In the zone
Guys , this lap is really awesome.
(comparing to 15r se(my 1st lap): )
Awesome screen :anti reflective,HD+ res,super bright
I will later compare JBL vs SkullCandy (15r se) ..but sub woofer with this one really makes the difference.
Feels lighter to carry n to keep on lap.
Havn't started gaming yet.
Selling my 15R SE (for no loss) and buying this 550p is(as of now) the smartest and VFM deal i ever made.
Heard there is an upcoming offer of 3 yrs warranty with this lap by near 5th of this month.
BTW Is win 8 worth it??IS it good ?
So the screen is better ?
A member antisocialbratt said the samsung is horrible compared to the SE.
As you owned both,I guess you can make a fair comparison

And 3 yr warranty offer ?? I cant wait