Nice photo Stuge (As always)... the photo is special to me because of the horizon and sky.
Here are some of mine,
My try @Out Of Focus photography(u know I'm always good at it)
I know the horizon is not straight, but I like this.....
This photo tells that..........I'm editing my photos now, seriously
* best till date
Comments and critics welcome.......
can u post the orignal full resolution pic.*
An under construction Buddhist Temple in Leh
Some great shots by you all. Camera matter less then the skills and its proven.
Sharing a macro shot with you guys after some time. Sorry for the huge size.
Very good quality. Did u shoot these pics yourself can u post the last and the second last pics in the orignal high resolution format.
And which camera u use? and what is the cost. can a telescope can be used with these cameras to shoot nigh sky pics?
any idea as to how to take pics in which one color stands out and rest all are black and white? i have panasonic fz100
Go to the SCN mode, there you can click left or right on the wheel to see different specialty settings, such as fireworks, underwater, etc. One of your options is color accent. To pick which color to accent, click display. Then focus the little square in the middle of the screen on the color you want and click the left button. You can also change the tolerance by clicking up or down. Also try color swap, it's in SCN and is quite fun.