EXIT: DATA Junkyard
And still the leaders of Ram Sena havnt even been questioned!!!
The indian version of talibans !! Shoot them.
Yes, sad indeed.
I wonder, though, why similiar condemnation wasnt heard when women's group (like that gulab gang, if i remember) attacked men for drinking. That was unlawful as well, wasn't it? There you go, feminism for you. How easy it is for you to say that such men should be castrated. Will any of you say a woman should be gang raped or have her genitals mutilated for cutting of a man's genitals? (there have been many cases)
And as for moral policing, all these morons should go and get a life. Live and let live.
freak logic? dude.. all i implied was unless logic prevails over preconceived notions, such things will not stop. On one hand, such vigilantism is praised when its carried out by certain group but on the other hand, it sparks a huge hue and cry. Equality should be on all dimensions.
for example, terms like "modern", "western" etc are looked upon with disgust because of such preset notions.
WTF ? What right does some XYZ group have to decide whats right and whats wrong ?hehe, u guys donno anything. Being a Mlorean, I know the situation here. Sri Ram Sena is a group (socialist or not donno) which protects Hindutva and the religion from bad things and influences. Those girls were drunk and dancing obscenely and it was a public place. These guys thrashed those gals so that they learn a lesson. I too respect women, but not of these types. Becos, if girls do things like these, who will reform the society?
OFC there is no anger because the victims were girls. I prefer gender-neutral talk here.Anyways, both boys and girls are same na? then why this controversy over girls being hit?. And these media people are asses. Media people are attention seekers. Who r they to give the verdict whats right or wrong? Its for the people to decide. Let the people decide.
If you / other people there think girls are not supposed to drink and not supposed to dance in a pub, you just can't attack them to stop it. That is not the way. There is law, there is police and other agencies.
Just think about it. Taliban starts their unit in Mlore and they start beating up girls who are going to colleges. Suppose one of your family member got beaten up brutally. You will still support it and will allow them to teach 'leassons' to your family members ?
I am not supporting girls going to pub or the obscene dance there. Neither I have any problems someone going there. It is up to the girls and their parents. If they want, let them go, drink and dance. As far as the Indian laws allow such things, nobody has the right to beat em up and molest them.
Hey guys, calm down. I am too not against girls goin to pubs or do whatever they like. I too felt bad when I saw on TV. U guys r right that its bad to hit some one. But, u cant compare City of mumbai or Delhi with M'lore. Becos, we have a strong cultural binding here. We r not used to see girls in this manner. If u come here, u will see the most of the people (barring youths, ofcourse) feel that this is a good initiative. Life is common in mumbai with night clubs and other things, so, I think its unfair to compare wid M'lore. Hope u guys get what I mean.