the water slow from the beach, there are points of submerged land where you can stand for some time. When the shark was around, i accidentally had switched to RPG and fired a big shot to the nearest piece of submerged land to the shark and the explosion killed it and also took my health bar from 4 to grey ( just about to die ). a way Not recommended for anyone except Serious Sam.
yep that knife game is really a good source of money farming. but i prefer the duck shooting with sniper somewhere on the beaches..
killed a shark with a RPG! :O how??
Agreed on duck shooting, its a good one for farming and honing one's sniping skills, also reminds of the 90's Video Game which had a Dog who used to pick the dead ducks and show'em to me with a big smile