will going for a ps2 be better than going for a graphics card.

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Intel OCer
i personally hate the ps2 controller for fps games...its impossible to aim and i suggest a graphics card over a ps2...there are no gr8 ps2 games comin out..the last was gow2 but tats about it so u will be dissappointed if u wanna play the latest game...and the graphics power of the pc is way higher tan the ps2s power....


In the zone
LOL...after reading all ur replies..im wonder if i shud drop the idea of giun for a PS3 and go for a PS2!!!


In the zone
PS2 is a great gaming device for its price.If u r a gamer there a lot of titles worth playing in PS2:God of war series,Metal Gear Solid series,Final Fantasy,JAK,SSX 3,Tekken etc

If u r interested only in FPS.Go for a good card like ati 3850/3870 or geforce 9600gt/8800gt/8800gts.(provided u have a decent config).


Aspiring Novelist
i personally hate the ps2 controller for fps games...its impossible to aim and i suggest a graphics card over a ps2...there are no gr8 ps2 games comin out..the last was gow2 but tats about it so u will be dissappointed if u wanna play the latest game...and the graphics power of the pc is way higher tan the ps2s power....
I won't bet on it.PS2 already has a huge library established.It has some great platformer exclusive titles which you won't ever find on the PC & trust me they are more fun playing on the PS2 than your PC.Yesterday night I & my brother sat down playing Neo Contra in Co-op which was a cheesy but total fun game.Was short though but fun nevertheless.I'm trying to get hold of a game called Ratchet Deadlocked which I had completed half earlier.This game in co-op is sheer bliss.

Please just don't swear by the graphics but play games which deliver complete entertaining experience.I didn't like Prince of Persia on highest settings on my PC as much as I did with God Of War on my PS2 which runs at far lower settings.So the analogy of PS2 having lower graphics is not the point unless we are a complete 'graphic maniacs'.;)

@Quan_Chi:A modded one costs around 7.5k or 6.5k depeding on the shop that you get it from.Go for the SCPH-9006 version which is the latest console.It has lost some weight due to the exclusion of the brick like power adapter which it had in it's earlier slim models.It is now very light & looks very neat.:D

The original console(non-modded) one would cost around Rs.6,990.You can get it at any gaming retail outlet or Sony World.
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Guess Who's Back
Please GO with PS2 , i have been playing PS2 for the past few months, it beats current PC games , games like ICO are so deep , go with PS2 , also get a PS memory card so you can play PS games & save them on your PS2 as there are many gems of PS games , don't forget PS2 itself has a great list of games.

If you want i can even write PS2 & PS gaming guide which tells which games are a must play , i am so attached to PS2 , so again get a PS2.


In the zone
Guys at the risk of hijacking this thread...I was planning to get a Ps3...do i go for it?...or get a PS2 and get the Ps3 later?...or get the PS3 80gb??


Aspiring Novelist
Guys at the risk of hijacking this thread...I was planning to get a Ps3...do i go for it?...or get a PS2 and get the Ps3 later?...or get the PS3 80gb??
Simple.If you have the greens then go for the PS3 else PS2 would be a splendid choice.:D


Caballero de Real Madrid
get a ps3 40 GB and a ps2.....ull have all.....

ps3 u cant play any *ahem* games.. so ps3+ps2(modded)..bindass..

and yess.. ps2 in in its EOL....but it already gt a great collection....


Guess Who's Back
let be honest about PS3 , they are two thing that i would like to tell you about PS3

1) There are no great games for PS3 right now, put simply you need good games to play.

2) Many big titles are releasing for PS3 this year, but the thing is sometimes over hyped titles fail , so i say you should wait for 6-7 months & see if the titles are really worth the money untill then use PS2 & if the titles are good by all means go for the PS3.


Caballero de Real Madrid

well..one thing...wrong buddy...maybe 3 months back...now a lot is ther....

and many more cming in 1 or 2 months

so u dnt need to wait....when u finish the games u bve ready for more.

dont give ear to smit..he doesnt know....

@OT...what have u decided...????
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Caballero de Real Madrid

chk it out...or chk PA or google it...


