** ~10k mobile advice thread **


Chosen of the Omnissiah
All queries related to mobile fones for around 10k and slightly more/less to be asked/solved/discussed here.

What we are seeing is people are asking the same question again and again, instead of searching before.


Legend Never Ends
Well the best phone according to me in this range is LG Optimus One P500. It lacks camera flash.
And people who WANT Camera Flash very very baly get a Samsung Galaxy Fit.


Retired Forum Mod
1. Dell XCD35 ---> 3.5" screen, good internal, good community support.
2. LG Optimus One P500 ---> ok with 3.2" screen, good internal, good community support, want Nokia type battery life (this is impossible with Android but close).
3. Samsung Galaxy Pro ---> want touch&type but not Symbian.

4. Nokia C5-03 ---> want Nokia only (fanboy)
5. Samsung Galaxy 551 ---> big screen, Android & a big keyboard.
6. Nokia E5 ---> trusted business phone with lots of useful features. but without touchscreen.


Broken In
1.I wanted to buy the Dell XCD35. I will mainly use it for Texting, browsing, watching some vids, 3 hours of music, 24x7 EDGE, Few games like angry birds and asphalt when der is no power in house. A couple of hours of Wifi(2-3 days a week)

2.Does the new stock of Dell XCD35 ships with 512mb ram and 2.2?

3.Is it easy and safe to put cm7 2.3.4 ROM? And will it increase the battery life without damaging the Processor? And will the UI become fast and responsive?

Ty sooo much :)


Need a phone within 7K

1. Budget? 7K(max) less if possible
2. Display type and size? no preference
3. Form Factor? bar, slider, flip? bar, may consider others depending on the product
4. Preferred choice of brand? no preference if product is good but not from micromax, spice, iball please
5. Preferred input method (QWERTY, touchscreen, numpad, touch-n-type) no touch and type, others will do but inclined to touchscreen
6. What camera option you want? Please specify need for flash, autofocus, front facing camera. no preference as will be used rarely
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc). android if possible no good android found in that budget, so i think i need to go for symbian
8. Preferred connectivity options (3G, Wifi etc)Please specify clearly. no preference
9. Preferred applications (Flash, Swype, GPS, etc)? NA
10. Primary use of handset (multimedia, camera, mails, internet, gaming etc)? mainly calls, texting and listening music
11. Any specific mobile phones in consideration? not yet
12. Any other info that you want to share good audio output during calls and music is an important factor
Last edited:


Retired Forum Mod
1. Dell XCD35's only problem is its small battery.
2. yes Android2.2 but about ram, ask comp@ddict. acc to him XCD35 comes with 512Mb ram.
3. if you follow the steps correctly, most likely everything should go fine. but remember there is always risk involved.


Retired Forum Mod
^^ usually mobile will get stuck at the first screen or refuse to boot. happened to me around 4-5 times on my optimus one. can't say about XCD35 but usually reinstalling rom solves the problem.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
~no offense

Is it just me or we have 3 STICKIES FOR JUST MOBILES buying and guide? I think if ONE of them is done properly, it can serve all purposes.

I think we need some serious re-organization of the threads.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Re: Need a phone within 7K

(from letsbuy using coupon ICICILB or RCOMLB1)

1. Nokia 5233 @ 5.1k
2. Galaxy 3 @ 6.9k


Broken In
Dude comp@: Everyone has different questions... u can put everything in one thread.

So if i take it to the dell store everything will be fine right??? Will they take off the warranty?? Can i reinstall the original ROM myself?

Ty :) U ppl are great :D


Bond, Desi Bond!
~no offense

Is it just me or we have 3 STICKIES FOR JUST MOBILES buying and guide? I think if ONE of them is done properly, it can serve all purposes.

I think we need some serious re-organization of the threads.

that will create too much clutter and confusion than not having any sticky threads.


Re: Need a phone within 7K

everywhere(be it online or local shop or malls) galaxy 3 is out of stock..i really liked the phone though..please suggest an alternative!!


Retired Forum Mod
Re: Need a phone within 7K

look out for ZTE Blade. many techenclave members have got it. but i doubt if you'll be able to find it now.


Broken In
Some ppl are saying that XCD35 is of noo good... get O1... but i have seen that PPl say O1 doesnt proved crisp text in web browsers and its for GAMING only!!!

What should i do?


Retired Forum Mod
How about Galaxy5. Its costs ~8k

small screen & outdated.

Some ppl are saying that XCD35 is of noo good... get O1... but i have seen that PPl say O1 doesnt proved crisp text in web browsers and its for GAMING only!!!

What should i do?

i have already listed the features of XCD35. so if you are happy with what it provides over O1, get it else Optimus One.

whoever told that meant the complete opposite for sure.

O1 provides good readable text in opera mini as well as stock browser. i browse the forum most of the time from mobile only.

& about gaming, O1 lags a lot during physics heavy games like angry birds. custom rom, overclock, etc nothing helps here. same should be true for XCD35 as both uses basically the same chipset (same processor, GPU, ram). but other games run just fine.
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