[Must Read] Information regarding Indian Debit Cards.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
In India, four types of Debit Cards are issued by banks - VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard and Maestro.

Here is the information which is always written on a Debit Card:

1) Your name.
2) Expiration month and year.
3) 3 Digit CVV code which is again a number.

The above three, alongwith your address are used to authorise your transaction. RBI thought this wasn't enough. In some European countries and India, you need to register your Visa and MasterCard Debit Card online in your bank's portal and create a "password" for it.

For Visa, this password is called 'Verified by Visa.'
For MasterCard, this password is called '3D SecureCode.'

(I'll be using VbV and 3DSC to refer them.)

RBI made it mandatory that all transactions to Indian merchants require to be authorised via VbV/3DSC. This means, to shop online on Indian stores, you need to get your card registered on VbV/3DSC.

So, whenever you shop on an Indian website like Flipkart, eBay.in, PayTM et cetera.. after entering your card details (usually address as well), you're taken to your bank's authorisation gateway where you enter your VbV/3DSC. After entering the correct VbV/3DSC for your card, your transction is authorised and you are taken back to the merchant's page.

In simple words, for transactions on Indian stores, there are two steps:

1) Entering your card details on merchant's website....
then being taken to another page for
2) Authorisation via entering VbV/3DSC on your Bank's page.
and then
====> Coming back to the merchant's website.

Now it's time to talk about International merchants like Steam, Google Play Store, iTunes/Apple, Paypal et cetera. These are International stores, more specifically, American. This VbV/3DSC sh!t is only mandatory in India and some European countries. And sites like Steam, Play Store, iTunes, Paypal don't use VbV/3DSC.

95% Indian Debit Cards WILL NOT work on the above stores. Why?

Because when you enter your details on, let's say Steam... your bank keeps on requesting for VbV/3DSC behind the scenes. And Steam knows nothing about it. So, the transaction fails - because your bank does not approve it.

But there is always a way out. Infact it's a very easy way.

Here is what banks should do/Here is how it should be:

1) On an Indian merchant, ask for VbV/3DSC to complete the transaction.
2) On an International merchant, DON'T ask for VbV/3DSC to complete transaction.

This is EXACTLY what happens for every Indian Credit Card. Indian Credit Cards work everywhere. Steam, iTunes, Paypal - everywhere. And also ask for VbV/3DSC on desi merchants.

But Debit Cards don't work. Because banks don't have the correct implementation. (aside for few) So, basically - even if your lol Debit Card has "International" stamped on it, it only means it will work on foreign ATMs to withdraw money. Don't be happy that "it will work everywhere, even websites. IT IS INTERNATIONAL." It won't work unless your bank has its implentation sorted. May be they will work on some non-VbV/3DSC merchants but consider those as abberrations.

Next, which all banks work. I can only whitelist Axis Bank. I've got Visa Debit Card from Axis Bank. It works everywhere - on Flipkart and Steam. No problems. Axis Bank has the right implementation. (Won't work on Google Play anymore since INR transactions have been implemented.)

I've tried MasterCard Debit Card from Punjab National Bank and Visa Debit Card from SBI. Both refuse to work on non VbV/3DSC merchants - I only tried on Steam.


What about Maestro Debit Card?

Maestro is rubbish. It will be supported by very few online merchants. For Maestro Debit Cards, you need to authorise your payment by entering your ATM PIN number or sometimes 3D SecureCode.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Debit Card Whitelist Table


SteamGoogle Play/Checkout
iTunesPaypalWindows Phone Store
Axis BankWorksWorks.
Not working.Works as a funding source
State Bank of IndiaDoes not workDoes not work
ICICIWorked for fewWorked for few
Canara BankDoes not work


SteamGoogle Play/Checkout
iTunesPaypalWindows Phone Store
Axis BankWorksNot working since INR transactions.WorksWorks as a funding source
Punjab National BankDoes not workDoes not workDoes not workDoes not work
State Bank of IndiaDoes not workWorks
ING Vysya

VISA Electron

SteamGoogle Play/CheckoutiTunes
Bank of BarodaWorksDoes not workWorks


Rubbish. Won't work anywhere except few Indian merchants. Only good as an ATM card. That's it.
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Thanks a lot for creating this thread.. it was about time.. cleared lot of doubts.

+1 for Axis.. no problem with Paypal or other international sites.
HDFC - I could not add it to Paypal, but I could purchase through a international shops.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
I bet it is Maestro.

yes it is .. :razz:

BTW.. My cards
Axis - MasterCard works everywhere, itunes too.
HDFC -Mastercard, worked on a international site, but not on paypal.
SBI - Maestro - ATM and POS only.


Staff member
For Maestro Debit Cards, you need to authorise your payment by entering your ATM PIN number.

Depends on the implementation of the payment gateway by the *site*. Like, paytm asks for only card no and 3DSC. Also, IRCTC is an exception for VBV or 3DSC.

SBI Debit card is the worse I have.. I can use it only at ATM and POS terminals..

Still the safest of the lot.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
well, when it can be assumed to be useless everywhere online, it has to be the safest. lol.


Staff member
^I meant when used "locally". I guess you know that Maestro cards can't be swiped without knowing the PIN, but not true for Visa/MasterCard. So, if your card drops out of your pocket, you know what to do.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Yes.. SBI Maestro is more secure in case of theft/lost card cases as the card cannot be used without the PIN.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@ico.. add Google Checkout to the table , axis works for that too..

EDIT: Play store uses Google Checkout(also?), anyway just mention it.


I can create a virtual visa credit card with internet banking of SBI which do not require VBV and 3DS.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
I can create a virtual visa credit card with internet banking of SBI which do not require VBV and 3DS.

+1 for VCC.. most banks are now providing this feature.

Now I recall that my Axis Card "DID NOT" work for Origin and EA store,I used EntroPay gateway to create VCC and used it for my purchase.


Ambassador of Buzz
Now my father has a sbi classic debit card which is from mastercard and not maestro. Can i use it for online shopping? Do i have to register for 3dsc :-| ?


How to change user title?
Nice info there man.
Btw SBI debit card(VISA) does not work with PayPal. But there is service call VCC(Virtual Credit Card) by SBI, you only need to activate Net Banking and then active VCC. I think VCC will work with PayPal. I'll try and let you guys know.

Maestro card isn't that crap btw, there are many extra services available with Maestro like chance to win extra tickets on bookmyshow and double the number of coupons on freecharge.
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