With the amount I spent on it I could have easily got a 9600GT but delayed my graphic card purchase as this seemed to be a wise choice.So for people like me who have just tasted a few hours of PS2 glory then there is still time for all of us to get this console.Believe me it's far from being dead.;)

How is that possible???? A new 9600GT costs about 10.4k. Whereas i bought my Brand new ps2 (pre modded) a week ago with 2 controllers , 8mb mem card + 5 games. It all costed me 6.8k.

so where are you getting a 9600GT for 6.8k?


Techtree Reviewer
So allwyn finally got a PS2:D. Great. One more PS2 gamer on Think Digit. Maybe we should start a club or something. :)

quan chi, +1 for buying a PS2. I own one too and it totally rocks.


Aspiring Novelist
How is that possible???? A new 9600GT costs about 10.4k. Whereas i bought my Brand new ps2 (pre modded) a week ago with 2 controllers , 8mb mem card + 5 games. It all costed me 6.8k.

so where are you getting a 9600GT for 6.8k?
Mate my modded PS2 costed 7.5k.An additional original Dual Shock Controller came at around 1k & the memory card was around 500 bucks so all added upto around 9k.So adding roughly around 1k more & I could have got a 9600GT.

BTW the controller I feel was a bit overcharged but still he correctly showed me how to make out the fake PS2 controller which would eventually die after few hardcore GOW sessions & the original one.So like I said earlier it depends on the shop that you are getting it from.I don't feel I got ripped as I have one year service warranty from that dealer of mine which I don't suppose is available normally.And oh just in case you are curious then I am going for an 8800GT later on.

@Krazzy: Are you Krazyfrog by any chance? If you are then yep loving the experience right now.Let me get my NU scheme back & then could get some rare games like Forbidden Siren,Clock Tower & Killer 7 for the PS2.Tons of more games in the pipeline but need to dig deeper through it's library though as there might be some underrated games too though which might be fun.And yeah not a bad idea to start our own club.:D
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Techtree Reviewer
Allwyn, read my signature.

I too am waiting for my exams to get over. Then I'll get my hands over some PS2 titles. I haven't played Tomb Raider: Anniversary and Pro Street yet. I'll also be getting GOW 1/2 as I never got to complete them due to crappy pirated discs. BTW if you manage to get DivX playing on your PS2, tell me. I've been trying to do that for sometime without success.


Aspiring Novelist
Hey Karzzy good to have you posting back into this section buddy.Been a long time since I saw you active in the Gamerz section.Looks like you have been going all out in the mobile department.;)

Anyway I was more into trying to hook up my USB HDD to run the PS2 games off it.Desperately wanted to get it to work but it's more tougher than I actually thought.Also been busy with completing God Of War myself.I thought my GOW copy was glitchy during the Hyrda boss fight only to realise that I was not pressing the 'O' button properly.:oops: Now I am almost half way through the game.Almost near Challenge of Hades which I have heard is the toughest level in the game.Getting better by the minute.:D

I haven't tried the Divx part yet as I already have a Divx player so I'll see if I can try it out on my PS2.Was trying out the latest Raw Vs Smackdown series & the control system sucks.It's been revamped in a very difficult way.Have a lot of catching up to do.

I plan to get these titles:
Ratchet: Deadlocked
Ratchet & Clank Size Matters
Shadow of Rome
From Russia with Love
Forbidden Siren I & II
Fatal Frame I & II
Kill All Humans
Shadow of Colossus
God Hand
Burnout Dominator
Manhunt I & II
Silent Hill Origins
The Suffering
The Suffering: Ties That Bind (Have it for PC but don't want to risk it with Star *F*cking* force)
Virtua Fighter 4
Killer 7
Jak and Daxter:The Precursor Legacy
Jak 2: Renegade
Batman Begins
Fifa Street
Tekken 5
& may be some more as the list keeps adding up.;)

I have Tomb Raider Anniversary & Pro Sh*t for PC but haven't touched either one of them yet.Played Tomb Raider for sometime & dumped it.Played one race in NFS Pro whatever & decided never to race again.;)
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