Windows is !easy, Linux is !hard

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no point in talking to MS fanboys......i gave facts to cheer up Linux guys !

i am not here to convince MS fanboys about MS and stuff alright ! its impossible
and i don't care.....go use windows

and know what ? windows is being dumped every day at a slow rate
after a few years ask a layman windows or linux .. you will get your answer
now of course the answer is Windows !

Unless MS does something miracle in the field of Computing and Computer Architecture and Computer Software Architecture its going to be tough for it to survive !

And MS is far away in research in computers compared to IBM !


The Devil's Advocate
blah blah blah ... the day travolds started this little project of his which has eventually grown iv been hearing this ... and every 1 told me to switch to linux as it was the future and guess what the future's not here xp kicked the arse and xp was dubbed a crappy os now every1 is like xp is better :lol: u guys are not sure of urselves ;) so until then .... well Windows Rulzzzzz :twisted:


left this forum longback
XP with SP2 aint a stable operating is bcoz of vista release that windows users shifting from vista to xp spreads this rumour.when compared to vista,ofcourse XP may be better!

...and i can read ur frustration from ur words esp linus torvarlds :lol:


The Devil's Advocate
ya whatever the guys names so friggin complicated no wonder he has a screwed up OS ... look Bill Gates simple name great OS


Wire muncher!
iMav said:
so big deal if u write progs n linux MS have their own research center for OSS ms writes progs for OS X too .... big deal .... writing progs means u over took ms or writing progs for OSS means OSS is easier whats wrong with ur rationality or u lost it .... Go ask a normal user go ask an office guy what he uses and what he prefers as long they say Windows .... write progs for whatever u want .... windows will rule and ur application has a very very naroow audience ... so dude in short this linux bubble is more hype than reality ....:wink: whack ur head twice u might wake up :wink:

iMav said:
blah blah blah ... the day travolds started this little project of his which has eventually grown iv been hearing this ... and every 1 told me to switch to linux as it was the future and guess what the future's not here xp kicked the arse and xp was dubbed a crappy os now every1 is like xp is better :lol: u guys are not sure of urselves ;) so until then .... well Windows Rulzzzzz :twisted:

Lolz... signs of desparation and frustration!! :D :))


God of Mistakes...
iMav said:
ya whatever the guys names so friggin complicated no wonder he has a screwed up OS ... look Bill Gates simple name great OS
iMav, now u shld talking Steave Ballmer dude...

praka123 said:
@gary:there is another site * they have translations in many lanugages except hindi,tamil or bengali :( You can try helping that fellow by translating his site into Hindi :) else,

अरे...तू क्यों ना एक ग्नु/लिनक्स प्रोमो सैट बना दे!
great idea,i am sure you can make a wonderful site :)


Staff member
Linus Torvalds is from Finland, from where the best metal bands came :D

No wonder if other people say that Indians hav very long twisted names ?


Staff member
iMav said:
ya whatever the guys names so friggin complicated no wonder he has a screwed up OS ... look Bill Gates simple name great OS
lookie lookie its not Bill Gates
William Henry Gates III :D
the 3rd version of his family progeny.



The Devil's Advocate
woh bhi spell karna easy hai .... i know his full name bt the world know linux tarvolds as linus tarvolds and knows William Henry Gates III as bill gates ;) ....


Offtopic !!

Praka123 Are You not attending this ??


its really cool .. i am not going coz i am FOSS newb !


Wire muncher!
No pal, not going. Am held up with my MS application submission :( is a Bangalore exclusive event. Every year it happens here. It was prev. called Linux Bangalore. Its an international event (almost)

Well, nice idea. But I wonder how many would cough up Rs.1000 for the ticket!! :D :D


infra_red_dude said:
Well, nice idea. But I wonder how many would cough up Rs.1000 for the ticket!! :D :D
What !! 1000 rs ??
ok then .. i was just kidding about meeting there

pertty cool guatham staying near IISc
do they have a public library or something ? so that u can visit often !
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