PlayStation 3 vs Gaming PC

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I am part of a new breed of Homo sapiens called "Gamers". This is an ever growing sub species and show marked variations in their interests, language and social behavior. We are also plagued with a feeling of awesomeness when playing certain games, which others fail to understand.

Gaming has shaped my life and had a huge impact on me. In other words all my failures are inadvertently attributed to gaming and the time it consumes. I was first introduced to gaming when my dad bought me a hand held brick game. From then onwards I have seen many generations of video games, more in line with the consoles.

My quench for better games, better gaming hardware and more gaming has led to my present condition. I had a PS3 but was not satisfied with it alone and before that when I had a PC I was never satisfied with it alone either. So like an Arab with two wives, I went ahead and got myself the best in both worlds. A PlayStation®3 and a Gaming PC. :-D

This can be seen as a console vs pc war or a marriage between consoles and PCs.


PRICE: Rs.18500 (160GB) and Rs.20500 (320 GB)

I will skip the technical specifications and move on to what is important; Gaming.

Before all that I had to convince my parents into buying a 40" HDTV and constantly spam about how redundant 32" ones are (was more difficult in my case since we already had one 32incher, but the God of Games was with me)Now this is a INR 60000 expense that I did not add to the overall console gaming cost since it was primaily intended to be a TV and then a gaming display. But for ones building it from scratch, it is the biggest expense one will make.

Step 1: Beg/Cry/Spam that you want a PS3™ no matter what and get it. If you are old enough skip step one and buy it yourself.
Step 2: Connect powercable and HDMI (to TV)
Step 3: Pop in a game
Step 4: Play till the contoller dies or you do :-D

I must say a console is the most comfortable way to play. It is the only one thing in the world that is manufactured for the sub species called gamers. It pampers you a lot and lets you concentrate on gaming.

Games and Gameplay:
The first 2 games I bought were God of War 3 and Heavy Rain. Both sold for Rs.2500 a piece back then. That ate away all the 5k I had saved up but no regrets. Both of these are amazing. Just amazing. The graphics, the sound the immersion was on a totally different level. I finished playing those in two weeks. After that my console gathered dust as my parents refused to buy me any games. But as fate had it, I have now more games to play than I have time to play them. Here is a list of the games I own:

◊ God of War 3
◊ Heavy Rain
◊ NFS Hot Pursuit
◊ Burnout Paradise City
◊ UFC 2010 (got it free; never played)
◊ Assassins Creed
◊ GTA 4
◊ Devil May Cry 4
◊ Bayonetta
◊ Blur
◊ Killzone 3
◊ Tekkan 6
AC and GoW missing; lent them to a friend*

All of this cost me: (Calculating...3...2..1...) Rs. 22600/- :shock: Now thats a lot. Here comes my second point. The second biggest expense after a HDTV will be the games. My PS3 hasn't even touched its first anniversary yet.

More on the gameplay: The graphics are amazing, more fluid and realistic. The many games I played mesmerised me with their scenarios and music score (esp GoW). The controller feels like an extension of yourself and the improvements in its design over the years make it themost formidable gamign accesory. The joystick/joypad/controller is the best gaming device out there. There is nothing that can beat it. Also gaming on a 40" screen while sitting on a couch is both comfortable and immersive. The only area of weakness is shooters which are playable but a little tricky to aim and control.


• Cheaper initial investment
• Ease of use
• Controller gameplay is the most natural evolution of gaming
• Free online gameplay (through PSN)
• Longetivity (8-10year console life cycle)
• Lower power consumption (200W full load)
• Can play Blu Ray disks

• Expensive games
• Poor porting of PC games
• FPS not one of its strongest point; lack of precision in comparison to PCs
• Absolutely no MMORPGs
• Older hardware (personally I dont care as long as it performs well; if a dead horse can win a race I would bet my money on it)

The console gaming experience is more fulfilling than any other. There is nothing like opening a can of pepsi, resting your butt on the couch, throwing your legs on the table, sit back and enjoy gaming on a large screen at the press of a button.

I usually play Racing games, Fighting games (like tekkan) and Adventures (like GoW, DMC etc) on the PS3. All my FPS and MMORPGs are limited to the PC.

