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Is anyone facing prob with NOD32 update?
well, yes there is a problem (the worldwide) abt NOD32 not updating itself either automatically or manually, it jus says, "the virus defs are up to date and there is no need of an update", even though the defs are older..
there is no difference even if u change the servers in advanced tree mode > updates.
hence i switched over to KAV...
AVG 8.0 has antispyware & anti-phishing mode...
welll,the same modes are for KAV too.. : )
virus detection type depends on some files may be a virus for AVG
but not 4 Avast & vice-versa...
agree to that,
esp, many AVs detect key generators as trojans (and many of us use key gens and cracks to update our version of s/wares to full/professional
Q: can they both detect mobile viruses ?
u mean wen any mobilephone is connected to the PC ?? or any mobile device (like pen drives, PSPs, Ipods etc..etc) ???
Well, the AV will detect mobilephone viruses only if the virus is a windows affecting virus, say a mobile phone using a WIndows Mobile type of OS.. for all other types of OSes (on mobile phones) its inaffective...
For mobile devices like Ipods, PSPs, the format is different than the one on our PC (FAT or NTFS) hence viruses cannot travel to these devices, but even if they do, they are ineffective, coz there is NO windows platform for them to get activated..
but since in pendrive, the format is FAT32, they penetrate into them and cause havoc.. : )
@ashu- i would like to c which AV u use next
Well, im sticking to KAV
, infact will stick either to KAV or NOD32 (not anything else) until i get proper updates yaar..
since ther was an update problem in NOD32, iss liye had to switch over to KAV (jus 5-6 days ago)
@thewisecrab- its obvious that im a Chelsea fan. look at my avatar, location and the FOOTBALL channel.
Well, chelsea are a force to be recon with this time..
u wanna knw whic club is my fav?? (look at my avtaar icon)
Cheers n e-peace....