Which latest AGP Card is better?

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Hi Guys/Gals. I live in New Delhi.
I currently have a MSI nVidia Geforce FX-5200 128 MB AGP card. I bought it more than 2 years ago.
Now, I want to upgrade my card.
But since my motherboard has an AGP slot, I would like to know which AGP card is better.
I have narrowed down my choice to the following chipsets:

nVidia 7600GS 256 MB
ATI x1300 256 MB
ATI x1600 256 or 512 MB

Kindly look into it & tell me which one is better.
I want a card which is future proof for atleast 2 years.
Also, if u know their prices, kindly tell along with model no. which are available in Delhi.
If you have any of your own suggestion, then don't hesitate to tell.
Price range: Less than Rs. 6000/-


I agree with samrulez..........go 4 the 7600GS or the x1600
but i don't think neither of the above cards will be Futrure-Proof for 2 years


Cyborg Agent
the 7600GS AGP is available in the market, its a little expensive....than the PCIe version....
Also the x1600Pro is a little better than the 6600GT...so that's out of the list!


Stalker said:
I agree with samrulez..........go 4 the 7600GS or the x1600
but i don't think neither of the above cards will be Futrure-Proof for 2 years
Well, I know they won't exactly be future-proof but it should definetely be able to run all the released games for aleast 3 years.
My nVidia 5200 is still able to run all the games (even though I bought it in starting of 2004) available in market today but for many of the latest games, I have to tone down the quality to run them smoothly. But I have no problem with that.

I found a great site offering the latest graphics cards:
This one is for 256 MB AGP cards:

This one is for 512 MB AGP cards:

Should I wait till next year for DirectX 10 compatible cards???
But I highly doubt that any GPU manufacturer will build a DirectX 10 compatible card for AGP slot.

Still, suggestions & comments are accepted.
And plz keep posting replies to my original query.


Salieri Family
7600Gs all that AGP cards arent available within Rs.6000 I think. 2-3 months back when I checked market rate (bangalore) cost of 6800GS was around 8000Rs. My suggestion is if u want to spend a lil bit more upgrade ur motherboard with PCI-E and get a PCI-E graphics which is cheaper compared to AGp and also in future Only PCI-E cards will be released.

Anyways, I bought 6600Le 256Mb card at Rs.5000. Working good for me as I'm not a HARD CORE gamer. Plays Hitman:BM,POP:Two Thrones, Tomb Raider and Splinter Cell good.


hard_rock said:
My suggestion is if u want to spend a lil bit more upgrade ur motherboard with PCI-E and get a PCI-E graphics which is cheaper compared to AGp and also in future Only PCI-E cards will be released.
Sorry man. Just bought my PC last year (August 2005). That too after running my old P3 for more than 5 years. So, I hardly think my dad's gonna gimme money to buy myself a new mobo + PCI-E display card so soon.
I had opted for a mobo with AGP slot cos I had already bought the display card a year before that (in 2004). Can you believe, I had bought the AGP card in March-April 2004 & in September-October 2004, PCI-E cards came out. So it was a big blunder for me.
I still haven't been able to convince my dad to buy me a new AGP card. So buying a new mobo is out of the question.
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