Whats the difference between a PC & a MAC

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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
nepcker said:
Try not keeping so many windows open, or change the preferences to not remember open windows. It could be one large complex file that taking a long time to render. Try deleting ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Xcode.plist. This might certainly help.
nah i had NOLY 1 window open and that too with just 10 lines of code for a test drive , if in visual studio you type
then after the dot it shows you a whole list of identifiers starting with that name or contained in that class or namespace along with their parameters and a short deccription , etc but in XCode there's no such service , Code Completion is a boon for developers you can't expect them to learn the name,use and syntex of each and every function do you ?
MSDN said:
There are more than 400,000 Classes in the .NET framework 2.0 and on average each class contains 20 members
now that's a hell lot of names to remember ;)

aryayush said:
Adobe Creative Suite 3 is the most recent example. And every cross-platform developer I know seems to believe that XCode is better for programming.
nopes , Adobe uses Qt , code written for Qt in C++ is cross compilable , so they develop their apps in Visual Studio using the Qt framework n then they can compile the Exact same code for Mac , Linux etc too . Qt by default includes support for Mac, Linux n Windows n u can add support for mobile n other platforms .


Aspiring Novelist
All the applications that comprise Adobe Creative Suite 3 are native Cocoa applications and the only way to write a native Cocoa application is to use XCode. It is not only faster but has a slightly more refined user interface (minimalist) in the Mac version.

I can give you hundreds of more examples if you want. Google Desktop is another one.


You gave been GXified
All the applications that comprise Adobe Creative Suite 3 are native Cocoa applications and the only way to write a native Cocoa application is to use XCode. It is not only faster but has a slightly more refined user interface (minimalist) in the Mac version.

Umm...didn't you know QT is platform indipendent. You don't make a platform specific button in QT, but you can do that in .net.

Like in Qt you can write "button.maximize" (thats not the exect code, just an example), to draw a maximize button on a Window. Now depending on which platform it is running Qt will call the maximize button "bitmap" from the OS & it is drawn on screen.

Photoshop CS3 isn't native cocoa application, just that the Qt framework is calling for Mac specific buttons etc. Just like .net application can call for Windows specific UI etc with .net 2005 & above.

Mac UI is tooo 2001-ish, gray & white who likes that now?


Proud Mac Pro Owner
Even MS uses XCode for writing Mac applications. Adobe does it too.

And you can also write C++, Java, etc. codes with XCode.


You gave been GXified
nepcker said:
Even MS uses XCode for writing Mac applications. Adobe does it too.

And you can also write C++, Java, etc. codes with XCode.

How do you know MS uses XCode? do u work for them?

If you want to make an application native to MacOS X your ownly choice is XCode.

If you want to make an app for other OS such as Windows or Linux, you can chose from so many languages & platforms (.net, Apolo, DirectX, opengl, Delphi, JAVA)


Proud Mac Pro Owner
How do you know MS uses XCode? do u work for them?
Simple! I read it on a news story. Read it here: *apcmag.com/5780/office_2008_for_mac_hits_beta_shows_slick_ui_and_draws_on_escher
Excerpts: "They are switching over to XCode to support Intel processors."

If you want to make an app for other OS such as Windows or Linux, you can chose from so many languages & platforms (.net, Apolo, DirectX, opengl, Delphi, JAVA)
MSFT has released DirectX for Linux? When? I thought it was only for Windows. Probably the MS's first release for Linux!

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
nepcker said:
Simple! I read it on a news story. Read it here: *apcmag.com/5780/office_2008_for_mac_hits_beta_shows_slick_ui_and_draws_on_escher
Excerpts: "They are switching over to XCode to support Intel processors."
well MS might use XCode to develop software for mac coz the software they deevlop for mac is native to mac n won't run on win , but in case of Adobe , they're advertised prominently as one of the leading corporate users of Qt on TrollTech site n Photoshop runs both on Windows n Mac so they're most probably using Qt .

@Aryayush , well mate Qt does compile natively for that OS , if it is sompiled for mac it will run natively on mac , it is during the compilation stage that all things r linked natively according to the target OS , that's what Trolltech takes money for :)


Loading . . . please d'nt
this thread is going nowhere.... only 4-5 members r active here.... wat happened to all those who know both win. n MACs equally well..... [note: this does not include me , i m happy with WIN. :) ]

why r they not replying so that we get to know more views.......


The Devil's Advocate
win & mac only gx and zeeshan

only mac ... arya and nepcker

only windows ... every1 else ;)


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
^^ Im QUITE sure that people who own a MAC have worked with windows.. Cant say the same about windows users (except gx and zeeshan)..


Aspiring Novelist
mAV3 said:
win & mac only gx and zeeshan
You are getting funnier as each day passes. LOL! Everyone knows how much knowledge gx_saurav has about anything even remotely related to a Macintosh.
Then again, maybe you were talking about the Big Macs (burgers)! :lol:

mAV3 said:
only mac ... arya
kalpik said:
Im QUITE sure that people who own a MAC have worked with windows..
Not only have I worked with Windows (for six long years), I'm quite proficient at using it. :)


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
Everyone knows how much knowledge gx_saurav has about anything even remotely related to a Macintosh.
Note : What makes you think you are the only one using Mac here? Did you asked your big brother mod once, who he used to consult before buying his Mac?

Not only have I worked with Windows (for six long years), I'm quite proficient at using it. :)
Now this really is a joke, when you didn't even know that Apple hardware doesn't work on PC, or Windows came first with EFI & what not.

I know I know, I can feel your desparation to reply to my review. :D which might come out to be an eye opener for the rest of the forum showing shortcomings of Mac which you have been hiding from so long. Much of them we found in this very thread like lack of Cut & how naive XCode IDE is compared to Visual Studio.

Just for a note, Adobe isn't the only company making cross platform apps, ever heard of Luxology Modo? They make 90% part of the app similar for both Mac & Windows, the rest 10% is what makes it native to a particular OS. This 10% part is OS specific compiled in XCode for Mac & Visual Studio for PC


 Macboy
The Mac sucks at Gaming! End of story!

^^ Holy again! I'm on the Mac side and I'm saying these things!
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You gave been GXified
goobimama said:
The Mac sucks at Gaming! End of story!

^^ Holy again! I'm on the Mac side and I'm saying these things!

Goobi, you are more like a Mac user then a Macboy. :D


Commander in Chief
gx_saurav said:
Arya, the spelling of Windows is W I N D O W S not W I N D W O E S
But that's right, its a bag of wind opening which gives the user lots of woes. Thought my something below would be good if placed here .. :D
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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
QwertyManiac said:
But that's right, its a bag of wind opening which gives the user lots of woes. Thought my something below would be good if placed here .. :D
long time no see :D

nyways i wasn't criticising Mac , i was only pointing what i felt was missing in Mac . XCode is actually, behind visual studio n programmers will agree on that. also like i said :
XCode has no code completion , gimme code completion n i'll forget all other problems .

No Harm Intended(for a certain gate crasher or should i say "thread crasher" ;)...)
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Aspiring Novelist
Since I have no idea about XCode and the last programming language I ever used was C++ (and have forgotten even that), I won't contradict you on this point.

But over time, I have come across some cross platform developers who have expressed their opinion and have been absolutely in favour of XCode. I recently read a blog entry about a Windows programmer who went to one of Apple's annual WWDC events and was completely shocked by how far ahead Apple's developer tools were compared to Microsoft's and he described the whole experience.
You are new to XCode. Maybe the features you think are lacking are hidden or something and you'll figure things out as you get a hang of the tool.

Again, this is not my area, so I have no intention to contradict you. :)
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