◊ To sum it up consoles are easy to set up and a complete gaming experience, although expensive, prohibitively so for some people.


Monster in my room; A Gaming PC:

PRICE: INR 1,00,000/- (approx) courtesy TDF (including OS & speakers)


This is my configuration: Bought on 25.05.2011
1 PROCESSOR INTEL CORE i5 2500k 10395
5 HDD SEAGATE 1TB 7200.12 RPM 2625
7 PSU COSAIR GS700 6300
13 UPS APC 1.1KV 4500
14 Speakers -- 5000
TOTAL 99722

For more pictures: No. of pics -6
1.Completely cannibalised my Study Table (which is actually a big office table)

2.In Dark



5.Twin rotor (doesnt fly)

6.Last Pic

I remember the excitement when this PC finally arrived. I fail to express them in words but it just awesome to finally have this.

But getting this config in place was not easy. I started in mid-March and the config was finalised mid-May, which is when the purchase took place too. Starting with the digit magazine and then arriving on this forum, I created a thread "gam1ng-pc-70k". After what spanned through 100+ posts I finally had all the ingredients in place. Each component was thoroughly researched and subjected to critical review.
Finally I bought the parts, the details of which are in the main thread.

I waited for 2+ hours at the shop while it was being assembled. Came home and now the ordeal started.

Step 1: I unboxed everything and made all the connections; monitor, UPS, CPU, Mouse, KB and the Wifi Dongle which didnt take as much time as it took to arrange all of it on my table.
Step 2: OS installation. Since I couldn't buy a Win 7 copy I used a trial version meanwhile. It spanned an hour or so.
Step 3: Intalling all drivers and softwares. 5+ hours.
Step 4: Install updates and Install games.
Step 5: Open "Preferences" and set the optimal resolution and calibrate the monitor
Step 6: Run the game. Go to options and max out settings and set optimum resolution.
Step 7: Play :-D (finally)

I must say it was quite an ordeal. But since all of this happens only on the birth of a PC, I am not going to dwell further into it, nor am I going to consider it in the comparison.
However the installation of the games and setting them up to run is either the same or mostly a little longer than consoles.

Games and Gameplay:
Every single gaming device has its share of exclusives and the PC has not one but many. In fact being the most popular gaming devices besides PCs its difficult to estimate which is more popular.
My reason to get this PC was to play FPS games such as Crysis 2, CoD MW2 and BlackOps etc. Now this is where it shines. The amazing control given by the mouse is just too precise and convenient to be beaten in this department. It quickly shows you the shortcomings of the console controller.
The gameplay is amazing and the visuals are mesmerising. Cranking up the settings has given me the most realistic visuals I have ever seen on a PC before.
My other muse is MMORPG games. Although not in the pure sense as I dont play WoW etc but only Dota which is an online RPG. It is an old game and does not benefit from any upgrades except the mouse.
I am playing on a smaller screen so the difference is obvious but FPS are very immersive and hence it doesnt matter.
Now I dont recommend every one to buy a console but if you do want to play Racing games and others such as Assassins creed, I recommend buying a controller/joystick preferably the microsoft xbox controller for PC

The HD 6970 is a beast not the most powerful one but is formidable enough to max out settings at 1080p.
This should give me a few years of peace and ability to play latest games at high-medium settings.

Cost of games: The games are priced much better at prices ranging from Rs.500-1500. Mostly falling at 1k.

Now a lot of people don't buy games, which in itself is why there is a huge support for PC gaming in many. It is a personal moral choice though.

Hence in such a scenario, the cost of the PC and games dont factor well for comparison. The same is evident in this forum too where no discussion (or little) is made regarding online game play which is usually limited to legit copies.

Having said all that I too have fallen prey to such habit but I plan on buying Crysis 2, CoD 3, and Metro 2033 next month, just so to appreciate the online game play and prevent what we are already witnessing. The death of PC gaming or the decay of it (Read= Crysis 2 and its priorities)

The PC is limited to FPS games and MMORPGs in my case. There are strictly no racing or other genre games here. But the PC is equally good when coupled with a controller to play all these. Infact I would say that a PC with a good KB, a gaming mouse and a gaming controller is the most complete gaming system, capable of playing every genre of games. However compatibility issues plague the PC controller for some games.


