Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Completed The Witcher after started playing it 7 years ago. seriously playing this 1st game made me long for W3 even more.I cannot wait to play W3-Wild Hunt.


Lost in speed
AC4: Black flag..
Loving the sea cruise..

Damaged a man'o'war once without any resistance, when it was docked in a port. :lol:


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Just a gentle reminder to everybody that this thread is not a "Free for all - Game discussion thread."

We have a full gaming section. Discuss "games" in their respective threads. This is only to post about your progress. Not to have a full-fledged discussion because that beats the purpose of a forum. If you have questions regarding a game or want to know something, want to tell something in detail, this is not the place to post.


Delete this thread. Useless in my honest opinion. No point of keeping backlog info when it will be a history next day due to influx of numerous posts.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
No, the thread is okay. Doesn't really come close threatening the forum as of now. But it might if every discussion starts to happen here.

This thread had actually killed the section back then. Locking it was a good decision. *
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