Will the Big Bang test end the world on Wednesday?

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Who me??
According to today's TOI India TV & Aaj Tak has been warned by I & B ministry to refrain from spreading mis-information & put the news in correct perspective.

For once I & B ministry has done its job fairly because its high time these rougue news channels esp. India TV bring some credibility in their programming.


Slideshow Bob
According to today's TOI India TV & Aaj Tak has been warned by I & B ministry to refrain from spreading mis-information & put the news in correct perspective.

For once I & B ministry has done its job fairly because its high time these rougue news channels esp. India TV bring some credibility in their programming.

IndiaTV is a disgrace. Period.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
@rhitwick; awesome man.
Trust me, IronMan hasnt got the potential to stand against a black hole. :neutral: (Though flash can :D )
But, so sorry. PMed the mods already. :(


but i would love to see examples or Rohan but unlike him they instead really believed that world would end and thought it was last day and planned nothing to do and wasted time !!
and put up with loved ones in a room praying to GOD !!!

ROFL !! ROFL !! ROFL !!!!!!!

guys check out here what's happening live

here at this website.
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Hey that was the clockwise test. Wait for the anti-clockwise test. Then when they begin both...simultaneously... bolt the door!!! At least be vaporised with a false sense of security, if you believe it will end the world.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^^Me thinks you did not go through the whole thread. Of course, the test on Wednesday was just a, well, test. Before actual experiments, they need to check if the damn thing works or not, isnt it? :D
And there are implications of what may happen during the experiment and its consequences. So flip back, read and click on the links provided by users. Trust me, you'll love it. :D


Now Hackers attack Large Hadron Collider

Hackers have mounted an attack on the Large Hadron Collider, raising concerns about the security of the biggest experiment in the world as it passes an important new milestone....."
Source: *www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/09/12/scicern212.xml


Staff member
^^lol...but why isn't anyone talking about chemistry and biology ?

Everyone seems to be obsessed with physics.


in your face..
^^ I share your feelings. But so do they

Dallas, TX – Scientists from the Evolutionary Acceleration Research Institute (EARI) announced that the first test of the Giant Animal Smasher (GAS) will begin on December 19, 2008, the 41st anniversary of the premiere of Dr. Dolittle.

Dr. Thomas Malwin, head of the research project, said, "The first test runs will only accelerate microscopic life-forms like bacteria and viruses to high speeds, but theoretically the GAS can handle animals as large as squirrels, hence the squirrel smasher moniker."

Biologists from around the globe hope the GAS will unlock the secrets of the so-called "Darwin particle" that could unlock the secrets to life.

"If we discover the Darwin particle we could possibly create new life-forms, or accelerate evolution to unimaginable levels," said Malwin.

The GAS is a 25 mile tube buried ten feet below the surface, and accelerates the animals up to a speed of 6,000 meters per second using a series of pulleys, levers and fusion reactors.

Malwin dismissed critics who claimed that smashing animals together at high speeds was cruel to the animals. He said, "The animals won't be feeling anything. The collision will vaporize the squirrels in a fraction of a second. Their brains won't be able to transmit pain at those speeds, so it'll be painless for them."

Scientists currently rely on computer simulations to smash biological units, but simulations can only do so much, and without the visceral enjoyment of seeing two squirrels collide at thousands of miles an hour.

Malwin said there will be controls in place to prevent new undesirable species from forming. "Only species of the same type will be smashed together, so you don't have to worry about the flying rat, or poisonous Chihuahua nightmare scenarios."

One scientist at CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider, said, "Biologists are just jealous of all the attention the LHC has been getting. Since they aren't real scientists, they had to come up with this atrocity. Next thing you know the psychologists will build a brain smasher to compete."


King of my own Castle
Eh i missed the forums these days..and ofcourse couldnt follow whatever you discussed.
But to end it all did the World end on Tuesday ? You tell me pls.


One scientist at CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider, said, "Biologists are just jealous of all the attention the LHC has been getting. Since they aren't real scientists, they had to come up with this atrocity. Next thing you know the psychologists will build a brain smasher to compete."
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