• Better FPS and MMORPG experience
• Can play all or most of the games available on the consoles (except exclusive titles)
• Upgradeability -hardware upgrades can be made during its life time
• More powerful than current console hardware
• PC can be used for movies, surfing, video/photo editing, chatting etc etc
• Cheaper games
• Better graphics (I dont know about this, since I wont do a side by side comparison ever, for that is the stupidest thing to do)
• Mouse allows for enhanced precision
• Online game play (better experience than consoles)

• Huge initial investment [even a decent gaming rig costs 50k]
Gaming on a smaller screen (Ok not that big a problem)
• The Keyboard is the worst gaming accessory; the least ergonomic of all. But many swear by the KB so I think it has won many hearts. So this point transforms into a personal opinion. Key mapping and macros make it more user friendly.
• Requires regular updates in hardware as games are not tailored to run on older hardware in most cases (2-3year cycle)

◊ The PC is far more versatile than a consoles for it is built that way but in itself is a formidable gaming machine. I does not win over consoles but definitely has many advantages over it.

◊ On a neutral note, if you had a choice between them I would say go for a gaming PC. I am biased towards the consoles; they do have their advantages which is why many people own both a console and a PC.

Highly recommended for FPS and MMORPGs. Also for other genre like racing, TPS etc.

Final Summary:
◊ Despite owning both it is difficult to say which is better. It is impossible for me to ditch one for another. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. I love them dearly and honestly I don't care which one is better.

However for consoles I would say: Buy used games and borrow a lot. Buying new ones doesn't make any sense and is also a huge expenditure. Used games sell for around 500-1000 which is a steal.
For PCs: Buy a controller like the xbox one I mentioned for racing games and experience enhanced precision. Also get a decent gaming mouse as they are more ergonomic apart from other benefits. Even without these it is a formidable gaming machine.

I think I wrote a small book out here.:grin:
Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you for reading.


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EXIT: DATA Junkyard
The graphics are amazing, more fluid and realistic.

On PS3, this is after you played on PC? Well surely you don't look too carefully.

Gaming on a smaller screen

Nobody's stopping you from hooking up the HDTV to the computer while gaming bro.

Requires regular updates in hardware as games are not tailored to run on older hardware in most cases

A high-end configuration of Today will run at-least for 2 years without hitches in games. Plus, if you are into downloading, then compare this.

Your PS3 won't last half the time your computer is kept switched on. It would most probably die by then.

Havn't you read hardcore X360/PS3 people having to buy 3-4 consoles as their previous one dies and all?

The Keyboard is the worst gaming accessory; the least ergonomic of all.

I think it is the best. Where else do you get so many configurable keys to be used instantly in-game?

Just that the games don't use them.


Back to school!!
Nice review.

My thoughts on this:
The joystick/joypad/controller is the best gaming device out there. There is nothing that can beat it
My mouse does, and I honestly believe X360 controller is more ergonomically designed than PS3 controller, X360 controller feels better.

The only area of weakness is shooters which are playable but a little tricky to aim and control.
The only reason I hate consoles, without 'auto-aim' aiming the controller can not be used in shooters, rpgs(that use guns like ME, F3).

Free online gameplay (through PSN)
And for PC it isn't?

Longetivity (8-10year console life cycle)
Do you mean the console life cycle or production life cycle? Consoles will not last you more than 3-4 yrs max, production life cycle is 10yrs(one more reason we won't get good pc games till 2015).

Expensive games
I agree very much.

The console gaming experience is more fulfilling than any other. There is nothing like opening a can of pepsi, resting your butt on the couch, throwing your legs on the table, sit back and enjoy gaming on a large screen at the press of a button.
I will say only one thing, X360 wireless controller.

OS installation. Since I couldn't buy a Win 7 copy I used a trial version meanwhile. It spanned an hour or so.
Took me 15 mins cause I installed using a pen drive. Its a one click process, if you want I can give you the link of the software.

Intalling all drivers and softwares.
How many softwares did you install exactly?

On this subject since we are discussing gaming pc we need to install, drivers, direct-x update and we are done, that should take 20mins max.

