Your favorite feature in Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy?

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Evil Genius
Hi All,

I've just installed Gutsy Gibbon on my laptop to replace the Feisty Fawn installation I had earlier...especially since my Winblows had crashed (yet again...refer to my other thread in QnA forum).'s what I'm able to do in Gutsy that I couldn't earlier in Feisty and so HAD to hang on to Windows:

1) Compiz out of the box...this rocks so hard!

2) Able to connect to my University VPN for access to academic material, library database etc...couldn't do this in Feisty and needed a proprietary client in Windows...NO MORE! :D

3) Able to print to the wirelessly networked HP 4300 laser printer in our university...this was particularly pissing off because any documents I want to print had to be printed out in Windows only...but this works flawlessly in Gutsy!

4) Wireless with my Broadcom chipset WLAN card works out of the box! This is AWESOME because I no longer have to hunt for LAN connections in my classroom when running Linux...I can just use the 54 Mbps wireless connection from wherever...

5) Gnome 2.20 ... general things which used to bug me a lot are all fixed now! (Example: the new Appearance settings window under System > Preferences)

6) My webcam works out of the box with Gutsy...not so with Feisty! :O

7) NTFS read-write support out of the box! :O

8) Its Ubuntu! I just love that generally...I used to hate Ubuntu fanboys while I was running Sabayon still...but now I have become one!!

So...what do you love about Gutsy Gibbon, the most awesome distro release since Ubuntu 6.06?


You gave been GXified
The only thing I like is Native & Full NTFS read & write support. It would have been better if the LiveCD automatically mounted NTFS drives so that it can also be used as a recovery CD


Commander in Chief
That's been there in Knoppix. And Ubuntu's always been able to mount NTFS for read natively live. Why would you need Write permissions while recovering data is out of my guessing capabilities. And it does detect devices live, doesn't mount it automatically cause if your data is at stake, mis-mounting due to device failures (Lack of default mount special parameters for instance) might destroy your data instead. So it lets you do the talking ..


You gave been GXified
QwertyManiac said:
That's been there in Knoppix. And Ubuntu's always been able to mount NTFS for read natively live. Why would you need Write permissions while recovering data is out of my guessing capabilities. And it does detect devices live, doesn't mount it automatically cause if your data is at stake, mis-mounting due to device failures (Lack of default mount special parameters for instance) might destroy your data instead. So it lets you do the talking ..

I don't know, when I insert the Ubuntu 7.04 CD in drive & boot from it, it doesn't show my NTFS drives in the file manager or desktop, how do I mount them in Live CD from GUI?


"The Gentleman"
@all, isnt VPN available in ubuntu feisty :confused:, someone who has ubuntu feisty installed plz check !!!


Evil Genius
@vish786: It was there, but for some reason it didn't work with my University's Cisco VPN...something about the settings...


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
gx_saurav said:
I don't know, when I insert the Ubuntu 7.04 CD in drive & boot from it, it doesn't show my NTFS drives in the file manager or desktop, how do I mount them in Live CD from GUI?
sudo mkdir /media/ntfs_drive
sudo mount /dev/sdaX /media/ntfs_drive -t ntfs


sudo apt-get install ntfs-config
And then open it from Applications->System->NTFS Config


Commander in Chief
The Kubuntu's KDE shows NTFS mounts but the aren't mounted by default. You can follow what Kalpik said to get software installed and auto-configured for you.

But before you continue whining on what a 700 MB CD of Ubuntu/Kubuntu (meant to be Live so you can try Linux before you install it) doesn't contain, look at Knoppix, it's got what you want. Even LifeHacker recommends it for recovery purposes and such. Or you could 'man mount' and RTFM. :)


You gave been GXified
kalpik said:
sudo mkdir /media/ntfs_drive
sudo mount /dev/sdaX /media/ntfs_drive -t ntfs


sudo apt-get install ntfs-config
And then open it from Applications->System->NTFS Config

Wait, can I install applications while running a LiveCD?

& You already know I have a problem memorising 10 or more commands :p

I will try knoppix


"The Gentleman"
gx_saurav said:
& You already know I have a problem memorising 10 or more commands :p

I will try knoppix
that is why we have knoppix for people like u ;)
gx_saurav said:
Wait, can I install applications while running a LiveCD?
yes, i did install irssi in livecd.

din said:
You meant - Read The Fine Manual ;) right ? lol
y r u indians scared of using that F word... just use the fcuking word... @ fcuking appropriate time.... :D
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