The problem is with chrome, not youtube, use dedicated app/dolphin browser.
Youtube does work in chrome. I've tried it.
The problem is with chrome, not youtube, use dedicated app/dolphin browser.
The problem is with chrome, not youtube, use dedicated app/dolphin browser.
Youtube does work in chrome. I've tried it.
And hence chrome problem in ICS or lower, chrome crashes all the time in ICS.Youtube does work in chrome. I've tried it.
On eBay international its on luck how much custom will be going to charged.
You can check junglee.com it's amazon India you can check from their how much custom and shipping will be charged by amazon usa and their are their are many different seller available their.
Their is some discount going on eBay.in . You can check for discount coupon on google.
Chrome is default browser in Jelly Bean. And what about using of flash player in educational sites
Do u have Nexus 7?
Google is taking a stupid approach, 90% of web uses flash, so cutting it off basically means pushing people towards PC, maybe its a deliberate move by adobe,, to increase selling of PC, or better yet increase selling of Microsoft Surface, I'll definitely buy a surface.Chrome is default browser in Jelly Bean. And what about using of flash player in educational sites
Do u have Nexus 7?
Time to time they do give flat 10% coupon, I got one last month, next when I get one and I can't use it I'll post here so you guys could snap it(through my account)And ebay discount is only upto 1000 bucks with bank card.
I think google and apple are trying to keep adobe aside, by ignoring and not giving eff.Google is taking a stupid approach, 90% of web uses flash, so cutting it off basically means pushing people towards PC, maybe its a deliberate move by adobe,, to increase selling of PC, or better yet increase selling of Microsoft Surface, I'll definitely buy a surface.
Time to time they do give flat 10% coupon, I got one last month, next when I get one and I can't use it I'll post here so you guys could snap it(through my account)
Nexus 7 won't be launched officially in India, ever. It is a tablet meant for content consumption and google sell them 0 profit. They intend to earn by selling books, songs, movies, magazines etc through the play store in the US. People in India hardly pay for any content and it is pointless for google to launch it here in India at this price. This is the same reason for which Kindle fire wasnt launched. No point in waiting for it to launch officially.
I had a relative flying down from the states and told him to get me a 16gb one. Cost me 14k approx. Warranty is an issue but I am willing to overlook it considering I am getting it so cheap.
Project butter is truly amazing. Never seen android so smooth. You can actually feel the pixels passing below your fingersMy only gripe with it is fixed storage, thats why I ordered the 16gb one!
Asus will be partner, OMG rashi, dang it.I think google and apple are trying to keep adobe aside, by ignoring and not giving eff.
Going to cause issues, plenty of websites use flash, what about flash based game sites?
I think google and apple are trying to keep adobe aside, by ignoring and not giving eff.
Google?s Nexus tablet launching in India in October - Times Of India
IF they launch it, it wont be under 20k. Definitely. As they will have to earn through hardware sales here as content of play store is not available in India.
Even the galaxy tab 2 7.0 is for 250 in the US and 20k here!
May be they launch play store here.
May be they launch play store here.
Samsung always launch cheaper in Indian market.
They have to change the codec, long process, powerful machines will be needed, but google has enormous processing power, these three codecs are proposed, no uniform standard yet: HTML5 video - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediayea! I read iOS 6 would not come flash too, it common problem for both android and iOS.
Whenevr I download from youtube through IDM it shows .flv file how can it be HTML 5?
And how many people do you think will BUY ebooks, movies, tv shows, magazines etc on a tab in India using there Credit cards? Google won't sell it here if it doesnt turn out to be profitable and at 200$ it is not!
Yea! you are right! only a few thousand people will buy those music, ebooks, movies, tv shows, magazines etc
Have you rooted your nexus 7 with Toolkit yet?
What I think is this, 200$ for 8GB, comes to 11000/-, add tax etc and say it will go for 15k, the 16GB version will go for 18k probably, it won't be more than 20k cause then it will face competition from Samsung Galaxy Tab 2(7") @ 19k, which loses in spec a bit but can make calls and have sd card slot, which is a big plus and runs ICS,And how many people do you think will BUY ebooks, movies, tv shows, magazines etc on a tab in India using there Credit cards? Google won't sell it here if it doesnt turn out to be profitable and at 200$ it is not!
Bro, How is 250$ cheaper than 20k ? 250$ is approx 14k and samsung are selling it for 20 here.
Not yet, and I wont even get to do itThe tab is for whole family and my dad wont let me risk it as sending it back for repairs will be a big hassle. I might root it after a few months when it gets a bit old
What I think is this, 200$ for 8GB, comes to 11000/-, add tax etc and say it will go for 15k, the 16GB version will go for 18k probably, it won't be more than 20k cause then it will face competition from Samsung Galaxy Tab 2(7") @ 19k, which loses in spec a bit but can make calls and have sd card slot, which is a big plus and runs ICS,