I must say it was quite an ordeal. But since all of this happens only on the birth of a PC, I am not going to dwell further into it, nor am I going to consider it in the comparison.
However the installation of the games and setting them up to run is either the same or mostly a little longer than consoles.

My reason to get this PC was to play FPS games such as Crysis 2, CoD MW2 and BlackOps etc. Now this is where it shines. The amazing control given by the mouse is just too precise and convenient to be beaten in this department. It quickly shows you the shortcomings of the console controller.
Agree again.

The gameplay is amazing and the visuals are mesmerising. Cranking up the settings has given me the most realistic visuals I have ever seen on a PC before.
Yes, anyone who played a pc game or saw one will say this.

Cost of games: The games are priced much better at prices ranging from Rs.500-1500. Mostly falling at 1k.
One more reason to go pc, most games will go around 700-900, which is a lot cheaper than console games.

Now a lot of people don't buy games, which in itself is why there is a huge support for PC gaming in many. It is a personal moral choice though.
No comments, but if you want a preview before buying the game........ :lol:

Gaming on a smaller screen

The Keyboard is the worst gaming accessory; the least ergonomic of all.
Do not agree at all, macros are the best features for keyboard.

Requires regular updates in hardware as games are not tailored to run on older hardware in most cases
Your setup will last you 2yrs, then you can just change the gpu, the cpu will last 3-5 yrs easily if gaming is your thing, ask asingh.

I give my vote to pc. But consoles are nice for those who are not oriented with pcs.


Cyborg Agent
A good CPU can easily last 3-5 years while a GPU can last 2-3 years. It can give the console level visuals for a lot lot longer. Just think of people who had bought a Q6600 in 2007, I bet their CPU is more than enough for even current games. People who bought 8800GT back then can at least enjoy better visuals than the console counterparts.

The initial setting up of the PC should not even be considered guys. Installing Operating system and Drivers is just a one time process.
For people who already own a PC, it's cheaper to upgrade it rather than buy a new console for Rs 22000/-

But consoles are a good choice for Linux users.


Back to school!!
A good CPU can easily last 3-5 years while a GPU can last 2-3 years. It can give the console level visuals for a lot lot longer. Just think of people who had bought a Q6600 in 2007, I bet their CPU is more than enough for even current games. People who bought 8800GT back then can at least enjoy better visuals than the console counterparts.

The initial setting up of the PC should not even be considered guys. Installing Operating system and Drivers is just a one time process.
For people who already own a PC, it's cheaper to upgrade it rather than buy a new console for Rs 22000/-

But consoles are a good choice for Linux users.
My friend has Q6600 @ 3GHz and he is an avid gamer, played all games as fine as I did, FPS was a bit lower but all that mattered is his card(560Ti).


Cyborg Agent
If the Q6600 still has so much grunt just think of how long 2500K will last. People who own it will only have to upgrade once the next gen consoles are out and games graphics get a huge a bump.


Back to school!!
If the Q6600 still has so much grunt just think of how long 2500K will last. People who own it will only have to upgrade once the next gen consoles are out and games graphics get a huge a bump.
Anyone who bought a Q6600 or an equivalent CPU will be able to play all games till 2015(until new consoles come) easily(oc to 3GHz).


Aspiring Novelist
First of all, this is really a nice unbiased comparison. So I have made it a sticky for a while. Till at least, and new console comes out. :)

On PS3, this is after you played on PC? Well surely you don't look too carefully.
I have a PS3 too. I hardly find a visual difference. Not that I will walk up to my 40" LED and look for details. But from 8" away, I love the graphics.

Nobody's stopping you from hooking up the HDTV to the computer while gaming bro.
Yes true. But it is more difficult. You cannot game up close to an HDTV. So you either get a darn long HDMI cable, or use wireless keyboard / mouse combination.

A high-end configuration of Today will run at-least for 2 years without hitches in games. Plus, if you are into downloading, then compare this.
The PS3 has been running since circa 2006.

Your PS3 won't last half the time your computer is kept switched on. It would most probably die by then.

Havn't you read hardcore X360/PS3 people having to buy 3-4 consoles as their previous one dies and all?
That is quite not correct. I also know users whose PC's have failed just as fast. You cannot generalize. Umpteen users have PS3's which are running stellar after many years.

I think it is the best. Where else do you get so many configurable keys to be used instantly in-game?

Just that the games don't use them.
Not really. Depends how many keys are actually mapped to the game code.

But consoles are a good choice for Linux users.
Linux was disabled ages ago on Sony, why a mandatory FW release...!


Living to Play
For any of your Console point I agree. But I have to disagree on some PC points.
Sarath said:
Better FPS and MMORPG experience
One more RTS which are exclusive for PC till date. I mean looks at Company of Heroes, CnC Tiberium Wars, Starcraft 2 etc. Damn good games exclusive for PC. :)
Sarath said:
Gaming on a smaller screen
No one is stopping you to connect your PC to your HDTV.
Sarath said:
The Keyboard is the worst gaming accessory; the least ergonomic of all.
Its the best. Get a Logitech G510 and tell me.
Sarath said:
Requires regular updates in hardware as games are not tailored to run on older hardware in most cases
I am playing Dirt 3, Witcher 2 on my 4 year old PC.
Sarath said:
Now a lot of people don't buy games, which in itself is why there is a huge support for PC gaming in many. It is a personal moral choice though.


Wow. Thanks for making this a sticky.

I read through all your replies and I was looking at constructive criticism to make this article more neutral and I got many.

However I would like to point out that I am mainly into consoles and look at PCs as something that either complements or completes my gaming experience. Now this is strictly my personal opinion and I didn't add this in the article up there as it would disturb the balance of its contents.

Also my personal barricade of not playing racing games is largely due to my personal bias towards towards consoles again. Again at no point did I mention that PCs are bad at racing games. With a controller they are equally good. Which I believe I mentioned.

Connecting the PC to the TV is something I never though of, nor will I. I don't know how many do that but for me that is quite an absurd proposition. For this I wanted to add that between a 40" HDTV at 6 feet and a 23" at 1.5" it is the latter that actually covers a larger visual area. But it is beyond my explanatory capabilities as to why we find the former is better. In fact I think a 23/24incher is somewhat optimum for PC gaming.

Online gaming is a part of a legit copy. Apart from a single friend of mine I have never seen anyone do that. And I have got rich loaded friends but that hasn't changed anything. So I have come across many who have played the game but stay mum on online game play discussion. Now I did not want to standardize it. I only merely forgot to mention the point and will edit it to add the point. Forgive this ignorant human.

The keyboard is one thing I want to change. A software with easy key mapping and macros will make it easier but doing that for every game is cumbersome. I am having problems with the KB because of certain games I play and also the odd placement of keys. I always wanted something like a controller to move the character and a mouse to aim. Just my opinion. I made a point up there on an ergonomic standpoint, since the keys for gaming are not optimally placed. I mean look at the WASD cluster, those are not even symmetrical. It is just that we have gotten used to it. Also the shift and alt buttons, not to mention the various other action keys are placed in a way that can cause serious fatigue and strain to the hand.

I am not right in everything, I am aware of that. But it is hard for me to look at it in a different perspective. Also after owning both of them, its unlikely I would now be more biased towards any one.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Not really. Depends how many keys are actually mapped to the game code.

Thats exactly what I said

That is quite not correct. I also know users whose PC's have failed just as fast. You cannot generalize. Umpteen users have PS3's which are running stellar after many years.

Both have their share.

The PS3 has been running since circa 2006.

yeah, we know this is the console generation after all.

I hardly find a visual difference.

Thanks to a failure of implementation of a so called revolutionary feature called DX11, and the having to rely heavily on an API and not having direct access to hardware. Microsoft, that's why I don't buy their products(I'm forced to anyways while buying a laptop)


Cyborg Agent
Linux was disabled ages ago on Sony, why a mandatory FW release...!

I meant it is great for people who are not using Windows. I am a Linux user but I have to keep a Windows partition because I like to play. If I had a console and if legit console games cost the same as PC games, I could have used only Linux on my PC.

BTW, I would never connect my PC to a HDTV to play FPS. But for playing games that can be played with a controller, I would surely connect the PC to the HDTV.


Back to school!!
Wow. Thanks for making this a sticky.

I read through all your replies and I was looking at constructive criticism to make this article more neutral and I got many.

However I would like to point out that I am mainly into consoles and look at PCs as something that either complements or completes my gaming experience. Now this is strictly my personal opinion and I didn't add this in the article up there as it would disturb the balance of its contents.

Also my personal barricade of not playing racing games is largely due to my personal bias towards towards consoles again. Again at no point did I mention that PCs are bad at racing games. With a controller they are equally good. Which I believe I mentioned.

Connecting the PC to the TV is something I never though of, nor will I. I don't know how many do that but for me that is quite an absurd proposition. For this I wanted to add that between a 40" HDTV at 6 feet and a 23" at 1.5" it is the latter that actually covers a larger visual area. But it is beyond my explanatory capabilities as to why we find the former is better. In fact I think a 23/24incher is somewhat optimum for PC gaming.

Online gaming is a part of a legit copy. Apart from a single friend of mine I have never seen anyone do that. And I have got rich loaded friends but that hasn't changed anything. So I have come across many who have played the game but stay mum on online game play discussion. Now I did not want to standardize it. I only merely forgot to mention the point and will edit it to add the point. Forgive this ignorant human.

The keyboard is one thing I want to change. A software with easy key mapping and macros will make it easier but doing that for every game is cumbersome. I am having problems with the KB because of certain games I play and also the odd placement of keys. I always wanted something like a controller to move the character and a mouse to aim. Just my opinion. I made a point up there on an ergonomic standpoint, since the keys for gaming are not optimally placed. I mean look at the WASD cluster, those are not even symmetrical. It is just that we have gotten used to it. Also the shift and alt buttons, not to mention the various other action keys are placed in a way that can cause serious fatigue and strain to the hand.

I am not right in everything, I am aware of that. But it is hard for me to look at it in a different perspective. Also after owning both of them, its unlikely I would now be more biased towards any one.
The belkin/razer nostromo is what you want, it combines the best of KB and controller into one and I belive its better than a keyboard and a controller.

Thats exactly what I said

Both have their share.

yeah, we know this is the console generation after all.

Thanks to a failure of implementation of a so called revolutionary feature called DX11, and the having to rely heavily on an API and not having direct access to hardware. Microsoft, that's why I don't buy their products(I'm forced to anyways while buying a laptop)
Thanks to the consoles holding us back, dx11, if implemented right would have looked good.


I know of the nostromo. But its out of my budget. In fact I though of getting it when the KB started frustrating me but the games I play will fail even that. I will need to map keys and stuff which is tedious.


Back to school!!
I know of the nostromo. But its out of my budget. In fact I though of getting it when the KB started frustrating me but the games I play will fail even that. I will need to map keys and stuff which is tedious.
I am planning to get it soon, now to do research and read reviews.


I am the night...I am...
There's actually another take on this and i actually support sarath's opinion of marrying the console and the pc.

The correct word is exclusivity. Ps3 has a hell lot of exclusives that even an avid pc only gamer with a powerful gtx 580 cannot enjoy.

Some examples are god of war (series), heavy rain , killzone (series), the critically acclaimed uncharted series, metal gear solid series, project trico ( ico, shadow of the colossus & the last guardian) and so on. There are no alternatives to these on a pc. The reason being lots of first party developers for sony.
* Just find a game in pc that can match the gameplay setting of shadow of the collossus.
These marvels simply cannot be enjoyed on a pc especially a game of uncharted's caliber. Can anybody name a pc- spinoff that can match uncharted? The answer is there's nothing like it anywhere.
Now this is only experienced with a ps3.

Pc's are all about fps's and rpg's and consoles are kind of into everything. Not to forget the amazing motion controls that are now getting a huge push and are really doing well. They just open up a new dimension.

So i support both of them and consoles like ps3 especially for the exclusives that they bring and simply cannot be enjoyed on anyother platform.


Cyborg Agent
@Vickybat: You have a solid argument. But what to do about the exorbitant prices of games on consoles? Are second hands readily available?


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
But what to do about the exorbitant prices of games on consoles? Are second hands readily available?

Yes they are, not that readily.

But they are hailed as WORSE than piracy after all by the game devs.


Super Moderator
Staff member
You put a GTX 580 chip on a console. It will perform twice as fast as it performs on a PC. Why? There won't be any hardware abstraction layer bottleneck. Everything would be optimized.
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